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Why is my request not going on Facebook?

Why is my request not going on Facebook?

There are a few potential reasons why your request may not be going through on Facebook:

Your request is against Facebook’s Community Standards

Facebook has guidelines called Community Standards that outline what types of content and behavior are allowed on their platform. If your request violates any of these standards, Facebook may reject it. Some things that go against Community Standards include:

  • Nudity or sexual content
  • Hate speech, bullying, or harassment
  • Spam or misleading information
  • Promotion of regulated goods like firearms or drugs

So if your request contains any prohibited content, that could be why Facebook is not allowing it. Make sure to review the Community Standards to understand what is and isn’t permitted.

Your account or request is restricted

If your account has been restricted by Facebook for any reason, you may find your ability to post requests is limited. Facebook may restrict accounts that have a history of violations, spam, fake accounts, or other policy breaking activity. Some restrictions that could prevent posting include:

  • Page restrictions – limits to page functionality
  • Posting restrictions – limits on ability to post or comment
  • Reach restrictions – limits on how many people see your content
  • Blocking – being blocked from posting to a Page or Group

So if your account is facing restrictions, this could explain why your requests are not going through. You may need to appeal the restriction or wait for it to expire.

There is an issue with your internet connection

Technical issues like poor internet connectivity can also potentially disrupt the posting process on Facebook. If there are problems with your wifi or mobile data, it can prevent your request from going through properly on the Facebook app or website. Some connectivity issues that could interfere include:

  • Slow/unreliable wifi or mobile data
  • Outages or service disruptions
  • Connectivity loss during the posting process
  • Weak cellular signals

Check that you have a stable, high-speed internet connection when trying to post. Change locations or networks if needed. This will rule out any technical barriers.

You are banned or shadowbanned from the group or page

If you have been banned or “shadowbanned” from a specific Facebook group or page, you may find your requests do not show up. Admins and moderators have the ability to ban users, which prevents you from interacting with that community. Bans can be temporary or permanent.

Shadowbanning is when your content is hidden from a page without you being notified. It is used to prevent spammers or abusive users without them realizing they have been restricted. Check if you can interact normally on other Facebook groups/pages. If your requests only fail on one community, you may be shadowbanned there.

There is a bug or technical issue with Facebook

In some cases, technical problems at Facebook’s end could be preventing your request from posting properly. Facebook is a massive platform with millions of users, so bugs and glitches do occur at times. Some examples of Facebook-side issues include:

  • App crashes or freezes
  • Site outages
  • Delayed notifications
  • Loading errors
  • Incorrect error messages

Check the Facebook Developers site or @facebook on Twitter to see if any current bugs or outages match your experience. Trying again later may help resolve a temporary technical disruption.

Your request is considered spam or low-quality

Facebook’s algorithms filter for spam and low-quality content to maintain trust in the platform. If your request looks suspicious or repetitive, it may be mistaken for spam and not approved. Things that can trigger the spam filters include:

  • Identical content posted repeatedly
  • Large amounts of unrelated hashtags
  • Overly promotional language
  • Links to questionable websites
  • Keywords commonly associated with spam

Review your request and make sure it provides unique value for the community you are posting in. Avoid using tactics that look like spam or bots.

You have reached a posting limit

Facebook limits how frequently users can post and engage to prevent spamming. If you are posting a lot in a short timeframe, you may hit a posting limit. This restricts your ability to share additional requests until a cooldown period passes. Some types of posting limits include:

  • Group posting limits – restrictions per Facebook group, such as 2 posts per hour
  • Individual user limits – like being able to comment only 5 times per minute
  • Page request limits – caps on how many visitor posts can be on a Page at once

Slow down your posting rate and make sure you are well under any posting caps the platform or community enforces.

Your content settings need adjusting

Depending on your content visibility settings, your requests may be automatically limited in reach. Facebook lets you control exactly who sees your posts – whether that is friends only, friends of friends, or public. If your visibility is dialed up too high or too low, it can inadvertently restrict how many people engage with your requests.

