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Why is someone I blocked on Facebook not on my blocked list?

Why is someone I blocked on Facebook not on my blocked list?

There are a few potential reasons why someone you blocked on Facebook may not show up in your blocked list:

You blocked them from a post or page comment

If you blocked someone from a specific post or page comment, this only blocks them from interacting with you on that post or comment thread. It does not block them from your profile or add them to your overall blocked list. To fully block someone on Facebook, you need to block them from your profile or timeline.

You used the temporary block feature

Facebook has a temporary block feature where you can block someone for a set period of time, such as 1 day, 1 week, or 1 month. If you used this temporary block, the person will become unblocked after the time period ends and will not appear on your blocked list anymore.

You blocked them a long time ago

Facebook’s blocked list does not show people you blocked a long time ago. It only shows your most recent blocks from the past several months. So if you blocked someone more than a few months ago, they will no longer show up in your blocked list even though the block is still active.

It’s a bug or glitch

In some cases, it may simply be a bug or glitch causing the discrepancy between someone you blocked and them not appearing on your blocked list. Some things that could lead to this include:

  • Blocking and unblocking the person multiple times
  • Blocking the person while logged into Facebook on different devices
  • The block action syncing incorrectly between Facebook’s servers

If you’re certain you blocked someone but they are not showing as blocked, it’s likely a technical issue on Facebook’s end.

They are using another account

If the person you blocked created a new Facebook account, they could interact with you from the new account unless you block the new account. Blocking is done on a per account basis, so blocking one account does not automatically block any other accounts the person is using.

You hid the person instead of blocking them

Facebook has two similar but distinct features – blocking and hiding. Blocking prevents the person from seeing your profile or interacting with you. Hiding simply makes the person’s posts and comments invisible to you but does not block interaction.

If you only hid the person rather than fully blocking them, they will still be able to contact you and will not appear on your blocked list.

They are still visible in groups or events

When you block someone on Facebook, it only blocks them from your personal profile – it does not automatically block them from any groups or events you are both members of. So it’s possible to block someone but still see their posts and comments if you are both part of the same group or event.

You have mutual friends

If you have mutual friends with the person you blocked, you may still see them in tagged photos, posts, or birthday reminders involving those mutual friends. Facebook’s block does not remove all traces of a person if you share friend connections.


In summary, there are a few key reasons why someone you blocked may not show up in your Facebook blocked list:

  • You did a limited or temporary block
  • You blocked them a long time ago
  • It’s a technical glitch
  • They created a new account
  • You only hid them, not fully blocked
  • They are still visible in groups/events
  • You have mutual friends

If you are certain you fully blocked someone from your profile but they are not listed, try blocking them again. This should sync the block across Facebook’s servers and add them to your blocked list. If the issue persists, report it to Facebook as a bug.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I block someone on Facebook?

To block someone on Facebook:

  1. Go to their profile page
  2. Click on the three dots icon next to the Message button
  3. Select Block from the dropdown menu
  4. Confirm you want to block the user

Where can I see my Facebook blocked list?

To see your blocked list on Facebook:

  1. Click on the down arrow at the top right of any Facebook page
  2. Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings
  3. Click on Blocking in the left sidebar
  4. View your full list of blocked accounts

What happens when I block someone on Facebook?

When you block someone on Facebook:

  • They can no longer see your profile, posts, or story
  • They are unable to start conversations with you or add you as a friend
  • Any existing conversations will be ended
  • You will no longer receive notifications about their activity

However, you may still see their content in mutual groups, events, or from mutual friends.

Can a blocked person tell I’ve blocked them?

No, when you block someone on Facebook they are not notified or given any indication that you have blocked them. They will simply be unable to interact with your profile in any way.

What happens if I unblock someone?

If you choose to unblock someone on Facebook:

  • They will be able to view your profile and send you messages again
  • Any previous messages or connections will not be restored
  • You can re-block them at any time if unwanted interactions resume

Can I hide someone instead of blocking them?

Yes, Facebook offers a “hide” feature that is less severe than blocking:

  • Hiding removes their posts from your News Feed
  • It does not prevent them from viewing your profile or messaging you
  • They will not know you hid them
  • You can reverse it at any time to see their posts again

Hiding is useful for acquaintances you don’t want to fully block but whose content you want to remove from your feed.

Troubleshooting Tips

If someone you blocked is not showing up in your Facebook blocked list, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Check if you blocked them from a post/comment rather than their full profile
  • See if you used a temporary block that has now expired
  • Block them again in case the original block did not sync properly
  • Make sure you fully blocked them rather than just “hiding” them
  • See if they created a new Facebook account you need to block

If these steps do not resolve it, report the issue to Facebook and they can investigate any technical issues.

Preventing Unwanted Interactions

Beyond blocking, there are some additional tips to prevent unwanted interactions on Facebook:

  • Adjust your privacy settings to limit who can see your posts and profile information
  • Be cautious accepting friend requests from people you do not know well
  • Unfriend or unfollow people who frequently make unwanted posts
  • Use Facebook’s moderation tools to ban or restrict people from pages or groups you manage
  • Report offensive or harassing content to Facebook for removal

Staying safe on social media requires using tools like blocking judiciously combined with careful privacy and security habits.

Ethical Considerations

While blocking can be an effective way to deal with bothersome Facebook interactions, it does raise some ethical concerns:

  • Overblocking can create polarized social bubbles and damage open communication
  • People may block others solely for disagreeing with their opinions vs true harassment
  • Blocking people without their knowledge could be considered deceptive
  • Mass blocking based on guilt by association can seem unfair

As with any social media practice, blocking should be used thoughtfully and not as an immediate reaction to minor annoyances. Consider less limiting options like hiding posts, unfollowing, or temporary blocking when possible.


Having someone you blocked still able to interact with you on Facebook can be frustrating and concerning. In most cases, it is due to technical glitches, expired blocks, alternative accounts, or misunderstanding Facebook’s tools.

The best approach is to re-block the person fully, check they are really blocked from your profile, and report persistent issues. With proper use of blocking and privacy settings, you can take control over your Facebook experience.