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Why is my identity verification rejected?

Why is my identity verification rejected?

Having your identity verification rejected can be frustrating. However, there are some common reasons why this happens and steps you can take to successfully complete the verification process.

Not Providing Complete Information

One of the most common reasons for rejection is not providing complete information in your application. When asked for personal details like your full name, date of birth, address, etc., it’s important to ensure everything matches your government ID exactly. Even small typos or abbreviations can get your application flagged.

Double check that you have entered all fields correctly and your details match your ID documentation. Going through the application slowly and carefully can help avoid mistakes.

Information Does Not Match Your ID

Along the same lines, another frequent reason for rejection is when the information you provide does not match your ID documentation. This could include:

  • Name spellings that don’t match
  • Different dates of birth
  • Addresses that don’t line up

Verification systems cross-check the details you input with your government IDs. Any inconsistencies will lead to a failed verification. Be sure to enter details exactly as they appear on your official documents.

ID Image Quality Issues

Most verification processes will require you to upload images of your government ID, such as a driver’s license, passport, national ID card, etc. The quality and legibility of these images plays a big role in the outcome.

Some common image issues that can cause problems include:

  • Blurry or pixelated images
  • Reflections or glare obscuring details
  • IDs photographed at an angle rather than head-on
  • Images that are too far away and small
  • Dark images where details are hard to discern

To maximize your chances of success, take clear, well-lit photos of your ID straight on. Check the images before submitting to ensure all text and details are clearly visible and legible.

Uploading Incorrect Documentation

Most verification systems will provide clear guidelines on what types of IDs and documentation are accepted. Uploading incorrect documents that are not accepted can also lead to your verification being rejected.

Some common mistakes include:

  • Providing a passport when a driver’s license was requested
  • Uploading a birth certificate instead of a government ID
  • Providing an expired ID

Check the requirements closely for which specific IDs and documents are allowed. Make sure any IDs you submit are currently valid and not expired.

Details Do Not Match Documents

If you are required to submit multiple documents, another possibility for rejection is when your details do not match across the different documents.

For example, if your driver’s license lists your current address but your proof of address document still shows an old address, this inconsistency can also trigger a rejection.

Before submitting, double check that key details align across all documents you provide.

Suspected Fake or Doctored Documents

Verification systems are designed to detect fake and doctored ID documents. Submitting a forged document is illegal and can result in account suspension and blacklisting in addition to rejection.

Avoid attempting to submit fake or altered documents under any circumstances. If your ID is rejected and you are confident the documents are genuine, go through the proper appeal process.

Errors During Document Uploads

Some verification systems make it mandatory to upload your ID and selfie in the same session. Failing to do so by uploading your documents separately can cause issues.

Other technical errors like loss of internet connectivity during uploads can also interfere with the verification process and result in rejections.

Follow upload instructions closely and ensure you have a stable connection during the document upload stage. Attempting to upload documents separately afterward often won’t work.

Facial Recognition Failures

Many verification systems use facial recognition technology to match your selfie to your government ID photos. However, facial recognition is not 100% accurate and may fail in some cases.

Some common reasons for facial recognition failures include:

  • Poor lighting or image quality of the selfie
  • Obscured facial features in the ID photo
  • Significant changes in hairstyles or facial hair between photos
  • Age difference between old ID photos and new selfies
  • Wearing eyeglasses in one photo but not the other

To troubleshoot facial recognition issues, provide a clear selfie with good lighting that matches your appearance on your ID photo as closely as possible.

Suspicious Activity Patterns

Verification platforms look for suspicious patterns that could indicate fraud, such as:

  • Attempting verification numerous times in a short period
  • Attempting verification from suspicious IP addresses or locations
  • Using details matching previously rejected applications

Unusual activity like this can trigger increased scrutiny or automatic rejections. After being rejected, avoid making excessive repeated attempts. Instead, follow up through proper channels to appeal the rejection before trying again.

Manual Review Rejections

Many platforms have manual review stages as part of their verification process. Even if you pass initial automated checks, a human reviewer may still reject your application for reasons such as suspicious documents, high-risk background, or inability to satisfactorily verify your identity.

Manual rejections are case-by-case. In some instances, going through an appeal process and providing additional information may help overturn the rejection. But manual decisions are generally final.

How to Prevent Identity Verification Rejections

While rejections cannot always be avoided completely, here are some tips to help maximize your chances of successfully passing verification:

  • Provide accurate, up-to-date personal information that exactly matches your government ID.
  • Double check that all details you enter correspond with your documentation.
  • Upload clear, high-quality images of ID documents following requirements.
  • Ensure all documents you submit are valid and unexpired.
  • Cross-check documents to ensure key details like names, DOB, addresses match.
  • Follow all instructions closely during the upload and verification process.
  • Use a stable internet connection to avoid technical errors.
  • If previously rejected, exercise patience and avoid excessive reattempts.

While not foolproof, being diligent can help overcome the most common verification stumbling blocks and get your ID successfully confirmed in most cases.

Appealing Rejected Verifications

If your verification is unfortunately rejected, most providers give an opportunity to appeal or contest the decision. The process varies but may involve:

  • Submitting a reversal request or appeal form
  • Providing additional documentation not originally included
  • Uploading new improved copies of your ID photos
  • Clarifying personal details that may have been entered incorrectly

Appeals are not guaranteed to work but are worth pursuing if you believe your rejection was unwarranted and you have additional information to offer. Be responsive to any requests for additional documentation.

Alternative Verification Options

If you have exhausted appeals with one verification provider and remain unable to get approved, consider exploring alternatives. Some options include:

  • Trying another verification provider or platform.
  • Submitting different forms of documentation not previously used.
  • Having an authorized third party like a lawyer or accountant verify your identity.
  • Using a verification service that performs checks by phone or video call rather than documents.

The specific alternatives available depend on the context. But checking other verification routes can provide workarounds in some situations when you are stuck getting your ID confirmed through traditional channels.

Questions and Answers

Here are some common questions and answers about rejected identity verifications:

Why was my driver’s license rejected for identity verification?

Common reasons a driver’s license may be rejected include incorrect personal details, low quality photos where details are unclear, expired license, suspected forgery, mismatch with other documents, or manual review rejection.

Can I get rejected for uploading the wrong document?

Yes, uploading incorrect documents like a passport when a driver’s license is required will often result in rejection. Always check requirements closely and submit the exact documents requested.

My selfie keeps getting rejected. What should I do?

Poor quality selfies are a common source of facial recognition failures. Try retaking your selfie in better lighting while matching your ID photo as closely as possible. Avoid obscuring facial features and ensure your full face is clearly visible.

What happens if my appeal gets rejected?

If your appeal is rejected, you may need to provide additional documentation or try alternative verification routes. Some manual reviewer decisions are also final. But other platforms may allow trying again after some time passes.

Can I get rejected for submitting details different from my original application?

Yes, any mismatch in details between your original application and verification documents can trigger rejection. Ensure all details correspond across all documents and applications.

How long does the verification appeal process take?

Appeal times vary across platforms from just a few hours to up to several business days in some cases. Check appeal timelines with the specific provider. Follow up if you do not hear back after the indicated time period.


While identity verification rejections can be inconvenient, being aware of the common causes can help you avoid them. Double check all details match your documents, follow instructions closely, submit only high-quality images of accepted ID types, and avoid suspicious activity. With diligence, most rejections can be prevented through careful application. If you do get rejected, appeal options and alternative verification routes provide recourse in many situations.