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Why is my Marketplace message not working?

Why is my Marketplace message not working?

Trying to send a message on Marketplace but it’s not going through? There could be a few reasons why your Marketplace message isn’t working.

Check Your Internet Connection

The most obvious reason a Marketplace message won’t send is an issue with your internet connection. Make sure you have a strong WiFi or cellular signal when trying to send a message. If you have a weak connection, the message may fail to send. Try moving closer to your router or stepping outside to get better reception. Restart your phone as well, just in case there’s a temporary glitch with your network connectivity. If you’re connected to WiFi, reset your router and reconnect. Check if other apps are able to access the internet, as it’s possible there’s a problem with your device rather than just Marketplace.

Update the App

An outdated version of the Marketplace app could be the culprit. Make sure you have the latest version installed by checking for updates in the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android). The developers may have fixed bugs related to messaging in a more recent release. Updating gives you the latest features as well, which may include enhancements to communications. If the app is up to date, try reinstalling it just in case there are any corrupt files affecting messaging functions.

Check Marketplace Server Status

It’s possible there are issues with Marketplace’s servers that are preventing messages from being delivered. Server outages happen from time to time. Check Marketplace’s status page or social media accounts to see if they have reported any known problems with messaging or other features. Usually big service disruptions will be acknowledged somewhere. If the servers seem up and running, the problem likely lies on your end.

Review Your Privacy Settings

Make sure your privacy settings allow messages from other Marketplace users. Under Account Settings, check the messaging permissions and ensure you have it enabled for everyone or specific groups of users. If messages are restricted, whitelist the user you’re trying to contact and try again. Marketplace also lets you block specific users, so check you haven’t accidentally blocked the recipient.

Check If You’re Blocked

On the flip side, the person you’re messaging may have blocked you, preventing any communications from going through. Ask the recipient if they have you blocked for some reason. If so, you won’t be able to message them again until they unblock you. Make sure you aren’t violating Marketplace’s terms of service with unwanted or abusive messages that may have gotten you blocked.

Try Logging Out and Back In

A simple logout and login might fix any temporary glitches with your account that are stopping messages. Force quit the app, restart your phone, then log back into Marketplace and try sending the message again. This refreshes your connection and resyncs your account which could resolve any background issues.

Use an Alternative Contact Method

If troubleshooting doesn’t work, ask the recipient for an alternative way to contact them like email or phone number. There may be an issue on their end or with the interaction between your accounts. Work around it by communicating outside of Marketplace messaging. Just be wary of phishing scams and don’t give out personal information to someone you don’t know and trust outside of the app.

Contact Marketplace Support

If the above steps don’t fix your Marketplace messaging problem, you’ll need help from their support team. In the app, visit the settings menu and look for “Get Help” or “Support” to contact them. Explain your situation in detail, when it began, who you’re trying to message, steps taken to troubleshoot, and any error messages you’re seeing. They may be able to diagnose and resolve the issue, or compensate you if it’s determined to be a bug in the app.

Common Marketplace Messaging Problems

Here are some of the most frequently reported issues people have with Marketplace messaging and how to fix them:

Messages sending but not being received

This is likely an issue on the recipient’s end rather than yours. Ask them to check their app permissions, privacy settings, and if they have you blocked. Connection issues or app glitches on their device could also stop messages coming through.

“Couldn’t send message” error appearing

Double check your internet connection and try with a stronger WiFi or cellular signal. Failing that, reinstall the app, restart your device, update software, and log out and back into Marketplace.

Chat screen loading indefinitely

Force quit and relaunch the app. This usually resolves any freezing issues. Make sure the app is updated as well. Clear cache and data if problems persist.

Certain contacts not receiving messages

The issue may be isolated to one user. Check your block lists and their settings to make sure neither of you has blocked the other. Ask them to test receiving messages from another user.

Can’t see new messages from seller/buyer

Refresh your inbox by exiting the chat screen and reopening it. Force quit the app and log back in to reload your messages. Enable notifications so you don’t miss new messages coming through.

Messages only sending from cellular data, not WiFi

A poor WiFi signal could be preventing sending. Try moving closer to the router or resetting your connection. Check for firmware updates for your router as well. Alternatively use cellular data to send messages if the WiFi issue can’t be resolved.

How to Improve Message Reliability

Here are some tips to avoid Marketplace messaging problems:

  • Confirm you have a strong internet connection whenever sending or expecting messages.
  • Promptly update to the latest version of the app.
  • Don’t overload messages with attachments which could cause sending failures.
  • Restart your device and router if you experience any connectivity issues.
  • Don’t restrict messaging permissions unless absolutely necessary.
  • Periodically log out and back into the app to refresh your account.
  • Avoid excessive messaging that could trigger spam filters.

Alternative Messaging Apps

If Marketplace messaging reliability continues to be a problem, there are alternative messaging apps you can use to securely communicate and coordinate meetups with buyers and sellers:

App Pros Cons
WhatsApp End-to-end encrypted Requires sharing phone number
Facebook Messenger Easy if already have FB Some privacy concerns
Signal Strong privacy protection Contacts need Signal too
Telegram Doesn’t need phone number Not E2E encrypted by default
Google Voice Gives you a virtual number Tied to Google account

The best alternative messaging app depends on your priorities and the other user’s preferences. Install a couple options to see which works best as a Marketplace messaging replacement.


With a mix of app troubleshooting, account settings adjustments, and reaching out to Marketplace support, you should be able to resolve problems sending and receiving Marketplace messages. Ensure your app is updated, reset connectivity issues, and confirm your privacy settings allow messaging. As a fallback, coordinate with buyers and sellers using a secondary messaging app if the Marketplace platform continues to be unreliable.