Go to your account Privacy Settings and review options like:

  • Default privacy
  • Post audience selector settings
  • Review recent posts
  • Content allowed on your timeline

Make sure your intended audience lines up with your content visibility. Open it up or rein it in as needed.

You have been temporarily action blocked

If you take numerous actions in a short period – such as liking posts, commenting, sharing, etc – Facebook may temporarily block you from additional actions. This is known as being “action blocked.” It is meant to prevent unchecked automation and bot behavior. Once triggered, you have to wait a period before your full functionality is restored.

Action blocks can last anywhere from an hour up to a full day. Be patient and do not try to circumvent the block. Take it as a sign to use Facebook less aggressively going forward.

Your account lacks identity confirmation

For greater security, Facebook sometimes requires users to complete identity confirmation before accessing certain features. This involves submitting proof of your name and/or location. If your account lacks proper ID confirmation, it can limit your ability to post requests or engage with some communities.

Go to your account settings and check if you have any pending identity confirmation requests. Submit the requested documentation or follow the verification steps Facebook has outlined.

You have unpaid advertising fees

If you advertise or boost posts on Facebook, any unpaid fees can put your account in poor standing. Failure to resolve unpaid ad bills can get your access restricted. All unpaid balances must be taken care of before your account privileges will be fully reinstated.

Check your emails and notifications for any pending payment issues Facebook has flagged for your ad activity. Pay off account balances or dispute them if invalid.

Your account security settings need updating

Out-of-date account security settings can sometimes disrupt Facebook functionality. Make sure to keep your login protections current. Some security steps to check include:

  • Updating your password periodically
  • Enabling two-factor authentication
  • Removing unused trusted devices or sessions
  • Granting posting permissions only to recognized devices/browsers

Strengthening security gives Facebook confidence your account is not at risk. It minimizes disruptions to your posting abilities going forward.

You have been restricted for violations of Facebook Payments policies

If you have broken any rules around Facebook Payments – such as excessive disputes or refunds – it can get your account restricted. Violating Facebook’s payment policies can place limits on your ability to engage or advertise until resolved.

Appeal payment policy violations if you believe they were made in error. Or wait out the period Facebook prescribed before your account standing resets.

Facebook is experiencing high site traffic

During periods of exceptionally high traffic and demand on Facebook, users may encounter posting failures or delays. This most commonly occurs due to viral events, global disasters, or celebrity news. Too many people accessing Facebook simultaneously can overload its servers.

Be patient and try again later once demand decreases. Overloading Facebook with additional requests will only exacerbate the traffic jam.


Trouble posting requests on Facebook can be frustrating, but there are usually identifiable reasons why it occurs. Review the common causes outlined here and determine if any may explain your situation. Taking appropriate corrective actions based on the cause should help get your requests through. Be sure to follow Facebook’s policies, post quality content, and maintain your account in good standing.

Common Reasons for Facebook Post Fails Potential Solutions
Violating Community Standards Review standards and modify non-compliant content
Account or Posting Restrictions Appeal restrictions or wait for them to expire
Connectivity Issues Check wifi and cellular data connections
Banned or Shadowbanned Contact admins if mistakenly banned
Facebook Technical Issues Check developer sites for current known issues
Spam or Low Quality Flags Improve post quality and avoid spam tactics
Hit Posting Frequency Limits Post less frequently and stay under limits
Incorrect Content Visibility Settings Adjust settings to match target audience
Action Blocked Wait for block period to expire
No Account Identity Confirmation Submit requested identity verification
Unpaid Advertising Balances Pay off outstanding ad fees
Outdated Account Security Settings Strengthen security protections
Payment Policies Violations Appeal or wait out violations
High Facebook Traffic Volumes Wait and try again during lower demand

By understanding the wide range of potential issues, you can troubleshoot more effectively if your requests fail to post. With some diligence and patience, you can get to the bottom of most Facebook posting problems.