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Why is my Messenger call icon not showing?

Why is my Messenger call icon not showing?

Common Reasons the Call Icon is Missing

There are a few common reasons why the call icon may not be appearing in your Facebook Messenger app:

1. Software Bug

Sometimes there are bugs or glitches in the Facebook Messenger app that can cause certain features like the call icon to disappear. App updates happen frequently, so make sure you have the latest version of Messenger installed. If updating the app doesn’t bring the call icon back, it’s likely a temporary glitch that Facebook’s developers are working on fixing.

2. Connectivity Issues

The call feature requires an internet connection to work properly. Check that your wifi or mobile data is connected and functioning normally. Try toggling your connection off and back on, or connect to a different network. Poor internet connectivity can prevent features like the call button from loading in the app.

3. Restricted By Your Network

In some cases, your cellular network carrier or wifi network may block features like VoIP calling. This could cause the call button to disappear. Check with your network providers to see if any restrictions are in place. Switching to a different network may restore full functionality.

4. Account Restrictions or Privacy Settings

Your Facebook or Messenger account settings could also be affecting the visibility of the call icon. Make sure VoIP calling is enabled in your Messenger settings, and that all the necessary permissions are granted. Additionally, privacy settings like disabling your online presence can hide certain app features from view.

5. Unavailable in Your Region

Messenger calling is not available in all countries and regions. Geographic restrictions may prevent the call feature from being accessible. Double check Facebook’s list of supported countries to see if your location has limited access. Consider using a VPN service to bypass geographic blocks if available.

6. Facebook Lite App

The streamlined Facebook Lite app versions for basic phones and areas with limited connectivity do not support Messenger calling features. Make sure you are using the full Facebook and Messenger apps, not the Lite versions.

Troubleshooting Steps to Get the Call Icon Back

If your call icon has disappeared, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can take to try restoring it:

Restart the App and Device

As simple as it sounds, closing and restarting the Messenger app and restarting your device can often clear up temporary glitches.

Update the App

Updating to the latest version of the app from your phone’s app store will install any bug fixes and new features from Facebook. Updates frequently address issues like missing icons.

Check Account Restrictions

Go into your Facebook and Messenger settings to verify that all communication features are enabled. Enable VoIP calling and check for any restrictions placed on your account that could hide the call button.

Toggle Airplane Mode

Turn on airplane mode for a minute before turning it off again to reset your connectivity. This will force your device to reconnect to wifi and mobile networks which could resolve connection issues.

Log Out and Back In

Sometimes simply logging out of the Messenger app itself or your whole Facebook account can refresh things and restore missing features when you log back in.

Reinstall the App

If simpler troubleshooting doesn’t work, uninstalling and reinstalling the Messenger app from your phone’s app store can give you a fresh slate. You may need to log back in and re-enable certain settings.

Clear App Data/Cache

Wipe the existing data and cache for Messenger from your phone’s app settings menu. This can eliminate bugs and glitches, at the expense of resetting your local Messenger preferences.

Use Messenger Lite App

As a workaround, try installing the Messenger Lite app. On some phones this stripped down version of Messenger encounters fewer issues even if it lacks some features.

Other Potential Factors

Here are a few other possible reasons the call button may be missing from your Messenger app:

Active On Another Device

If you are actively using Messenger calling on one device, the call icon may disappear from your other logged in devices. This prevents starting multiple calls simultaneously.

Ongoing Call Issue

A recent glitchy call may have caused the icon to temporarily vanish. Try restarting your device to refresh the app.

Jailbroken Device

Jailbreaking modifies your phone’s operating system which can sometimes interfere with apps like Messenger. Use an official non-jailbroken OS.

Third-Party App Interference

Some third party apps that interact with Facebook Messenger like chat heads or wrappers can inadvertently affect the native app’s appearance and function.

Recent Messenger Update

If the icon suddenly disappeared after a recent app update, a new bug may have been introduced. Report the issue and wait for a follow-up update.

Need to Migrate to New Infrastructure

Facebook is retiring old messaging infrastructure. If your account needs migration, some features may be unavailable until the migration completes.

Ways to Contact Messenger Support

If you are still unable to restore your Messenger call icon through troubleshooting, here are some ways to contact Facebook support for additional help:

In-App Support

– Open your Messenger app and go to your profile
– Scroll down and tap “Support Inbox”
– Select “Report a Problem” to start a support ticket

Facebook Help Community

– Visit the Facebook Help Community forum at
– Search for your issue or post a question detailing the problem

Official Facebook Support

– Go to the Facebook Help Center at
– Search for Messenger call issues or use the “Contact Us” link

Facebook Support on Twitter

– Message @FacebookSupport on Twitter for help
– Include details about your call icon issue

Temporary Workarounds

While you wait for the call button reappear or get help from Facebook support, here are some workarounds so you can keep using Messenger calling features:

Use the Call Tab

Open the calls tab in your Messenger menu bar. Here you can start new calls even without the call icon.

Start Calls from Contact Profiles

Tap on any contact’s profile and use the call button there to start conversations.

Use Messenger Desktop Apps

The call icon may still be visible in the Messenger apps for desktop. Place your calls on your computer as a workaround.

Enable Chat Heads

With chat heads enabled, you can tap a contact’s icon to open their profile and call from there when needed.

Use Facebook Portal Device

If you have a Facebook Portal, you can still place Messenger calls normally through the dedicated device.

Preventing Call Icon Issues

To avoid your call icon disappearing in the future, here are some tips:

Keep Messenger Updated

Install app updates as soon as they become available to get the latest fixes. Enable auto-update if available.

Revoke Unused Permissions

Don’t let other apps have unnecessary access to your Facebook data. Limit permissions to prevent conflicts.

Clear Cache and Data Regularly

Do occasional spring cleaning of your Messenger app data and cache to flush out accumulating bugs.

Limit Customization Apps

Be wary of third-party messenger customization apps that can sometimes do more harm than good.

Use Stable Connections

Avoid switching between many different wifi and cellular networks to limit potential connectivity issues. Fewer network changes means fewer problems.

Don’t Modify Your Device

Jailbreaking or rooting your phone opens the door for conflicts with apps. Stick to official OS versions.

Report All Issues

File bug reports with Facebook support for any significant problems you encounter. More user reports lead to quicker fixes for everyone.

When to Seek Additional Help

If you’ve tried all the basic troubleshooting tips and still can’t get your Messenger call icon to reappear, it’s time to seek additional help:

– If it’s been more than a few days, the issue likely requires intervention

– If other users don’t seem impacted, it points to your specific account

– If you experience additional glitches and crashes, reach out right away

– If support ticket responses aren’t providing a solution, persist and escalate

– If you need calling features for work/school, get help to resolve it faster

– If reinstalling the app, logging out, restarting, etc. has no effect

– If the icon disappears immediately after taking certain actions

– If you notice the issue occurred after a broader Facebook service outage


Having your Messenger call icon mysteriously disappear can certainly be frustrating. ASoftware bugs, connectivity problems, account restrictions, and other issues are the most common culprits. Try all the basic troubleshooting tips like updating the app, logging out and back in, reinstalling, and checking your account settings. Reach out to Facebook support through email, Twitter, or in-app options if you still can’t resolve it. With some diligent detective work, you should be able to get the call feature back so you can enjoy seamless communication with your closest contacts.