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Why is the follow button not showing?

Why is the follow button not showing?

The follow button not showing is a common issue that users face on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc. This button allows you to follow an account and see their posts in your feed. There can be several reasons why the follow button may not be visible for certain accounts. In this article, we will dive into the various factors that can cause the follow button to disappear and troubleshooting steps to get it back.

Reasons Why Follow Button May Not Appear

Here are some of the common reasons why you may not see the follow button on an account:

You are already following the account

The most obvious reason the follow button won’t show up is if you are already following that account. Platforms like Twitter and Instagram do not display the Follow button for accounts you are currently following.

The account has been suspended or deactivated

If the account you are trying to follow has been suspended by the platform for violating policies or the user has deactivated it, the follow button will not be visible. You cannot follow suspended or deactivated accounts.

Private account

The account may have a private status which means its posts are only visible to approved followers. Private accounts require the user to send a follow request which the account owner can approve or deny. The standard follow button will be unavailable.

Blocked account

If you have blocked the account in question, you will not see the option to follow them. The follow button disappears for blocked accounts.

Limit on number of followers

Some accounts have set a cap on the number of followers they can have. If they have reached the maximum limit, the follow button will be hidden or disabled to prevent additional follows.

Glitch or bug

In some cases, a technical glitch on the platform may cause the follow button to disappear temporarily. Bugs in new feature releases could also inadvertently remove interface elements like the follow button.

How to Get the Follow Button Back

If you are sure that you are not already following the account and none of the above reasons apply, here are some steps to troubleshoot and restore the missing follow button:

Refresh your page/app

The simplest quick fix is to refresh your page or app. This will reload all interface elements and may restore the missing button. The refresh clears out any cached data errors.

Log out and log back in

If a refresh doesn’t work, log out of your account completely and log back in after some time. This reloads your profile data and resets any glitches.

Check if you’re banned

Use another account to check if the follow button shows up for that account. If it doesn’t, you may be banned or blocked by the user and will not be able to follow them.

Update your app

An outdated app version could be the culprit. Update your social media app to the latest available version on the app store. The update may resolve any software bugs.

Try following from the website

Cross-check by trying to follow the same account from the platform’s desktop website version on your browser. If it works there, then the issue is isolated to the mobile app.

Contact platform support

If you still cannot see or access the follow button after trying all troubleshooting steps, get in touch with the platform’s customer support team. They can look into your specific issue and account status.

Reasons Why Unfollow Button May Not Appear

Similar to the follow button disappearing, the unfollow button can also go missing in certain cases. Here are some potential reasons:

You are not following the account

You cannot unfollow an account that you are not currently following. The unfollow button will be hidden if you don’t follow that profile.

The account is suspended or deactivated

As mentioned above, suspended or deactivated accounts remove the follow/unfollow button for all users. These accounts cannot be followed or unfollowed.

Restricted account

Accounts with restrictions may limit or remove the unfollow option for other users. This is mostly relevant for private or locked accounts.

You have been blocked

If the account has blocked you, the unfollow button will disappear along with options to view their profile or posts.

Platform glitch or bug

Temporary glitches may sometimes make the unfollow button disappear. App bugs could also cause such interface issues.

How to Get the Unfollow Button Back

To restore a missing unfollow button, you can try these troubleshooting tips:

Refresh your feed/profile

Refreshing your page is the first step to reload the unfollow button if it has glitched out.

Log out and log back in

Log out completely and log back in after some time to reset your account’s profile data and settings.

Check from a different account

Use a different account to cross-check if the unfollow button shows up for that user. If it doesn’t, there may be restrictions set by the account owner.

Update your mobile app

An outdated app can cause issues like this. Update to the latest version from your app store.

Try unfollowing from the web version

Test if you are able to unfollow the same account easily via the platform’s desktop website on a browser. If yes, then the problem is with the mobile app.

Contact platform support team

If all else fails, get in touch with the platform’s support team for personalized help with this issue on your account.

Reasons Why Follow Requests May Get Rejected

Many social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter etc. give users the option to set their accounts as private. Private accounts require sending follow requests which the account owner can approve or reject. Here are some reasons why your follow requests may get rejected:

Account owner wants to keep followers list limited

They may wish to only approve follow requests from people they know personally. Keeping their follower list limited allows them to maintain privacy.

You don’t share any common connections

Your profile appears suspicious or random to them if you don’t have any mutual friends or followers. The account owner is less likely to approve your request.

Your account lacks sufficient details

An incomplete bio or profile details makes your account look fake or bot-like. Private account owners avoid approving such follow requests.

You have sent too many follow requests

Mass sending multiple follow requests comes across as spammy behavior. The account owner will assume you are a bot and deny your request.

