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Why is my follow button not showing on my Facebook page?

Why is my follow button not showing on my Facebook page?

Quick Answers

There are a few common reasons why the Follow button may not be showing up on your Facebook Page:

  • Your Page has not been converted to a Public Figure or Media/Publisher Page yet. Only these types of Pages can have Follow buttons.
  • The Follow button does not show up on your own Facebook Page when you are logged into your account. It will only display for other people visiting your Page.
  • The Follow button may be hidden if you have other Call To Action (CTA) buttons being displayed. There is limited space for only a few CTA options.
  • Your Page may have a country restriction that prevents the Follow button from showing up. Try checking your Page settings.
  • There may be a technical issue or glitch preventing the Follow button from displaying. Try refreshing the page or checking back later.

Requirements for the Follow Button

In order for the Follow button to display on your Facebook Page, there are a few requirements that need to be met:

  • Your Page must be classified as either a Public Figure or a Media/Publisher Page. Regular business Pages cannot have a Follow button.
  • Your Page must have at least 100 current likes/followers. Pages with less than that will not qualify for the Follow button.
  • The country your Page is based in must be on the approved list for Follow buttons. Not all countries support this feature yet.
  • Your Page cannot be restricted by age or location. It must be public so anyone can view and follow it.

Once those requirements are met, you may need to submit your Page for review in Facebook’s settings to have the Follow button enabled. Meeting the criteria does not automatically make the Follow button appear.

Troubleshooting Issues with the Follow Button

If your Facebook Page meets all the requirements but the Follow button is still not appearing, here are some troubleshooting tips:

Refresh the Page and Check Back Later

Sometimes a simple page refresh will trigger the Follow button to load if it’s being temporarily blocked. If that doesn’t work, try checking back in a few hours. Delays in the button appearing are not uncommon.

Check Your Page’s Country Settings

Go to your Page’s settings and confirm the country listed matches where most of your audience is located. If it’s restricted only to countries where Follow is not enabled, that could be the issue.

Reduce Other Call to Actions on the Page

Too many Call To Action (CTA) buttons can crowd out the Follow button. Try removing some CTAs like Message buttons or events to open up space.

Confirm Your Page Type

Double check that your Page is definitely listed as a Public Figure or Media/Publisher type. Those are the only kinds that can have Follow buttons.

Try Enabling the Follow Button Again

In your Page settings, try going to the Follow button and selecting “Enable Follow Button” again. Sometimes this can override previous restrictions.

Check Your Number of Current Followers

Remember that Pages need at least 100 followers for the Follow button to activate. If your count drops below 100, it can cause the button to disappear until numbers increase again.

Getting Facebook Support for Follow Button Issues

If you still can’t get the Follow button to appear after troubleshooting, you may need to open a support ticket with Facebook directly to investigate further:

  • In Facebook, visit the Help Center and click “Contact Support”
  • Select the Page you need help with under “Which profile needs support?”
  • Choose the option for “Something’s wrong with my Page”
  • Pick the issue category “Manage Permissions and Access”
  • Select “Unable to add or find Follow button” and share details

Facebook support can check if any restrictions are incorrectly set on your Page preventing the Follow button from showing up. Be sure to give them your Page username, ID number, and links to examples where the Follow button is missing. This additional info helps them troubleshoot faster.

Workarounds for Lacking a Follow Button

Until you can get the Follow button enabled on your Facebook Page, here are some workarounds for letting people subscribe to your content:

Suggest Following on Other Platforms

Encourage people to follow your profile on other social media sites like Twitter, Instagram or YouTube instead. Cross-promote these on your Facebook Page.

Use a Facebook Group to Connect with Followers

Facebook Groups don’t have the same restrictions as Pages. Create a Group where fans can join to get your latest updates.

Send Followers to an Email Newsletter Signup

Collect email addresses to build an email subscription list. Use a signup form connected to a newsletter service like Mailchimp.

Suggest Following Your Personal Facebook Profile

If applicable, you can recommend interested people follow your own personal profile which definitely has the Follow button.

Manually Request People Follow Your Page

Ask current followers to share your Page with friends and suggest new people manually click to Follow it since the auto-button is missing.


Troubleshooting Facebook’s Follow button issues can be tricky, but solvable in most cases with the right troubleshooting steps. Verify your Page type, country settings, follower count and other factors stated here to determine what may be restricting the Follow button from appearing. With a mix of settings adjustments, Facebook support requests, and creative workarounds, you can ensure your Facebook Page followers still have ways to subscribe to your updates even without the standard Follow button.

Common Follow Button Issues Troubleshooting Steps
Page is not classified as Public Figure/Media Convert page type in settings
Page has less than 100 followers Promote page to get more followers
Page country is not supported Check country settings and change if needed
Too many other Call to Actions Remove some CTAs like Message or Events
Page refreshing needed Refresh page or check back later
May need re-enabling Re-enable Follow button in settings
Facebook technical issue Open support ticket with Facebook