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Why is my payout on hold on Facebook?

Why is my payout on hold on Facebook?

There are a few common reasons why your Facebook payout may be on hold:

Your account is under review

Facebook routinely reviews accounts, pages and ad accounts to ensure compliance with their policies. If your account is under review, payouts will be paused until the review is completed. This is done to protect against policy violations and fraudulent activity. The review may take a few days to a few weeks to complete. You will receive an email notification if your account is under review.

Pending ad account authorization

If you recently set up a new ad account, Facebook will place a hold on your payouts until the ad account is authorized. This usually takes 1-2 days after requesting authorization. Check your ads manager to see if any ad accounts are still pending authorization.

Unsettled balance

Facebook will hold your payout if you have an unsettled balance on your account. This could occur due to chargebacks or refunds for ad spend that bring your balance below the payout threshold. You need to add funds to settle the negative balance before payouts will be resumed.

Untaxed payments

For creators and publishers in certain countries, Facebook is required to withhold taxes on earnings. If you have not submitted your tax information, payouts may be on hold until taxes are collected.

Suspicious activity

If Facebook detects suspicious account activity that appears fraudulent or violates their terms, they may pause payouts and review your account. Examples include unusually high ad clicks, artificially inflated video views, etc. You will need to address any policy violations before payouts can resume.

How can I get my payout released from on hold?

Here are some steps you can take to get your Facebook payout released from on hold status:

  • Check your email notifications for any messages from Facebook about account reviews, authorization requests or tax information.
  • Log into Ads Manager and check for any pending ad account authorizations. Request authorization if needed.
  • Verify your account balance and settle any outstanding charges or refunds.
  • If your account is under review, respond to any requests for information and communicate with Facebook through the channels they provide.
  • Remove any content that violates Facebook’s terms and community standards.
  • If asked, provide valid tax information based on the country where you receive payments.

In most cases, taking these actions will help resolve common holds on payouts. For some issues, you may need to wait for Facebook’s internal review process to complete before payouts resume. Be patient and communicate with Facebook through their official channels.

How long can Facebook hold my payout?

There is no set timeframe for how long Facebook can place a hold on your payout. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Account review: Typically takes a few days to a few weeks.
  • Ad account authorization: Usually 1-2 days.
  • Unsettled balance: However long it takes you to settle the outstanding charges.
  • Tax info request: Payouts held until you provide the requested tax info.
  • Suspicious activity: Can vary greatly depending on severity and investigation time.

For shorter holds like ad authorization or tax collection, you can expect the payout to release within a week or less after resolving the issue. For more complex account reviews or investigations, it may take weeks or longer in some cases.

Unfortunately there is no definite timeline provided by Facebook. The best approach is to address any outstanding issues as quickly as possible, and keep communicating with Facebook regarding your payout status.

Should I be worried about a payment hold?

A temporary hold on your payout is not necessarily a cause for alarm. Here are a few perspectives to consider:

  • Holds are quite common and happen even for accounts in good standing.
  • It does not mean your account is suspended or at risk of closure.
  • The vast majority of holds are resolved within a few weeks at most.
  • Be patient and take proactive steps to address any issues raised.
  • Communicate with Facebook through official channels only.

That said, a persistent long-term hold could indicate issues that need to be resolved. Some signs that may require further investigation:

  • No notifications from Facebook explaining the reason for the hold.
  • The hold lasts longer than a few weeks with no updates.
  • Facebook is unresponsive to your inquiries about the payout status.
  • You continue to have policy violations or suspicious account activity.

Under those circumstances, you may need to be more proactive about identifying and resolving any problems with your account. However, most common holds are temporary and will be released once any pending issues are addressed.

How to avoid payment holds in the future

You can reduce the chances of having your Facebook payout placed on hold by taking these preventative measures:

  • Carefully follow all Facebook policies, terms and community standards.
  • Avoid any practices that artificially inflate ad performance or other metrics.
  • Maintain accurate contact and tax information on file.
  • Settle any outstanding balances or refunds promptly.
  • Request ad account authorizations as soon as possible.
  • Respond quickly to any inquiries or requests from Facebook.
  • Monitor your notifications and emails from Facebook regularly.

While you can’t entirely prevent your account from ever being reviewed or checked by Facebook, following best practices can reduce flags that lead to payment holds. Be proactive about compliance and respond quickly if any issues do come up.

Common reasons for Facebook payment holds

Reason Description Timeframe Resolution
Account review Routine verification of account and activity Days to weeks Wait for review to complete
Ad account authorization Pending approval for new ad accounts 1-2 days Request authorization
Unsettled balance Outstanding charges or refunds Until balance paid Settle outstanding balance
Tax info request Need tax forms for earnings Until info submitted Provide requested tax info
Suspicious activity Policy violations or inflated metrics Highly variable Resolve issue and appeal

Troubleshooting tips for Facebook payout holds

Here is a summary of troubleshooting tips if your Facebook payout is on hold:

  • Check account notifications and emails for reason details.
  • Respond to any questions or requests from Facebook.
  • Authorize any pending ad accounts in Ads Manager.
  • Verify account balance and settle outstanding payments.
  • Remove any policy violating content.
  • Provide tax forms if requested.
  • Communicate only through Facebook’s official channels.
  • Wait patiently for routine reviews to complete.
  • If issues persist, escalate politely to Facebook support.

Following these steps can help resolve many common reasons for Facebook payment holds. However, you may need to wait for Facebook’s internal review process to fully complete, especially for more complex account evaluations.

Appealing a payment hold

If you feel Facebook has placed an incorrect or unjustified hold on your payout, you can request an appeal or review. Here are some tips:

  • File an appeal through Facebook’s help channels – this may be an online form, email, etc.
  • Clearly explain why you believe the hold is invalid or should be lifted.
  • Provide any evidence that supports your case like account records, email history, etc.
  • Remain professional and polite in your communication.
  • Allow time for Facebook to investigate – the review may take weeks.
  • If denied, request escalation or ask for specific violation details.
  • Make sure all policies are followed before appealing again.

Appeals do not always lead to holds being released, but it ensures Facebook takes a closer look at your situation. Have patience and only use official Facebook channels so your feedback is properly logged.

Long-term account impact

Will a payment hold negatively impact your Facebook account long-term? In most cases, the answer is no. Some things to keep in mind:

  • Holds themselves don’t lead to account suspension or closure.
  • They are mainly meant to pause payouts temporarily.
  • As long as issues are resolved, your account can return to good standing.
  • However, ignoring serious or repeated violations may put your account at risk.
  • Work to resolve any violations causing prolonged holds.
  • Maintain open communication with Facebook.

So while a single temporary hold is not necessarily concerning, unresolved compliance issues that lead to recurring long-term holds could potentially impact account access if left unaddressed. The best approach is to work diligently to fix problems highlighted by Facebook.


Having your Facebook payout placed on hold can be concerning, but is often just a temporary precaution as the company reviews account activity and compliance. The majority of common holds like account reviews, ad authorization and tax collection are resolved within days or weeks.

Be patient and address any issues raised by Facebook through their official channels. Avoid shortcuts that violate policies as these could prolong the hold and cause additional violations. Maintain open communication and escalate politely if you feel the hold is invalid or excessive.

As long as you work cooperatively to fix any compliance problems, there should be no major long-term impacts once the hold is released. Follow best practices going forward to minimize the chances of experiencing future payment holds.