Your account lacks posts or engagement

Private account owners check your posting activity and engagement before approving follow requests. If your account has no content, you are less likely to get approved.

You don’t share similar interests or niche

If your account content, bio, or niche doesn’t align with the private account you are requesting to follow, they may not see a relevant reason to approve you.

Tips to Get Your Follow Requests Approved

Here are some tips to improve your chances of getting your follow requests accepted:

Send requests only to relevant accounts

Target accounts that align with your interests and niche rather than randomly sending requests to all private accounts.

Personalize your request message

Write a custom message explaining why you want to follow them instead of just sending the default generated request.

Have an complete, detailed profile

Fill out your bio with relevant details, profile pic, posts etc. so your account looks credible and established.

Be selective in sending requests

Limit yourself to sending out a few thoughtful requests per day instead of mass spamming hundreds of accounts.

Find mutual connections to mention

Namedrop mutual friends, communities, or influencers you have in common to establish familiarity and relevance.

Highlight shared interests and niche overlap

Customize your request to highlight interests, niches, communities you have in common with the private account owner.

Engage with their content before requesting

Like, comment on, or share some of their posts first before sending your request. This shows your genuine interest in their content.

Why You May Be Unable To Follow Back People Who Follow You

When someone follows your account on social media, you receive a notification and the option to follow them back. However, in some cases, the follow back button may not show up. Here are some potential reasons:

They have reached the follower limit

Accounts can set a limit on how many followers they can have. Once they reach the maximum, the follow back button disappears for other users.

Their account is deactivated or suspended

You cannot follow back suspended or deactivated accounts. The option will be unavailable.

You had previously blocked that account

If you had blocked their profile in the past, the follow back option will not be visible even if they follow you from a new account.

It’s a private account awaiting approval

For private accounts you had sent a pending follow request to, you need to wait for them to approve your request before the follow back option appears.

Restrictions set by the account owner

One-directional follow restrictions set by the account owner may prevent you from being able to follow back their account.

Platform glitch or bug

Bugs and technical issues could also cause the follow back button to not load in some cases.

Account is too new

Very recently created accounts may face restrictions by platforms from taking certain actions like following back too soon.

Fixes to Try For Unavailable Follow Back Option

If someone follows you but you can’t follow back, here are some troubleshooting tips:

Refresh profile/news feed page

A quick refresh clears out temporary glitches so the follow back button loads.

Log out and log back in after some time

This resets your account’s profile data and may resolve any caching or loading issues.

Update to the latest app version

An outdated app can cause problems with notifications and interface. Update to the newest version.

Check notification settings

Ensure your notification settings allow you to receive notifications for new followers. Check them in your account’s settings.

Wait for private account approval

If awaiting approval for a private account, be patient and wait for the account owner to accept your request.

Review account restrictions

Check if the account has set specific restrictions like one-directional following which prevents you from following back.

Contact platform support

If you are certain there are no restrictions and follow back still doesn’t work, contact the platform’s support team for help troubleshooting.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did the follow button disappear from an account I used to follow?

If a follow button disappears from an account you currently follow, the most likely reason is that the account was deactivated, suspended or deleted altogether. Platform glitches could also cause interface buttons to temporarily disappear.

Can accounts block me from following them?

Yes, account owners have the option to block your account which removes the ability to view their profile or follow them. Their posts and follow button will be invisible to blocked accounts.

What should I do if someone follows me but I can’t follow back?

First, refresh your profile page and double check notification settings. If follow back is still unavailable, the account may have set restrictions or reached their follower limit. You can try contacting them directly for help.

Why do my follow requests keep getting rejected?

Follow requests get rejected if your account seems fake, spammy or irrelevant to the private account owner. Make sure you have a complete bio, existing posts and only target accounts related to your niche. Personalize request messages to improve your chances.

How do I request to follow a private account?

Most platforms will have a follow button or “request to follow” option for private accounts. Click it and send your request. You may be able to include a message with the request explaining why you want to follow them.


The follow button not showing is a common annoyance on social media but can arise for a variety of reasons. The account may have privacy restrictions set or you may already be following them. Technical glitches could also cause interface buttons to disappear temporarily. Similarly, the unfollow button can go missing due to account bans, suspensions or platform bugs. To restore missing buttons, refreshing your page and logging out and back in usually resolves temporary issues. For ongoing problems, updating your app, checking your notification settings and contacting platform support can help troubleshoot. With private accounts, customized, relevant follow requests are more likely to get approved. Limiting request volume and having a complete profile also helps get your request accepted. Follow back problems can be due to similar account restrictions or bugs. Refreshing and resetting your profile typically brings back the missing follow back button in most cases.