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Why is my Facebook saying we limit how often you can post?

Why is my Facebook saying we limit how often you can post?

There are a few common reasons why you may see a message from Facebook saying “We limit how often you can post” when trying to share content on the platform. This is generally Facebook’s way of throttling or restricting posting activity to prevent spam and abuse. Some key things that can trigger this message include:

Posting Too Frequently

Facebook does limit the frequency of posting to prevent spam. If you are posting extremely often, especially repetitive content, Facebook may restrict you temporarily. Some guidelines to avoid triggering this include:

– Avoid posting more than a few times per hour
– Don’t duplicate posts or post the exact same content multiple times
– Make sure your posts are varied and add value for your audience

Automated Posting

If Facebook detects you are using automated tools or bots to post, it will usually restrict your ability to post. Make sure any third-party apps or software you use to manage posting follows Facebook’s API guidelines. Don’t try to automate posting yourself using bots or scripts that mimic human behavior.

Blocked Links or Content

Links from certain blocked or flagged domains cannot be posted on Facebook. If you try posting such links multiple times, your ability to post may be limited. Make sure the links you are trying to post are not violating Facebook’s community standards policies around spam, malware, phishing, etc.

Ban Evasion

If your account has been banned before, especially for spam or policy violations, Facebook will be more aggressive about limiting your posting ability again if you set up a new account. Avoid trying to evade bans by creating multiple accounts.

When Will Posting Be Re-enabled?

The duration of posting restrictions can vary depending on the severity of the perceived abuse/spam behavior. Here are some general timelines:

Minor/Temporary Limits

– 30 minutes to 1 hour restrictions for minor or accidental spam
– Up to 24 hour posting block if the behavior is more consistent

Major Limits

– 2-7 days restricted posting for more serious violations
– Permanent inability to post (while still being able to log in and view posts/content) for severe or repeated spam or ToS violations

Facebook does not usually provide an exact timeframe for when posting ability will be restored. The best approach is to wait at least 24 hours before trying to post again if your ability has been limited.

Appealing Posting Restrictions

If you believe Facebook has incorrectly applied posting restrictions to your account, you can try to appeal:

Review Community Standards

Read through Facebook’s Community Standards and posting guidelines again. Make sure you aren’t violating policies around spam, duplicated content, or automation.

Double Check Post Content

Review your recent posts to make sure none of them are triggering spam detection, such as:

– Identical content posted multiple times
– Links to risky or banned domains
– Text or images that are policy violations

Request Review from Facebook

In Facebook Help Center:

1. Click “Report a Problem”
2. Choose “Something Went Wrong”
3. Select “Unable to Post”
4. Fill out details and ask for a human to review the restrictions

However, keep in mind appeals are rarely successful unless it was truly an accidental limitation by Facebook’s automated systems.

How to Avoid Posting Restrictions

Here are some tips to make sure your account stays in good standing and avoid posting limits:

Space Out Posts

Don’t flood your followers’ feeds. Post consistently but avoid sudden spikes in frequency.

Vary Content

Keep posts unique and interesting. Don’t duplicate them or re-share the same links.

Avoid Banned Links

Carefully choose the links you share and avoid linking to risky sites. Use link checkers.

Don’t Automate

Avoid bots or scripts that automatically post on your behalf to sidestep restrictions.

Follow Community Standards

Make sure posts comply with Facebook’s rules around objectionable, abusive or dangerous content.

Use Best Practices to Manage Your Account

Here are some general tips to keep your Facebook account in good health:

Enable Login Notifications

Get alerts about unrecognized logins to monitor suspicious activity.

Use Strong Passwords

Don’t reuse passwords and use longer, complex ones that are harder to crack.

Be Selective with Apps

Carefully choose which third-party apps can access your accounts to prevent abuse of permissions.

Secure Other Accounts

Lock down your email and any other profiles tied to Facebook against compromise.

Use Privacy Settings

Adjust your privacy settings to limit visibility of your content to unauthorized people.

Clean Up Your Friend List

Unfriend inactive accounts and any dubious contacts that could cause harm if compromised.

What to Do if You Are Completely Banned

If your account has been permanently banned from posting, here are some potential options:

Request Review from Facebook

Similar to appealing restrictions, ask Facebook to review the ban if you believe it was applied incorrectly.

Wait and Make a New Account

If the ban is warranted, starting fresh with a new account after a waiting period may be your only option.

Use Different Platforms

Consider focusing your social media efforts on other platforms like Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.

Advertise Legitimately

For brands and businesses, look into proper Facebook advertising rather than unpaid posts to reach audiences.

Why Facebook Limits Posting Frequency

Facebook restricts posting activity for a few core reasons:

Maintain User Experience

They want to keep people’s feeds useful and enjoyable, not bombarded with repetitive posts.

Combat Spam and Abuse

Frequent posting is often tied to spam behaviors, so it is restricted to prevent bad actors.

Enforce Community Standards

Rules around objectionable content, dangerous individuals/organizations, and more are enforced by limiting reach and posting ability.

Prevent System Abuse

Restrictions stop people from exploiting Facebook’s systems and features for unintended purposes like spamming.


Facebook limiting your posting ability can be frustrating, but is generally triggered by violations of Facebook’s rules around spam, automation, or community standards. The most effective way to get your full posting privileges back is to ensure you are posting quality content at a reasonable frequency, avoiding banned links, and not automating posting activity. With a sound strategy focused on your audience rather than frequency goals, you can avoid Facebook’s posting restrictions.