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Why is my Facebook payment failing?

Why is my Facebook payment failing?

If you are trying to make a payment through Facebook and it is failing, there could be several reasons why. In this article, we will provide an overview of the most common reasons Facebook payments fail and how to troubleshoot and resolve the issues.

Your Payment Method is Invalid or Expired

One of the most common reasons a Facebook payment fails is because the payment method on file is invalid or expired. Here are some scenarios where this could occur:

  • Your credit/debit card expired and you have not updated the details
  • Your credit/debit card was replaced due to loss/theft but you have not updated the new card details
  • There are insufficient funds in your bank account or your account is frozen
  • The payment details you entered are incorrect or incomplete

To resolve this:

  1. Log in to your Facebook account
  2. Go to Settings > Payments
  3. Under Payment Methods, click on the invalid/expired method
  4. Enter your new payment method details and save
  5. Try making the payment again

If you are still unable to add a new payment method for any reason, you may need to contact your bank or card issuer.

You Exceeded Your Payment Limit

Facebook imposes certain limits on payment amounts per transaction, per day, or per rolling period. If you attempt to make a payment that exceeds your limit, it will fail. Here are some common payment limits to be aware of:

  • Per transaction limit – Typically $10,000
  • Daily limit – Typically $10,000 cumulative per day
  • Rolling period limit – Typically $25,000 cumulative over any 7 day period

To resolve this:

  1. Check if you have exceeded any of the limits above when making your recent payments
  2. If you exceeded a limit, wait until the next day or rolling period before attempting the payment again
  3. If required, reduce your payment amount to be within the limits

Note that payment limits may vary based on your country, account status, and other risk factors.

Your Account is Restricted

In some cases, Facebook may restrict your account’s ability to send or receive payments due to suspected suspicious activity or policy violations. Some examples include:

  • Your account is temporarily restricted from making payments due to suspected fraud or suspicious payment activity
  • Your account was flagged for violating Facebook’s terms of service or community standards
  • Your payment recipient has payment restrictions on their account

To resolve this:

  1. Check your emails for any notifications from Facebook regarding account restrictions
  2. If your account was restricted, resolve any flagged issues or violations resulting in the restriction
  3. Appeal the restriction through the channels suggested in the notification email
  4. If the recipient has restrictions, find an alternative recipient or have them resolve restrictions

Restrictions may be temporary or permanent depending on the severity of violations. Repeated violations could lead to permanent inability to make payments.

Technical Issues

In some cases, a Facebook payment may fail due to temporary technical problems or glitches:

  • Network connection issues or Facebook server problems while processing the transaction
  • The Facebook Payments system is temporarily down for maintenance
  • Bugs or errors in the payments processing flow

To resolve this:

  1. Check Facebook’s Service Status page to see if there are any known issues
  2. Try making the payment again after some time
  3. Make sure you have a stable internet connection
  4. Clear cookies and cache and try again using a different browser or device
  5. As a last resort, report the issue to Facebook Payments Support

Most technical issues are temporary and your payment should process once resolved. Consider alternative payment methods in the meantime if needed.

You Have an Active Payment Dispute

If you have disputed or charged back a Facebook payment in the past, your account may be unable to make new payments until the dispute is resolved:

  • Facebook temporarily disables payments for accounts with unresolved disputes as a risk prevention measure
  • This is to prevent further disputed transactions that could cause loss to Facebook/merchants

To resolve this:

  1. Settle the active dispute with Facebook via the provided dispute resolution channels
  2. Provide any information requested by Facebook regarding the disputed payment
  3. If chargeback was not justified, consider reissuing payment to reverse the chargeback
  4. Once dispute is settled, Facebook will re-enable payments on your account

To avoid issues in the future, only dispute charges that are truly unauthorized or fraudulent.

You Violated Facebook’s Payments Policy

Facebook has strict guidelines and policies regarding payments and commercial activity that you must abide by. Violating any of these policies can lead to payment failures and account restrictions. Some examples of policy violations include:

  • Sending or receiving payments for prohibited goods or services
  • Engaging in payments related to illegal activities
  • Using payments for deceptive purposes
  • Violating Facebook’s terms of service in any way through payments

To resolve this:

  1. Thoroughly review Facebook’s Commerce Policies and Payments Terms
  2. Ensure you have not violated any provisions
  3. Appeal any account restrictions and demonstrate you will comply with policies moving forward
  4. Do not attempt to circumvent any policies or restrictions

It is critical to maintain integrity when engaging in financial transactions on Facebook. Repeated policy violations could lead to permanent loss of payment privileges.

