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Why is my request to join a Facebook group still pending?

Why is my request to join a Facebook group still pending?

Having your request to join a Facebook group remain in pending status for an extended period of time can be frustrating. Here are some potential reasons why your request may still be pending and what you can do about it.

The group has restrictions on who can join

Many Facebook groups have specific criteria that must be met in order to join. Here are some common requirements groups may have:

  • Requiring administrator approval for all new members
  • Needing current members to vouch for new members
  • Requiring members to answer joining questions
  • Limiting membership to certain demographics or locations

If the group has any restrictions like these in place, it will take longer for your request to be approved since the admins need to review your profile and request. Make sure you meet all the group requirements that are listed and be patient as the admins take time to properly vet all requests.

The admins are not very active

In more inactive groups, it may take a long time for admins to notice and act on new join requests. If the group does not have many active admins checking and approving requests frequently, your request could be overlooked for weeks or months.

You can try commenting on posts in the group to politely call attention to your pending request. But otherwise you may just need to wait until an admin logs in and sees the notifications about your request.

You may have been banned

If you have left or been removed from the group previously, you may be prohibited from joining again. Groups often ban members who violated rules or behaved poorly to prevent them from rejoining.

If you were part of the group before and think you may have been banned, reach out to the admins explaining the situation and asking if you can be allowed to join again. Be polite and understanding if they deny your request due to a previous ban.

The group reached its member limit

Facebook caps group membership at a certain point depending on the group settings. If the group you are trying to join is already at capacity, your request will stay pending until someone leaves the group to open up a spot.

The group may have a long line of request waiting to fill a limited number of openings. Be patient and you will be granted access when space becomes available. The size of the group and activity level will determine how long the wait is.

You have limited Facebook activity

To prevent spammers and bad actors, some groups only accept join requests from accounts that show substantive Facebook activity and engagement. If your profile looks bare or inactive, admins may hold your requests as suspicious.

You can improve your chances of approval by adding friends, posting status updates, sharing photos, reacting to posts from others, and engaging across Facebook for a few weeks. This will show you are a real user and not just a fake account trying to join groups.

The admins require personal communication

Some groups expect new members to introduce themselves and explain why they want to join via private message before approving the request. This allows admins to screen members and ensure only those truly interested can join.

If you have not reached out to the admins already, try sending them a message highlighting why you would like to join the group. Getting in personal contact shows your enthusiasm and may prompt quicker approval.

Your request got accidentally overlooked

With busy admins juggling many group management duties, some join requests inevitably slip through the cracks. Your request may have gotten buried under notifications and simply forgotten about.

If your request has been pending for a long time with no response, post a comment on the group wall politely checking on the status. Many times a friendly reminder is all that is needed for an admin to notice your request and approve it.

You need to confirm your email or Facebook account

In some cases, Facebook requires confirming your email or identity before joining some groups. If your account is not validated, your request may remain perpetually pending until you complete the necessary confirmation steps.

Check to see if Facebook is prompting you confirm your email or identity. Doing so will verify your account so you can properly join groups.

What should you do if your Facebook group join request remains pending?

Here are some productive steps to take while waiting for your Facebook group join request to be approved:

  • Double check you meet all group joining requirements
  • Engage on Facebook consistently to avoid looking like an inactive account
  • Reach out to admins politely asking about the status of your request
  • Be patient as admins have many requests to handle
  • Wait at least 2 weeks before messaging admins again if unanswered
  • Search for similar groups to join in the meantime

Actively engaging with the group and its members will show your interest while you wait. Avoid harassing busy admins as that may get your request denied. With time your request will likely be approved as long as you meet group standards.

What are some common Facebook group joining rules and restrictions?

Facebook group admins can choose from various membership screening settings and join request restrictions. Here are some typical requirements groups implement:

  • Requiring admin approval for all requests
  • Setting a series of joining questions for potential members to answer
  • Banning members who have left or been removed previously
  • Limiting membership based on location, age, interests, or other attributes
  • Requiring a minimum number of friends or Facebook activity for requests
  • Capping maximum membership at a set number of members

Knowing the common joining rules groups use can help your requests get approved faster. Make sure to fully comply with any restrictions clearly outlined by the group admins.

What are some reasons a Facebook group may deny your join request?

Assuming you fully comply with a group’s published restrictions, here are some potential reasons you may still have your join request denied:

  • The group has reached its membership limit cap
  • You have been banned from the group previously
  • You don’t meet the group’s demographic or interest requirements
  • You are suspected of being a spammer or bad actor
  • You have a history of problematic behavior in similar groups
  • The group receives more requests than available slots
  • Your Facebook activity and engagement is too limited

Being denied can be disappointing, but is sometimes unavoidable based on the group’s needs. Continuing to politely engage with admins may lead to approval down the road.

