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Why is my Facebook writing so small?

Why is my Facebook writing so small?

If you’ve noticed the text or posts on your Facebook feed appearing smaller than usual, there are a few potential reasons why this may be happening.

Quick Overview

The most common reasons for small text on Facebook include:

  • You’ve zoomed out on your browser
  • Your device or browser text size settings are set to small
  • You need to adjust your device display or resolution settings
  • The Facebook app needs to be updated
  • It’s an issue with Facebook’s responsive design

Troubleshooting steps like zooming in, adjusting text size, updating apps, and tweaking display settings can typically resolve small text issues on Facebook. If the problem persists, it may be a bug that requires waiting for Facebook to fix.

Why is the Text Small?

There are a few technical reasons why you may be seeing smaller text than expected on your Facebook feed:

You’ve Zoomed Out on Your Browser

If you use Facebook on a desktop or laptop browser, one reason text can appear smaller is because you’ve zoomed out on the page. Browsers allow zooming in and out on webpages, which changes the size of everything displayed. If you’ve accidentally zoomed out, the text will look smaller until you zoom back in to your normal viewing level.

Text Size Settings Are Set to Small

Both your device and web browser have adjustable text size settings. If these are set to small instead of the default medium or large size, Facebook’s text will appear reduced as well. This could happen if you or someone else changed the text size options without realizing it.

Need to Adjust Display or Resolution

Issues with your device’s display settings or resolution can also cause text to appear incorrectly sized. If your display is set to an unusually high resolution, everything on screen will look smaller. An outdated or incorrect resolution setting can cause similar issues.

Facebook App Needs Updating

Like any app, the Facebook app for mobile devices is regularly updated. If it’s been a while since your last update, a bug or display issue in an outdated version could be causing small text. Ensuring you have the latest version of the app will rule out this possibility.

Facebook’s Responsive Design

As a site designed to support many different platforms and devices, Facebook uses responsive design that dynamically resizes and reflows based on your screen size. Sometimes this responsive formatting can cause text to render slightly smaller than expected under certain conditions. This seems to be a common complaint with Facebook’s mobile site in particular.

How to Increase Text Size on Facebook

Luckily, there are steps you can take to troubleshoot and increase the text size if Facebook appears too small. Here are some things to try:

Zoom In on Your Browser

If you’re on a computer, use your browser’s zoom control to gradually zoom in and increase the magnification until the Facebook text appears larger and more readable. In most browsers, you can zoom with keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl + + or Ctrl + mouse wheel.

Adjust Browser Text Size Setting

Check your browser’s text size setting – this is usually under Settings or Appearance options. Try increasing the text size from small to medium or large. This will only affect text on Facebook and other sites you visit with that browser.

Tweak Your Device Display Resolution

Go into your device or display settings and check that your resolution is set properly for your screen. Incorrect or very high resolutions can make everything appear smaller. Set this to the recommended native resolution for your display to see if it fixes Facebook’s text size.

Update the Facebook App

If you’re on a smartphone or tablet, go to the App Store or Google Play Store to check for Facebook app updates. Install the latest version to see if that resolves any display issues causing small text.

Adjust Text Size in Facebook App

In the Facebook app, go to Settings > Accessibility > Text Size and choose a larger size like Large or Largest to increase the text across the app. This will make posts, captions, and all other text easier to read.

Adjust Text Size on Mobile Site

When using Facebook in a mobile browser, tap the Menu icon and choose Settings > Text Size. Select Large or Largest here as well to increase text sitewide.

Other Potential Solutions

Here are some other things you can try if the text size issue persists:

  • Log out and back into Facebook
  • Clear your browser cache and cookies
  • Try viewing Facebook in a different web browser
  • Restart your device
  • Check for operating system and browser updates
  • Adjust your device font size settings

Resetting things by logging out, clearing cache, restarting, and updating may help resolve transient software glitches. Trying alternate browsers can rule out browser-specific problems. Tweaking your system-wide font size can act as a workaround if the issue seems isolated to Facebook.

Why Proper Text Size Matters

Being able to read text comfortably is important for anyone using computers and mobile devices. When sites like Facebook have text that is too small, it can lead to eye strain and headaches from squinting, difficulty reading, and accessibility issues.

Some of the reasons sufficient text sizing matters include:

  • Prevents eyestrain and headaches
  • Allows reading without squinting or leaning in
  • Improves readability and comprehension
  • Accommodates vision issues or impairments
  • Enhances accessibility for those with disabilities
  • Makes using devices less frustrating

Thankfully fixing small text is usually simple and getting the size right goes a long way towards a better overall Facebook experience.

When to Seek Further Help

If adjusting browser and device settings doesn’t increase Facebook’s text size, it’s probably time to seek additional help:

  • Contact Facebook support if text size won’t increase
  • Talk to your eye doctor if close-up vision seems impaired
  • Ask your optometrist about computer glasses if eyestrain persists
  • Consult a vision specialist if you have underlying conditions
  • Get your vision checked annually even if you have no issues

Speaking with experts can uncover other causes like needing vision correction for computer use or eye conditions that make small text difficult to see properly. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help if adjusting settings and troubleshooting doesn’t resolve Facebook’s tiny text.

The Bottom Line

A few simple tweaks to your browser’s zoom level, display settings, and Facebook’s text size options can typically sort out small text issues. Persistent problems may require specialized glasses, addressing visual impairments, or getting vision care to find a long-term solution. With the right adjustments and expert help if necessary, you can get Facebook looking normal sized and readable again.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my Facebook text so small on my iPhone?

On iPhones, small Facebook text is often caused by responsive design issues, needing an app update, or incorrect display resolution settings. Go to Settings > Display & Brightness and make sure your resolution matches your iPhone model’s specs. Also update the Facebook app and adjust text size in the app settings.

How do I increase text size on Facebook on my iPad?

For an iPad, go to Settings > Accessibility > Text Size and adjust the slider towards Larger Text. Open the Facebook app, go to Settings > Accessibility > Text Size and choose a larger size. You can also zoom in using pinch gestures on the iPad’s touchscreen.

Why is my Facebook text size so small on my Samsung?

On Samsung devices, try adjusting the system-wide font and display size in Settings > Display > Font Size and Screen Zoom. Also check for Facebook app updates, and use the Text Size setting in the app. Reset the display resolution if incorrect.

How can I permanently increase text size on Facebook website?

For a permanent text size increase on, you’ll need to adjust your browser’s default text zoom level. In Chrome, go to Settings > Appearance > Page zoom and set to 110% or more. Firefox has similar Zoom Settings under Options > Language and Appearance.

How do I change the text size on Facebook app for Android?

On an Android, open the Facebook app and tap the Menu icon. Go to Settings & Privacy > Accessibility > Text Size. Choose a larger size like Large or Largest to make all text bigger in the app.


Small text on Facebook can be frustrating, but is usually easy to fix with a few targeted troubleshooting steps. Adjusting your browser zoom, updating apps, tweaking display resolution, and increasing text size in Facebook’s settings will typically resolve the issue. For ongoing problems, specialized glasses or professional vision care may be needed. With the right tweaks and expert help, you can have Facebook’s tiny text looking readable and properly sized again.