You Have an Outstanding Balance

If you have any unpaid balances or owe money to Facebook for any reason, payments will be disabled until you clear the dues. Some examples include:

  • Outstanding advertising invoice payments
  • Unpaid purchases for Facebook apps/games
  • Chargebacks resulting in negative balance

To resolve this:

  1. Go to your Facebook Payments settings and check if you have any amounts Due
  2. Pay any outstanding balances via the provided payment methods
  3. For advertising invoices, communicate with the Facebook Ads support team to resolve dues
  4. Refrain from disputing legitimate charges to avoid negative balances

Payments on Facebook will remain disabled until all balances have been cleared in full.

You Have Restricted Access to Facebook Pay

In some countries, ability to send/receive payments via Facebook Pay may be limited. Typically, you will see the following causes:

  • Your account country is not supported – Facebook Pay is available only in certain countries
  • Regulatory restrictions prohibit payments in your country
  • Facebook Pay is not fully rolled out in your country yet

To resolve this:

  1. Check the list of supported Facebook Pay countries to see if yours is present
  2. If your country is not supported currently, you will have to wait until Facebook Pay launches there
  3. For regulatory restrictions, Facebook will need to obtain necessary permissions before enabling payments
  4. If newly launched, check for Facebook Pay availability intermittently as roll out progresses

Unfortunately options are limited if your specific country imposes restrictions on payments via Facebook’s platforms.

Your Facebook Account is Disabled

You cannot initiate payments on Facebook if your account has been temporarily or permanently disabled for any reason. Some examples leading to disabled accounts:

  • Violating Facebook’s terms of service or community standards
  • Engaging in prohibited behavior such as bullying, harassment, hate speech etc.
  • Being flagged as inauthentic or as a fake account
  • Committing identity theft

To resolve this:

  1. If account is temporarily disabled – comply with Facebook’s requests to have it re-enabled
  2. If permanently disabled – appeal the decision if you believe it was made in error
  3. Create a new account and ensure you abide by Facebook’s policies moving forward

Having an active account in good standing is required for access to Facebook Pay. Losing this privilege due to violations will prevent you from being able to make payments.

You Are Restricted From Using Facebook Products and Features

If you have restrictions on your ability to use Facebook products and features, payments may also be disabled. Some examples leading to restrictions:

  • Being underage and having restrictions applied until you meet the minimum age requirement
  • Location restrictions that prohibit use of certain features
  • Platform restrictions on certain device types
  • Temporary restrictions as probation after violations

To resolve this:

  1. Review your account restrictions under Settings > Account Ownership and Control
  2. If underage, payments will be enabled once you meet minimum age requirements
  3. For location or device restrictions, access Facebook from an allowed location or device
  4. If temporary, wait until the suspension period ends

Ensure you have full access without restrictions to Facebook’s offerings in your country on a supported device. Restrictions may also be appealed if applied in error.

You Have Been Classified as High Risk

Based on certain signals and risk factors, Facebook may classify some accounts as high risk. These accounts face restrictions including limited payment ability. Some example risk factors are:

  • Location in a high risk country
  • Patterns of suspicious account activity
  • Past instances of abuse, fraud, or policy violations
  • Sensitive business categories like crypto or pharmaceuticals

To resolve this:

  1. Appeal the high risk classification if you believe it was made in error
  2. Provide any information Facebook requests to demonstrate you are legitimate and compliant
  3. Maintain your account reputation by following all policies, terms, and local laws
  4. Wait for an update if Facebook reviews and removes the high risk label on appeal

Unfortunately options are limited if Facebook’s risk models reliably flag your account or business as high risk. You may need to explore alternate payment platforms.

You Enabled Two-Factor Authentication

When you first enable two-factor authentication, Facebook applies a 24-48 hour hold on payments as a security measure. This is to prevent unauthorized payments in case someone else enabled 2FA on your account. To resolve this:

  1. Wait for the 24-48 hour period to end after enabling two-factor authentication
  2. Facebook will then lift the temporary payments restriction
  3. No further action is needed – the hold is automatically lifted

Keep two-factor authentication enabled to keep your account more secure despite this temporary payments restriction when first enabling it.

You Have Reset Your Password

Similar to enabling two-factor authentication, Facebook will temporarily disable payments for 24-48 hours if you reset your account password. This prevents unauthorized payments if someone else reset your password. To resolve this:

  1. Simply wait for the 24-48 hour hold to automatically lift after resetting your password
  2. No further action is needed
  3. Once the hold lifts, you can continue making payments as usual

The hold is a minor but necessary inconvenience to protect your account when resetting your password.


We hope this overview has helped summarize the most common reasons your Facebook payment may fail, along with the steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve them. Some issues may be out of your control, but you can take proactive measures to maximize your chance of a successful transaction.

Remember to check that you have not hit any payment limits, enable necessary security features like 2FA, follow all policies and terms, resolve any outstanding balances or disputes, and ensure you meet eligibility criteria. With a compliant account in good standing, you should be able to seamlessly send and receive money via Facebook’s payment platforms.