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Why is my Facebook verification code not working?

Why is my Facebook verification code not working?

If you are having issues receiving or using your Facebook verification code, there are a few common reasons why it may not be working properly. The verification code is an important security feature used by Facebook to confirm your identity and authorize access to your account. Understanding why the code may not be working can help troubleshoot the issue so you can regain access to your account.

You entered the wrong phone number

When requesting a Facebook verification code, you need to enter the phone number associated with your Facebook account. If you enter the wrong phone number by mistake, the code will be sent to that number instead of your actual account phone number. Double check that you are requesting the code be sent to the correct phone number linked to your account. The code is useless if sent to another number not associated with your profile.

Your phone number is not verified on your account

In order for the verification code to work, your phone number has to be confirmed and verified with your account already. If you recently changed your phone number or added a new number to your profile, you may need to go through Facebook’s verification process before being able to use that number to receive a new login code. Make sure your phone number is fully verified and associated with your account first.

You are not receiving text messages

A common reason the Facebook verification code may not be working is if you are not receiving the text message on your phone in the first place. There are a few reasons this can happen:

  • Poor cell reception in your area
  • Issues with your cell phone carrier
  • Your phone is in airplane mode
  • You switched phones and don’t have your SIM card
  • Your phone number changed
  • Your phone storage is full

Check to make sure your phone has decent reception, your SIM card is installed, airplane mode is off, and you have storage space for new text messages. Contact your carrier if you continue having problems receiving texts.

The code expired before you could use it

Facebook verification codes typically expire after a short period of time, usually 10-15 minutes. If too much time passed after the code was sent, it will no longer be valid when you go to enter it. Request a new code and be ready to input it soon after receiving the text message for best results.

You input the code incorrectly

Double check that you are carefully and accurately inputting the 6-digit verification code provided in the text message. It is easy to mistype a number or letter, so go slowly and verify each character. Also be sure you are entering the code in the proper verification field in Facebook. Entering it incorrectly will invalidate the code.

Your account was hacked

In some cases, if your Facebook account was compromised, the hacker may have requested a verification code to gain access or change settings on your account. If you received a code unexpectedly and now cannot seem to login, it is possible your account was hacked. Take steps to regain access such as resetting your password and enabling two-factor authentication.

You have code requests blocked

Facebook allows you to proactively block verification code requests if you notice suspicious activity on your account. This prevents codes being sent when hackers attempt to access your account. However, it also blocks you from being able to generate a new code when needed. Check your account security settings to ensure you have not accidentally blocked verification code requests.

You reached the code request limit

To prevent abuse, Facebook limits the number of verification code requests that can be made within a certain timeframe. You can only request so many codes before you hit their automated limit. If you tried generating too many codes in a short period, you may be temporarily blocked from requesting more right away. Wait a while before trying to get a new verification code sent to your number.

Your number is blocked by Facebook

If there is suspicious activity associated with your phone number, Facebook may proactively block any verification codes being sent to your number. This is often because your number was previously associated with another account that violated Facebook’s terms of service. You will need to provide Facebook with proof of ID to unblock your number before codes can be sent to your phone again.

You need to re-authenticate your account

If you have not used your Facebook account in a long time, the system may require you to go through the re-authentication process before allowing you to generate a new login verification code. Check your account notifications for any alerts instructing you to re-authenticate or confirm your identity. This may involve providing a government ID or documentation to prove the account belongs to you.

Facebook is having technical issues

In rare cases, the problem may be on Facebook’s end if they are experiencing platform technical difficulties. Server outages, bugs, or updates to the system can sometimes temporarily disrupt verification codes from being delivered properly. Check Facebook’s public status pages for any notifications of known issues they are working to resolve.

You have an unauthorized third-party app

If you connected a questionable third-party app to your Facebook account, it may be interfering with verification codes being properly sent to your number. Delete any apps you don’t fully trust or recognize to see if that fixes the issue. Revoke all platform permissions as well to make sure nothing unauthorized has access.

Your phone has security software blocking codes

Some device-level security apps and services will block incoming verification codes or texts to prevent spam and phishing. This includes Google’s Verify app and some wireless carrier programs. Temporarily disable this phone-level security to allow the Facebook code through to your device.

Your Facebook app needs to be updated

Using an outdated version of the Facebook mobile app can cause problems receiving verification codes. Make sure you have installed the latest version of the Facebook app from your phone’s app store. The app needs to be updated in order to work properly with the verification codes system.

You are not using the mobile app

Currently, Facebook’s verification codes generally only work properly when using the mobile app on your smartphone. Trying to get a code through the desktop website version of Facebook will usually not work. Make sure you are requesting the code directly within the Facebook app on your mobile device.


Facebook’s verification codes are an important security tool but sometimes do malfunction or fail to deliver properly to your phone. If your verification code is not working, systematically go through the various troubleshooting tips above to identify and resolve the issue. Check that you entered the right phone number, have good cell reception, are using the mobile app, and have no blocks or limits on your account sending codes. With diligent troubleshooting, you should be able to get a working verification code sent to your phone so you can access your account.