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Why is my Facebook Pay disabled?

Why is my Facebook Pay disabled?

Facebook Pay enables you to make payments and donations on Facebook and Instagram.
If you notice your Facebook Pay has been disabled, there are a few potential reasons why this may have occurred along with steps you can take to reinstate it.

Your Account Was Disabled

The most common reason Facebook Pay gets disabled is because your Facebook or Instagram account was disabled. Facebook may disable your account for various reasons, such as suspicious activity or violating their terms of service. If your account is disabled, you will lose access to all features associated with it, including Facebook Pay.

To reinstate Facebook Pay in this case, you will need to first get your Facebook or Instagram account reenabled. The steps to do this are:

  1. Log in to your disabled Facebook or Instagram account.
  2. You should see a message stating your account has been disabled. Click on “Request Review.”
  3. Select the option that best describes why you think your account was disabled.
  4. Provide additional details about why you feel the disable was a mistake.
  5. Click submit and wait for Facebook to review your request.

If Facebook agrees your account was wrongly disabled, they will reinstate it along with access to Facebook Pay. This process can take anywhere from 24 hours up to a few days in some cases.

Your Payment Method Was Declined

Facebook Pay may also be disabled if the payment method you have on file starts getting declined. Reasons for declined payments can include:

  • Expired or insufficient funds on a saved debit/credit card
  • Closed bank account linked to Facebook Pay
  • Reaching a transaction limit on your payment method

To resolve this, you need to update your payment method on file:

  1. Go to your Facebook or Instagram settings.
  2. Select “Facebook Pay” or “Payments”.
  3. Choose your saved payment method that was declined.
  4. Enter a new valid debit/credit card or bank account.
  5. Facebook Pay should automatically reactivate once you have a working payment method added.

Suspicious or Unusual Activity on Your Account

If Facebook detects suspicious transactions or activity on your account, they may disable Facebook Pay as a precaution. Some examples of unusual activity include:

  • Making an unusually high number of transactions in a short time
  • Making purchases or sending money that don’t match your typical usage
  • Sending Facebook Pay funds to people you don’t normally interact with
  • Receiving fraud alerts or unauthorized charges on your linked payment methods

To restore Facebook Pay after suspicious activity, you will need to provide additional verification to confirm your identity:

  1. Go to your Facebook or Instagram settings.
  2. Look for an option to “Confirm Identity” or “Provide ID”.
  3. Upload a photo of your government ID that matches your account name.
  4. Enter your full legal name as it appears on your ID.
  5. Add your address, date of birth, and any other info requested.
  6. Facebook will review your ID confirmation and then reinstate Facebook Pay if approved.

This ID verification process helps Facebook confirm your account has not been compromised.

Violating Facebook Pay Terms of Service

Violating any of Facebook Pay’s terms of service can also result in your account being disabled. Some common Facebook Pay violations include:

  • Using Facebook Pay for prohibited goods or services
  • Sending or receiving money from blocked regions or sanctioned individuals
  • Facilitating fraudulent, illegal or unauthorized transactions
  • Creating fake or spam accounts just to use Facebook Pay

To restore your account after a terms of service violation:

  1. Carefully review the Facebook Pay terms to understand what policies were violated.
  2. Remove any content, groups, pages or accounts that led to the violation.
  3. Submit an appeal explaining what policy was violated, how you have corrected it, and that it won’t happen again.
  4. Provide any requested documentation to support your appeal.
  5. Wait for Facebook to review your appeal and decide whether your account and Facebook Pay access will be reinstated.

Avoiding further terms of service violations is important if you want to keep using Facebook Pay in the future. Repeated or more serious violations can lead to permanent disabling.

Account Hacked or Compromised

Facebook Pay being disabled can also be an indicator that your account may have been hacked, phished or compromised in some way. Signs of a compromised account include:

  • You didn’t initiate the disabling of Facebook Pay
  • Notices of password changes you didn’t make
  • Unfamiliar logins from other locations or devices
  • Suspicious posts made in your name

If you suspect your account has been compromised:

  1. Change your password immediately and enable two-factor authentication.
  2. Check your account privacy and security settings for anything unfamiliar.
  3. Scan your computer or device for malware, viruses or keylogging software.
  4. Submit a report to Facebook that your account has been hacked.
  5. Provide proof of identity to regain access to your account.

Once Facebook has confirmed you are the legitimate account owner, they will restore access including reactivating Facebook Pay. Keep your account secure moving forward to prevent it from being compromised again.

Exceeding Send or Receiving Limits

Facebook and Instagram impose monthly limits on how much you can send or receive using Facebook Pay. The current limits are:

Limit Type Monthly Limit
Personal sending limit $2,399
Personal receiving limit $5,000
Business sending limit $10,000
Business receiving limit $25,000

If you exceed one of these limits in a 30-day period, your Facebook Pay privileges may be temporarily disabled as a precaution. To restore access:

  1. Wait until the 30 day limit period resets.
  2. Avoid exceeding sending and receiving limits again.
  3. Facebook Pay will automatically reactivate once the limit period has passed.

You can track how close you are to sending and receiving limits under your Facebook Pay settings. Keep an eye on your totals so you don’t go over the thresholds.

Multiple Failed Login Attempts

Too many failed login attempts to your Facebook account can also trigger Facebook Pay to be disabled temporarily. This is done for security purposes in case someone is trying to guess your password.

To restore access after too many failed logins:

  1. Reset your account password if you think someone else was trying to access it.
  2. Go through Facebook’s login verification process with your correct password.
  3. You may need to confirm your identity again as well.
  4. Facebook Pay should then reactivate within 24 hours.

Enabling two-factor authentication can also help prevent too many failed login attempts going forward.


In summary, some common reasons Facebook Pay can become disabled include account disabling, declined payments, suspicious activity, terms violations, account compromising, transaction limits, and repeated failed logins. The good news is Facebook Pay can be reactivated in most cases by taking appropriate action such as updating payment methods, verifying your identity, securing your account, appealing disabling, and staying within sending/receiving limits. With the proper steps, you can get Facebook Pay functioning again.