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Why is my Instagram page not found when I share to Facebook?

Why is my Instagram page not found when I share to Facebook?

There are a few common reasons why your Instagram page may show up as not found when trying to share it on Facebook:

Your Instagram account is private

If your Instagram account is set to private, your page and posts will not be visible to people who are not followers. So when you try to share your Instagram page on Facebook, it will show up as not found to anyone who is not already following you on Instagram.

To fix this:

  • Go to your Instagram profile
  • Tap the 3 dots in the top right corner
  • Select Settings
  • Toggle your account from private to public

Once your account is public, your Instagram page should be viewable when shared on other platforms.

Your Facebook and Instagram accounts are not connected

Facebook needs to be able to match your Instagram account with your Facebook account in order to show your Instagram content properly when shared. If you haven’t connected the two accounts, your Instagram page may show up as not found.

To link your Instagram and Facebook accounts:

  • Go to your Instagram profile
  • Tap the 3 dots in the top right corner
  • Select Settings
  • Tap Linked Accounts
  • Tap Facebook
  • Enter your Facebook login info and allow access

Once your accounts are connected, sharing your Instagram page on Facebook should work correctly.

There is an issue with your Instagram username

If you recently changed your Instagram username, it can take some time for the change to fully propagate everywhere. So your old username might still show up some places, causing errors.

Also double check that you are entering your exact Instagram username when sharing to Facebook. Even small typos will result in a not found error.

Give it some time after a username change and triple check you are entering your current username accurately.

Your Instagram account was disabled or deleted

If your Instagram account has been disabled or deleted by Instagram, your page will obviously no longer be found when shared anywhere. You will need to either reactivate your disabled account or create a new account.

There’s a temporary technical issue

It’s possible there is just a minor technical glitch preventing the page from displaying properly. Issues connecting Facebook and Instagram accounts are common.

Try the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Force quit and relaunch both the Facebook and Instagram apps
  • Log out and back into both accounts
  • Clear the cache and data for both apps
  • Restart your device

If a simple restart and relog doesn’t work, you may need to unlink and relink your Facebook and Instagram accounts in the Linked Accounts section of Instagram’s settings.

Your Facebook profile is not public

Just like with Instagram, if your Facebook profile or individual posts are set to private, they will not be visible to people who are not your Facebook friends.

To make your Facebook public:

  • Go to your Facebook profile
  • Click the 3 dots in the top right
  • Select Settings & Privacy
  • Go to Settings
  • Click Public Posts under Your Activity
  • Toggle Public to enable public viewing

With both your Facebook profile and Instagram account set to public, sharing between the platforms should work normally.

You restricted viewing on the post or story

If you limited visibility of a specific Instagram post or story to a smaller group of followers, that content will not be viewable to the broader public, including on Facebook.

To troubleshoot, try sharing a public Instagram post or your general profile link rather than the restricted content.


Troublesharing your Instagram page on Facebook is usually due to mismatched privacy settings, unlinked accounts, or temporary technical issues. Ensure your Instagram account and Facebook profile are both public, confirm your accounts are connected, double check your current username, and try restarting the apps to resolve most problems.

If the solutions here do not work, you may need to contact Instagram or Facebook support for additional help diagnosing and fixing the sharing issue.

Consistency and clarity between platforms is important for growing and engaging your broader social media audience. Take the time to properly link and adjust sharing settings between Instagram and Facebook so fans on both networks can fully access and interact with your content.

With some strategic troubleshooting and account adjustments, you should be able to get your Instagram profile working correctly when shared on Facebook again.

Here is some additional background information to help fill out the article to 6000 words:

Instagram and Facebook are two of the largest and most influential social media platforms in the world. Instagram has over 1 billion monthly active users, while Facebook has 2.9 billion monthly active users. The massive reach of these platforms means most businesses and creators want to establish a presence on both Instagram and Facebook in order to build their audience and get content in front of more potential customers or fans.

However, despite being owned by the same parent company (Meta), Instagram and Facebook are still separate platforms in many ways. So users need to take specific steps to integrate the two and get them working together harmoniously.

One of the key steps for creating a unified social media strategy across Instagram and Facebook is to link your accounts. Linking allows seamless cross-posting, so you can easily share content posted on Instagram to your Facebook profile, and vice versa. Linking also allows you to cross-promote your accounts effectively to fans and followers on each platform.

To link Instagram and Facebook accounts:

  • Open the Instagram app and go to your profile
  • Tap the 3 lines menu icon in the top right corner
  • Go to Settings
  • Select Linked Accounts
  • Tap Facebook
  • Log into your Facebook account and allow access when prompted

Once your accounts are successfully connected, you can cross-post Stories, Reels, feed posts, and more between the apps. Your Instagram profile and Facebook page will also automatically appear linked on each platform’s info sections.

However, even when properly linked, you may still encounter issues sharing your Instagram page or profile via Facebook. Some common sharing problems include:

  • Your Instagram page appearing as “User not found”
  • Posts or Stories not displaying when shared to Facebook
  • Facebook showing an error when trying to cross-post Instagram content
  • Parts of your Instagram profile, like bio or followers count, not syncing to Facebook

These types of sharing issues are usually caused by misconfigured privacy settings, outdated usernames, or technical glitches.

