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Why is my payment not processing on Messenger?

Why is my payment not processing on Messenger?

Messenger payments not processing can be frustrating, but there are some common reasons why this happens and steps you can take to troubleshoot. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk through the top issues that cause Messenger payment failures and how to fix them.

Common Reasons Messenger Payments Fail

Here are some of the most common reasons your Messenger payment might not go through successfully:

Invalid Payment Information

Double check that all payment information entered is accurate and valid, including:

  • Credit/debit card number
  • Expiration date
  • Security code
  • Billing address

Even a small typo can cause payments to fail, so carefully review all info entered.

Insufficient Funds

There needs to be enough money in the linked account to cover the payment amount. Check that the card or bank account has sufficient funds to process the transaction.

Card Expired

If the expiration date entered has already passed, the payment will be declined. Double check that the valid expiration date was entered correctly.

Card Declined

The bank may decline the transaction for reasons like suspected fraud, daily spending limits exceeded, account frozen/closed, etc. You’ll need to contact the bank to understand exactly why it was declined.

Merchant Account Restrictions

Some merchant accounts have restrictions in place like maximum transaction amounts or disallowed business categories that can cause payments to fail.

Payment Review

Messenger’s fraud prevention system may flag certain transactions as risky, putting them under review which delays processing. This is more common with large transaction amounts.

Temporary Connectivity Issues

Problems with internet connectivity, Messenger servers being down, or software bugs can also prevent payments from going through. These are usually temporary.

Banned Facebook Account

If your Facebook/Messenger account has been disabled or banned, payments will not work until the account is restored.

Incorrect PIN

When setting up payments, you create a 4-digit PIN. Entering incorrect PIN will cause transactions to be declined.

Unsupported Currency

Attempting to pay someone in a currency that Messenger doesn’t support will result in errors.

Top Ways to Troubleshoot Messenger Payment Failures

If your Messenger payment is failing, try these troubleshooting tips:

Confirm Payment Details

Carefully re-enter all payment info like credit card number, security code, expiration date, billing address, PIN, etc. and double check for any typos or errors.

Try a Different Card

Swap out the failed card for another payment method that you know works to help determine if the issue is with that specific card.

Contact Your Bank

Reach out to your bank/card issuer to see if they blocked the transaction due to suspected fraud or other reasons. Have them review recent activity.

Verify Account Balances

Check balances on linked accounts to make sure there are enough funds to cover the payment amount and ask your bank to confirm available balances.

Change Your PIN

If you suspect you entered the wrong PIN, change your Messenger payments PIN and try again with the new PIN.

Use Supported Currencies

Only send/receive money using currencies that Messenger allows – USD, CAD, GBP, EUR, JPY, AUD, THB, HKD, SGD and MYR.

Wait for Review Period

If the payment is pending review, you may just need to wait 24-48 hours for Messenger to confirm it’s legitimate before processing.

Enable Notifications

Turn on payment notifications within Messenger’s settings so you are alerted in real-time when payments succeed or fail.

Contact Messenger Support

If you are still having issues, reach out to the Messenger team for assistance troubleshooting and processing failed payments.

Best Practices for Avoiding Failed Messenger Payments

To help avoid problems that prevent successful Messenger payments in the future:

Set Up Recurring Payments

For frequent transfers, set up recurring payments so the same payment details are securely stored.

Review Payment History

Regularly review your payment history to catch any failures right away before they become bigger issues.

Add a Backup Payment Method

Keep a secondary payment method on file like PayPal or a different card in case your primary method fails.

Monitor Account Balances

Frequently check balances on linked accounts to make sure there are sufficient funds for any scheduled payments.

Confirm Supported Currencies

Before sending cross-border payments, verify that both parties use currencies supported by Messenger.

Stay on Top of Card Expirations

Mark your calendar to remember when linked cards expire and update the details before payments are initiated.

Keep Contact Info Current

Always update your contact details like phone number and email in case Messenger needs to reach you about payment issues.

Using Alternatives If Messenger Payments Fail

If you are unable to get a Messenger payment working, here are a few alternative services to consider:


Link a PayPal account to Messenger or use PayPal directly to send funds. PayPal also offers buyer/seller protection services.


Venmo is a popular peer-to-peer payments app to securely send money between friends and family.


Banks have partnered on Zelle for a convenient way to transfer money using just email addresses or mobile numbers.

Cash App

Square’s Cash App lets you instantly pay other users via debit card or Bitcoin without creating accounts.

Google Pay

Google Pay facilitates contactless, quick payments between Android device users through NFC or payment cards.

Apple Pay

Apple device users can send peer-to-peer payments using Apple Pay through the Messages app.

Troubleshooting Tips for Specific Messenger Payment Errors

Beyond general failures, here are some tips for fixing specific error messages you may encounter:

“Please enter the 3-digit security code on the back of your card”

  • Carefully re-enter the CVV/CVC code found on the back of your card, making sure it is the correct 3-4 digits
  • Double check that the code typed matches exactly what is on the physical card
  • Try entering the code slowly one number at a time instead of rushing through it

“Your payment couldn’t be completed. Please contact your card issuer for more information.”

  • Reach out to your bank/card provider to see why they declined the charge
  • Verify with them that your account is in good standing and has no blocks
  • If they report no issues, try a different payment method like a second card

“Your card’s expiration date must be in the future”

  • Check that you entered the correct card expiration date, not a past date
  • If the expiration date is wrong, update it with the accurate date
  • Otherwise, your card is expired and you’ll need to use a different valid card

“Your payment couldn’t be completed at this time. Please try again later.”

  • This is likely a temporary server error, so try the payment again in a few hours
  • Make sure you have a stable internet connection
  • If the issue persists, contact Messenger support for assistance

“Your PIN doesn’t match. Please try again.”

  • You likely entered your 4-digit payments PIN incorrectly
  • Carefully re-enter the PIN or reset your PIN if forgotten
  • Slow down when typing in the PIN to avoid mistakes


Troubleshooting Messenger payment failures can be frustrating, but is manageable if you methodically walk through possible reasons and solutions. Start by confirming all payment details are accurate, checking account balances, and contacting your bank or card issuer if transactions are declined. Enabling Messenger notifications, regularly reviewing your payment history, and reaching out to customer support if issues persist can also help get to the bottom of problems quicker. And consider alternative peer-to-peer payment services if you are unable to resolve Messenger payment issues. With a patient, step-by-step approach, you should be able to identify and correct the underlying reason your Messenger payments are failing.