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Why is my payment pending?

Why is my payment pending?

Having a pending payment can be frustrating, but there are usually straightforward reasons why this happens. In this article, we’ll look at the most common reasons for pending payments and what you can do about it.

Top Reasons for Pending Payments

Here are the most common reasons your payment may show as pending:

Processing Time

Many payments go through a clearing process, which takes a certain amount of time. This processing time can range from a few hours to several days depending on your bank and payment processor. It’s normal for a payment to initially show as pending during this period.

For example, if you make an online purchase, the merchant may immediately deduct the payment from your account. But it could take 2-3 days before the transaction officially clears with your bank.

Holds for Suspected Fraud

Your bank may place a hold on payments they suspect could be fraudulent. This gives them time to verify the payment before releasing the funds. Holds may be placed for things like large purchase amounts, uncommon retailers, or international payments.

Verifying Account Balances

Some pending payments are verification holds placed by merchants. This allows them to check your account balance and ensure the money is there before finalizing the transaction.

For instance, a hotel might place a pending charge on your account to guarantee the booking. At check-out, they replace it with the actual charge amount.

Pre-Authorization Holds

Gas stations frequently do a pre-authorization on your card before you pump gas. This verifies your account is valid and holds that dollar amount. Once pumping is complete, the actual amount is charged.

Delays Due to Bank Holidays

Bank holidays or weekends can cause delays in payments processing and lead to pending statuses. Payment networks operate on business days, so funds may sit pending until banks reopen.

How Long Can a Payment Stay Pending?

There’s no standard pending time that applies to all payments. How long it takes depends on:

  • Your bank and their processes
  • The merchant, payment processor, and amount
  • Whether there are any processing delays or reviews

Here are some general timelines:

Payment Type Typical Pending Time
Online purchases 2-10 days
Checks 1-5 days
Automatic bill payments Up to 2 days
International transfers 1-4 weeks

As a rule of thumb, debit card transactions take 1-3 business days to post. Credit cards can take up to 10 days in some cases. ACH transfers usually clear in 1-5 business days.

Will a Pending Transaction Expire?

No, a pending payment will not expire and disappear from your account on its own. Even if it’s stuck pending for weeks, the merchant can still capture the funds.

That’s why it’s important not to assume pending charges will just drop off. Take action to resolve any holds on your account that seem abnormal or excessive.

When to Follow Up on Pending Payments

You may need to follow up on pending payments if:

  • The pending time exceeds the normal range
  • You do not recognize the merchant or transaction
  • The amount seems incorrect
  • It’s been pending since a previous billing cycle

Contact your bank first to inquire about transactions stuck in pending status. You can also reach out to the merchant directly.

How to Speed Up Pending Payments

While there’s often no way to instantly clear a pending payment, you can take steps to potentially accelerate the process:

Ask Your Bank to Review

Contact your bank’s customer service and ask them to investigate transactions stuck pending longer than expected. They may be able to resolve holds or fraud reviews flagged on your account.

Verify Your Account Details

Double check that your billing details – like your address, phone number, and email – are correct with the merchant. Inaccuracies can cause payments to snag.

Provide Additional Information

If a merchant requests extra verification, promptly provide details like your ID, income documents, or payment confirmation codes.

Use Faster Payment Methods

Certain payment options like wire transfers or debit cards can sometimes post faster than checks or ACH.

What to Do About Pending Payments Stuck Too Long

If you’ve followed up with the merchant and bank to no avail, here are your options if a payment remains stuck in pending status:

Dispute the Transaction

You can formally dispute unauthorized, fraudulent, or incorrect transactions with your bank. This starts a claims process to remove the pending charge.

Cancel the Payment

If it’s your own payment that’s stuck, you may need to cancel it and resubmit. This is common with personal checks.

Wait it Out

For legitimate transactions, you may just need to wait out the processing time. Call your bank regularly for status updates if it’s taken unusually long.

Preventing Payments from Getting Stuck Pending

You can avoid headaches from pending payments in the future by:

  • Checking your account frequently for unfamiliar charges
  • Noting expected clear times for bills
  • Alerting your bank of travel or large purchases
  • Resolving inaccurate account details with merchants
  • Using trusted merchants and secure sites

Keeping a close eye on your payments activity helps identify pending issues before they become drawn out.

The Bottom Line

It can be annoying when a payment gets stuck pending, but in most cases it’s just a matter of waiting out processing times. If a pending transaction concerns you or exceeds normal timeframes, promptly contact your bank to investigate and resolve the problem.