How long should you wait for a Facebook group join request to be approved before taking further action?

As a general rule, it is reasonable to wait 2-4 weeks after submitting your initial join request before following up. Give administrators adequate time to review and process requests before contacting them. After 2 weeks have passed with no approval, politely checking on the status or re-submitting the request is appropriate.

However, if the group has posted an estimated wait time for approvals longer than 2 weeks, be sure to respect that timeframe before contacting admins. How long to wait depends on the group size and activity level. Larger groups may take over a month to approve requests when flooded.

Use common sense, but don’t wait forever. Following up shows enthusiasm rather than impatience. Just remember admins often have many requests, so patience is key.

Best practices for increasing chances of Facebook group approval

Here are some tips to boost your odds of having your Facebook group join request accepted promptly:

  • Read all group rules and requirements before applying
  • Fully complete any joining questionnaire or steps
  • Personalize request messages to admins when applicable
  • Engage actively on Facebook before requesting to join
  • Ensure your profile represents your genuine identity and interests
  • Be polite and understanding if asked for more information by admins
  • Don’t flood admins with multiple requests or messages

Making a good first impression goes a long way. Showing your social activity and complying with group guidelines demonstrates commitment to the community. Best practices vary between groups, so adapt your approach as needed.

What are some alternatives if your Facebook group join request is continually denied?

If you are consistently rejected from joining a particular Facebook group, consider the following constructive alternatives:

  • Join similar groups in the same niche or on the same topics
  • Form your own group for the like-minded community you seek
  • Engage with the target group by commenting on public posts to make connections
  • Build up your Facebook presence by being more active
  • Request feedback from the group admins on why you are denied
  • Wait a substantial time before politely requesting again

Rather than harassing admins of one group, focus your energy on building connections and reputation in the niche. With persistence and participation, you may eventually gain approval or discover even better groups for you.

What steps can Facebook group admins take to efficiently manage a high volume of join requests?

For groups attracting lots of join requests, administrators can employ tactics like:

  • Setting up automatic question filters to screen requests
  • Having a team of admins divide and conquer approving requests
  • Using Facebook’s Group Insights to batch review pending requests
  • Checking profiles for substantive activity before approving to avoid bots
  • Pinning a post with joining criteria to avoid unqualified requests
  • Temporarily pausing join requests when capacity is reached
  • Creating a sister group once main group hits member limit

Leveraging Facebook’s available group admin tools and collaborating with other mods makes handling many requests more feasible. Setting clear expectations also minimizes unqualified applicants.

What are some reasons someone may want to join a lot of Facebook groups?

Valid reasons someone may seek membership in multiple Facebook groups include:

  • Gaining knowledge on topics of interest
  • Connecting with like-minded individuals
  • Finding support and community
  • Researching groups related to one’s industry or profession
  • Entertainment and killing time by browsing content
  • Promoting a business, brand or organization
  • Outreach for nonprofit fundraising and awareness

Joining groups allows people to enrich their lives, find information, share interests, promote professional endeavors, support causes, and interact with specialized communities around their passions. The sense of belonging, learning, and interaction makes group membership appealing.

Is it risky to join many Facebook groups as the same user?

While joining many groups as an individual user generally poses few risks in most cases, it can potentially raise some concerns in certain situations:

  • Exposure of private interests across many forums
  • Overwhelming amount of notifications and information to manage
  • Looking suspicious if groups have joining minimums
  • Possible ban evasion accusations if previously removed from groups
  • Hacking risk if joining groups spreading malware
  • Time and productivity drain of group content consumption

Being judicious, using privacy settings, and not overextending yourself across too many groups can mitigate most concerns. Join only well-moderated groups relevant to your interests while being mindful of your time and security.

What are some best practices when joining multiple Facebook groups?

When joining numerous Facebook groups, it is wise to:

  • Customize notifications for each group to control informational flow
  • Use lists to organize groups by topic or purpose
  • Check past reviews and moderation standards before joining unknown groups
  • Avoid groups soliciting sensitive personal information
  • Report any suspicious, abusive, or spammy behavior observed
  • Be thoughtful about information shared when in diverse groups
  • Use a privacy checker tool to audit group access to profile data

Being selective, intentional, and utilizing built-in Facebook tools enables better management and safety across groups. Maximize positive community experiences by protecting your time, information, and cybersecurity.


Having a Facebook group join request go unanswered for weeks or months can be highly frustrating. However, by understanding common reasons for pending approvals and exercising patience, your request will likely get approved eventually in most cases. Communicate politely with group admins to learn more about status and address any issues. With persistence and proper Facebook activity, you can gain entrance to most public groups. If continually denied access, consider starting your own group or finding alternatives. Approaching group joining thoughtfully and strategically creates the best user experience.