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Why is my FB ad still in review?

Why is my FB ad still in review?

If your Facebook ad is stuck in review for longer than usual, there are a few potential reasons why this may be happening:

Your Ad Account or Page is New

Facebook reviews ads more closely when they come from a new ad account or Facebook page. This is because new accounts are more likely to run scammy or policy-violating ads. If your ad account or Facebook page was recently created, this review process may take longer as Facebook closely examines your ad content, targeting, and landing page.

Your Ad Was Flagged for Policy Violations

Facebook has strict policies around what can and cannot be advertised on its platform. Common violations that trigger lengthy reviews include:

  • Misleading claims in the ad copy
  • Targeting minors under 18
  • Promoting prohibited products like weapons, drugs, or adult content
  • Using profanity, sensational content, or shocking images

If Facebook’s automated systems or human reviewers flag your ad for any policy issues, it will go into an extended review until those problems are resolved.

Your Landing Page Quality is Low

Facebook examines the landing page quality and content of any website you’re driving traffic to from your ads. Low-quality landing pages with minimal content, lots of ads, or unrelated information will cause your ad to be held for review.

Make sure your landing page provides a good experience for visitors and is relevant to your ad creative and targeting.

Your Ad Has Targeting Issues

Facebook restricts certain types of targeting in ads to protect users. Some targeting options that may trigger reviews include:

  • Age, gender, or location targeting that is too narrow or restrictive
  • Targeting sensitive topics like politics, health issues, or ethnicity
  • Lookalike audiences based on sensitive data like health information
  • Interest targeting around prohibited or dangerous products

Avoid overly restrictive demographic targeting and be cautious when targeting sensitive subjects. Broad targeting is less likely to run into review delays.

You’re Running an Ad Campaign with Lots of Ads

The more ads you have running, the longer Facebook’s review process may take. With a large volume of ads, they will methodically review each one, which can lead to hour or day-long delays.

If possible, start with smaller, focused campaigns with fewer ads to get through review quicker. You can scale up once your initial ads are approved.

Your Ad Account Has a History of Policy Violations

If your Facebook ad account has been banned or suspended in the past for policy violations, Facebook will be extra cautious reviewing your new ads. Past issues with your account’s reputation will lead to more time in review.

Maintain compliant ad practices and avoid anything misleading or inappropriate in your ads to prevent extended review delays.

You Made Frequent Changes to Your Ad

When you duplicate or edit your ad during the initial review process, it resets the review and causes further delays. Try to avoid making changes until your ad is fully approved.

There was an Unexpected Review Backlog

During peak traffic times, holidays, or staffing issues, Facebook may fall behind on reviews, leaving ads pending longer than expected. These backlogs should resolve themselves within a day or two in most cases.

How to Get Your Ad Approved Faster

Here are some tips to help your ads get through Facebook’s review process as quickly as possible:

  • Ensure your ad account and Facebook page have complete information filled out, including public contact info.
  • Review Facebook’s Advertising Policies thoroughly so you don’t violate any rules accidentally.
  • Make your targeting broad enough to avoid restrictive demographic or interest targeting.
  • Drive traffic to high-quality landing pages that relate clearly to your ad content.
  • Be transparent in your ad copy and avoid misleading claims or sensationalized content.
  • Start with smaller ad campaigns and gradually increase volume once ads are approved.
  • Avoid making frequent changes to your ads during review.
  • Work with an ad agency or Facebook rep if you need guidance navigating reviews.

What to Do If Your Ad Is Rejected

If your Facebook ad gets rejected, here are some steps to take:

  1. Check the reason for rejection – Facebook should provide details on what policy was violated.
  2. Edit your ad to resolve the problematic content – remove inappropriate images/text, broaden restrictive targeting, etc.
  3. Request another review once you’ve addressed the violations highlighted.
  4. Appeal the decision if you feel it was made in error and you have edited the ad appropriately.
  5. Work with a Facebook ad rep if you need clarification on why your ad was rejected.

With the right troubleshooting and optimization, you can get your Facebook ad out of review limbo and live on the platform successfully. Just make sure to follow all policies, provide a quality experience for users, and correct any issues flagged by reviewers.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does Facebook ad review take?

The average Facebook ad review time is 1-2 days, but it can vary widely depending on your account history, ad content, and other factors. Simple, compliant ads from established accounts can be approved in under an hour. Problematic or high-risk ads may sit in review for days or longer.

What are common reasons for Facebook ad rejection?

Most Facebook ad rejections are due to policy violations in areas like:

  • Misleading, sensational, or inaccurate claims
  • Inappropriate or offensive content
  • Restricted products or services, like weapons, pharmaceuticals, etc.
  • Targeting that is discriminatory or too narrow
  • Low-quality landing pages

Fixing violations and following Facebook’s ad guidelines closely can help get your ads approved.

Can I edit my Facebook ad while it is in review?

It’s best not to edit your Facebook ad during the initial review process, as this will reset the review and lead to further delays. Wait until your ad is fully approved or rejected before making changes.

How do I follow up on a pending Facebook ad in review?

If your Facebook ad has been stuck in review for an abnormally long time, you can follow up by:

  • Checking your ads manager for any updates on your review status
  • Contacting Facebook ad support for assistance
  • Asking your Facebook account manager or ad agency for help escalating your review

But avoid making frequent appeals, as this can further delay your review.

Should I create a new ad or use an existing rejected ad?

It’s generally better to edit your existing rejected ad to address any violations noted in the rejection reason. Creating a brand new ad will not reset any account reputation issues that may be leading to longer reviews. Editing to compliance is usually the quickest path to approval.


Facebook’s ad review process is in place to protect users and maintain a safe, high-quality advertising environment. While review delays can be frustrating, they are typically solvable by following Facebook’s policies, avoiding risky content, and keeping your targeting broad. With some optimization and patience, you can get your ad out of review and actively promoting your business.