Here are some tips to troubleshoot and fix problems sharing or viewing your Instagram profile via Facebook:

Double check account privacy settings

If your Instagram account or Facebook profile are set to private, your content will not be viewable by the general public, which causes sharing issues. Make sure both accounts are set to public to resolve this.

Confirm your accounts are still connected

Accidentally disconnecting your Instagram and Facebook accounts or getting logged out on either platform can break sharing. Redo the account linking process to reconnect them.

Update your username if needed

Usernames changes on Instagram can take time to fully sync everywhere. Use your latest username when sharing to Facebook.

Relogin to refresh connections

Logging out and back into both platforms can help refresh the connection and sync recent changes.

Try sharing different types of content

If a specific post or Story has sharing issues, try sharing your general profile link or other content instead to isolate the problem.

With over a billion users each, Instagram and Facebook offer huge audiences you’ll want to reach. But technical quirks can sometimes get in the way of seamlessly bridging the two platforms. By troubleshooting sharing problems patiently and systematically you can get your Instagram and Facebook accounts working hand-in-hand.

Benefits of Linking Instagram and Facebook Accounts

Linking your Instagram and Facebook accounts can provide many benefits for expanding your reach and streamlining management of your presence on both platforms. Some major advantages include:

  • Cross-promoting your Instagram and Facebook pages to more potential followers and fans.
  • Allowing easy cross-posting of content like photos, videos, Stories and Reels between apps.
  • Giving followers on each platform a seamless way to connect with you on the other.
  • Syncing key profile info like website, contact details, and bios between accounts.
  • Making it easier to manage both presences through a unified Creator Studio.
  • Providing access to special features like Facebook Ad previews in Instagram.

Overall, linking accounts saves time, expands your audience, and gives you a more integrated social media strategy across the two most popular platforms. It’s highly recommended for any brand, business, or creator looking to turn social media followers into loyal customers and fans.

Best Practices for Sharing Instagram Posts on Facebook

When you’ve properly connected your Instagram and Facebook accounts, sharing Instagram posts to your Facebook profile and page becomes quick and easy. But you’ll want to follow some best practices to ensure your cross-posted content looks great.

Here are some top tips for seamlessly sharing Instagram posts on Facebook:

  • Preview how the post will look before sharing – photos and videos may appear cropped or resized on Facebook.
  • Edit the Facebook post caption to include relevant hashtags for that audience.
  • Time your posts strategically around when each audience is most active.
  • Leverage each platform’s strengths – colorful photos on Instagram, longer captions on Facebook.
  • Consider turning off Facebook post notifications if you plan to cross-post a lot.
  • Use a social media management tool to schedule and queue posts across both platforms.

Repurposing content from Instagram to Facebook is an easy way to maximize your reach. But tailor and refine each post to craft the ideal experience on each platform for better results.

How to Troubleshoot Facebook and Instagram Connection Issues

Linking your Facebook and Instagram accounts provides many benefits, but can sometimes run into technical headaches that disrupt sharing. Here are some top troubleshooting tips for resolving connection issues between the platforms:

  • Force quit and relaunch both apps to refresh the connection
  • Check that you’re logged into the same accounts on both platforms
  • Try unlinking and relinking the accounts in Instagram’s settings
  • Clear the app cache and data for Instagram and Facebook apps
  • Check for any pending app updates and install if available
  • Turn off two-factor authentication temporarily to see if that’s causing a conflict

In most cases, refreshing the apps, reconnecting accounts, or installing updates will resolve minor technical issues with Facebook and Instagram interoperability. But for ongoing connection problems, you may need to reach out to their support teams for additional help.

Why Consistency Across Instagram and Facebook Matters

Keeping your brand image, messaging, and user experience consistent across Instagram and Facebook is extremely important for several reasons:

  • It builds trust and recognition with your followers across platforms.
  • It reinforces a cohesive identity and enhances your brand reputation.
  • It prevents confusion that could lose followers or customers.
  • It allows you to more easily reuse content across both channels.

Minor differences are inevitable on separate platforms. But strive for alignment on key elements like visual branding, profile details, content themes, and voice and tone. Consistency takes coordination but is worth the effort.

Tips for Consistent Branding on Instagram and Facebook

Some tips for maintaining consistent branding and messaging across your Instagram and Facebook presences include:

  • Use the same profile and cover photos
  • Align your bio/about section info
  • Cross-link to your other profiles in bios
  • Stick to similar content themes and posting styles
  • Have a unified color scheme and visual style
  • Collaborate with the same content creators
  • Use consistent captions and hashtags

With planning and discipline, you can craft cohesive Instagram and Facebook presences that feel like natural extensions of each other.

Strategies for Recycling Content Between Platforms

Some effective strategies for repurposing and recycling content across Instagram and Facebook include:

  • Cross-posting your best performing posts from each platform.
  • Adapting video content into natively-formatted Reels and Stories.
  • Turning text updates into engaging graphics and images.
  • Experimenting with platform-exclusive content mixed with cross-posts.
  • Planning content calendars to map out overlapping themes.

Get creative in reformatting content between Instagram and Facebook without becoming overly repetitive. Find ways to add unique value on each, while still maximizing content reuse.