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Why is my uploaded video blurry on Facebook?

Why is my uploaded video blurry on Facebook?

Uploading videos to Facebook is a great way to share moments and memories with friends and family. However, you may sometimes find that your videos appear blurry or pixellated after uploading them. There are a few potential reasons why this might happen.

Video File Format and Compression

The video file format and compression settings can impact how clearly your video uploads to Facebook. Here are some tips:

  • Upload videos in MP4 or MOV format for best results. Avoid formats like AVI or WMV which are less compatible.
  • Use minimal video compression. High compression leads to pixelation and artifacts. Aim for videos under 1GB if possible.
  • Export videos at the highest resolution and frame rate your device allows for. 720p or 1080p at 30fps is recommended.

Facebook Video Settings

Facebook also applies some default compression and has video settings that could make your video blurry.

  • Upload the full high-resolution video file instead of using the in-app camera to capture video.
  • Make sure HD video upload is enabled in Facebook settings. This gives higher priority to HD videos.
  • Consider uploading the video natively instead of embedding external videos which get compressed.

Internet Connection Issues

Uploading high-resolution videos requires a stable, high-speed internet connection. Connection problems can impact video quality.

  • Use a wired connection instead of WiFi if possible for large video files.
  • Try compressing videos to under 200MB to make them easier to upload.
  • Upload videos during off-peak internet usage times when speeds are highest.

Device Capabilities

The capabilities of your recording device impact the maximum video quality. Make sure your device can capture high-quality HD video.

  • Use your smartphone’s back camera which typically has better video specs than the selfie camera.
  • Record 4K resolution video at 60fps if your device supports it.
  • Clean the camera lens which could be blurring footage.
  • Ensure proper lighting conditions to capture crisp, detailed footage.

Facebook Playback Issues

Sometimes video quality issues arise not from the upload but from Facebook’s video player. Try these troubleshooting tips:

  • Refresh the page and try reloading the video player.
  • Update your browser or Facebook app to the latest version.
  • Clear your browser cache and cookies which could fix playback issues.
  • Try viewing the video on a different device or internet connection.

What settings does Facebook use for uploaded videos?

Here are some of the key video settings that Facebook applies:

Setting Facebook Spec
Maximum resolution 1280 x 720 pixels (HD)
Aspect ratio 16:9 widescreen
Frame rate 30 fps
Maximum bitrate 4 Mbps
Maximum duration 240 minutes
File format MP4 or MOV

How can I improve video quality for Facebook?

Here are some top tips for getting better video quality on Facebook uploads:

  1. Record highest resolution possible (at least 720p HD).
  2. Use MP4 or MOV formats instead of AVI or WMV.
  3. Minimize compression to retain quality and detail.
  4. Upload over a strong Wifi or wired internet connection.
  5. Use the native Facebook upload instead of embedding videos.
  6. Ensure proper lighting, framing, camera lens for crisp footage.
  7. Adjust Facebook settings to prioritize HD quality.
  8. View uploaded videos on mobile to take advantage of small screens.

What causes pixelated or blurry videos on Facebook?

The most common causes of pixelated or blurry videos on Facebook include:

  • High video compression ratios resulting in artifacting.
  • Uploading low resolution video files.
  • Poor quality footage from the camera source.
  • Using incompatible formats like AVI instead of MP4.
  • Facebook’s video transcoding algorithms lowering quality.
  • Slow internet connections interrupting video uploads.
  • Outdated browsers or Facebook app not rendering videos properly.

Should I upload videos to Facebook in 1080p or 720p?

The recommended resolution for Facebook video uploads is 720p HD. Here’s some guidance:

  • 720p (1280 x 720 pixels) is the optimal resolution for Facebook in terms of quality and file size.
  • 1080p (1920 x 1080) videos will be compressed by Facebook to 720p anyway.
  • Higher resolution 1080p videos take longer to upload and have no quality benefit.
  • 480p (854 x 480) is the minimum resolution Facebook supports.
  • Lower than 480p results in even more compression and blurring by Facebook.

So in summary, 720p HD hits the sweet spot for Facebook video uploads when balancing quality and practical file size limits.

Should I export videos from my editing software for Facebook?

Yes, it’s recommended to export and optimize videos from editing software before uploading rather than using the raw captured files. Here are some benefits of exporting first:

  • Can transcode to formats like MP4 that Facebook prefers.
  • Lets you lower resolution from 4K to optimal 720p HD.
  • Can tweak compression settings to balance size and quality.
  • Allows cropping, color correction, other enhancements.
  • Can add intros, titles, credits, etc.
  • More control over resolution, frame rate, aspect ratio.

Overall exporting from an editing program allows you to customize the video specifically for uploading to Facebook before posting.


Uploading blurry or pixelated videos to Facebook can definitely be frustrating. However, there are various steps you can take to troubleshoot and optimize your video files for the clearest playback quality on Facebook.

By using optimal export settings, resolution, aspect ratio, frame rate, and video formats, you can give your videos the best chance of retaining quality through Facebook’s compression algorithms. Improving your internet connection, Facebook settings, playback browser/app, and source camera equipment will also enable you to upload and view crisper videos.

Testing your videos across devices and connections is important to check quality. And uploading natively instead of embedding external videos avoids extra compression. With some diligent exporting, uploading, and troubleshooting steps, you can figure out how to keep your Facebook videos looking their best.