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Why is my payout on Facebook on hold?

Why is my payout on Facebook on hold?

If you are seeing that your Facebook payout is on hold, there are a few potential reasons why this may be happening.

Your account is under review

The most common reason that Facebook payouts get put on hold is because your account is under review. Facebook routinely reviews accounts, pages, ads, and payouts for any policy violations or suspicious activity. If anything about your account seems questionable to them, they will put your payout on hold pending a manual review.

Some of the things that may trigger an account review include:

  • Sudden spikes in reach, engagement, or followers
  • Drastic changes in content type or quality
  • Suspicious comments like spam or bot-like comments
  • Community standards violations
  • Unusual payment account changes

If this is the reason your payout is on hold, there is unfortunately not much you can do except wait for Facebook to complete their review. This can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Do not request they expedite the review process, as this will likely not help. The best thing you can do is ensure you are complying with all Facebook’s policies and providing high-quality, engaging content.

Issues with your payment account

Facebook also puts payouts on hold if there are any issues detected with your payment account. Some examples include:

  • Using an unrecognized or invalid payment method
  • Attempting to change payment info right before a payout
  • Suspicious activity reported on your payment account

To resolve payment account issues:

  • Make sure your payment information is valid and up to date in your Facebook monetization settings.
  • Avoid changing your payment method right before a payout date.
  • Contact your payment provider if Facebook flags suspicious activity on the account.

If there are no actual issues with your account, you will need to wait for Facebook’s payment operations team to clear the error on their end.

You do not meet the payment threshold

Facebook has a minimum payout threshold you must reach before they will issue a payment. The current threshold is $100 for Facebook pages.

If you have not made at least $100 from Facebook, your earnings will show as “On Hold” until you meet the threshold. Once you reach $100, your pending balance will be scheduled for payout on the next cycle date.

Some things you can do to help increase your earnings include:

  • Creating engaging, high-quality content
  • Using best practices with Facebook ads
  • Leveraging promotions and paid partnership opportunities
  • Increasing followers and engagement

With consistent effort, you should be able to reach the $100 threshold and receive your first payout.

You need to enable payments

In some cases, your payout may be on hold simply because you have not yet enabled payments in your Facebook monetization settings. This is easy to fix:

  1. Go to the Facebook “Monetization” section under Settings
  2. Click “Edit” on the Payout Setup card
  3. Choose a payment method and enter your account details
  4. Agree to Facebook’s payments terms
  5. Click “Enable Payments”

Once payments are enabled, any pending balance you have should be scheduled for payout on the next cycle date (assuming you meet the thresholds).

You recently requested a payout

Facebook pays out earnings on a set monthly schedule. If you manually request a payout outside of the normal schedule, it will put your next scheduled payout temporarily on hold.

This is to prevent multiple payouts in a short timeframe. The hold is temporary and your next scheduled monthly payout will process as normal.

How to get your payout off hold

If your Facebook payout is on hold because of an account review or payment issue, here are some steps you can take:

  • Carefully review Facebook’s policies and ensure your content is fully compliant.
  • Remove any content that is questionable or pushing the boundaries.
  • Double check payment information is valid.
  • Contact Facebook support for assistance.
  • Wait patiently for holds to clear after issues are resolved.

Aside from policy violations, many holds are temporary and will clear on their own in time. The best thing you can do is continue creating great content for your audience.

How long can a payout be on hold?

There is no exact timeframe for how long a Facebook payout can remain on hold. Here are some estimates:

  • Account review: Can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.
  • Payment issue: Usually resolved within a week.
  • Threshold not met: However long it takes you to earn over $100.

Keep in mind these are just estimates and holds can be released both sooner or later than expected. If a hold stretches longer than a month, you may want to follow up with Facebook support.

Should I be worried about a payout hold?

In most cases, you do not need to worry about a temporary payout hold on Facebook. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Holds are very common and happen to most accounts at some point.
  • Often holds are just routine account checks by Facebook.
  • Actual policy violations are less common than perceived violations.
  • As long as you stay compliant, holds are unlikely to result in any penalties.
  • Continue creating great content during the hold period.

Try to be patient and do not panic if you see a hold. For minor issues, it will usually be cleared up quickly once reviewed by Facebook’s team.

Can I lose my earnings if my payout is on hold?

In most cases, you will not lose rightfully earned revenue just because your payout is temporarily on hold. Here are some scenarios:

  • Routine review: Your earnings will be waiting for you when the hold clears.
  • Threshold not met: Once you surpass $100, your full balance will payout.
  • Payment info error: Funds are still yours once the issue is fixed.

The only instance where you may forfeit earnings is if your content or account is found to violate Facebook’s rules. Even in most cases of minor violations, Facebook will just issue a warning and your earnings will be waiting once the issue is resolved.

Should I contact Facebook support about a hold?

In most situations, it is not necessary to contact Facebook support about a standard payment hold. Some tips on when to reach out:

  • If the hold lasts longer than one full payout cycle, you can ask them to look into it.
  • If you receive warnings of serious violations, you should appeal.
  • If you think there is an error with your payment info, you can request they review.
  • Otherwise, be patient and wait for holds to clear on their own.

Facebook support cannot expedite reviews or manually release holds. Save their time for addressing actual errors or issues requiring intervention.

Can I avoid payout holds in the future?

You may not be able to prevent holds altogether, but here are some tips to reduce holds:

  • Maintain strict compliance with all Facebook policies.
  • Avoid sudden changes in content style or quality.
  • Watch for suspicious spikes in growth or engagement.
  • Keep payment info current and do not change right before payout.
  • Avoid manually requesting off-cycle payments.

Sticking to best practices on Facebook will minimize risk of holds and ensure you continue earning money from your content and audience.


Having your Facebook payout placed on hold can be concerning, but in most cases it is nothing to worry about. Routine holds are common and tend to be temporary. The best thing you can do is continue publishing great, engaging content and wait patiently for holds to clear on their own. With some care and compliance, you can minimize payment disruptions and keep earning from Facebook.