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Why is my Facebook page unable to tag me?

Why is my Facebook page unable to tag me?

There are a few common reasons why you may be unable to tag yourself on your Facebook page:

You don’t have admin rights to the page

If you are not an admin of the page, you won’t be able to tag yourself. Only page admins can tag the page in posts. To check if you’re an admin, go to the page and click “Settings” at the top. If you see “Edit Page” then you are an admin. If not, you will need to ask another admin to add you.

The page has restrictions on tagging

Some Facebook pages have restrictions set up so that only certain people or roles can tag the page. This is done under “Tagging Ability” in the page settings. If restrictions are in place, you would need an admin to update the settings to allow you to tag the page.

Your personal Facebook profile is restricted

Even if you are an admin of the page, restrictions on your personal profile could prevent you from tagging. Go to your own profile, click on the three dots in the top right, choose “Settings & Privacy” then “Settings” and look for “Tags” under “Permissions.” Make sure “Who can tag you” is not set to “No One.”

The page has country restrictions

Facebook pages can be set up to only be visible to people in certain countries. If the page country setting does not include your current location, you may be unable to interact with the page at all, including tagging.

You’ve been banned from the page

If you have been banned from a Facebook page as a user, you will be unable to tag that page. Page admins can ban visitors if they violate rules or post inappropriate content.

It’s a known Facebook bug

Facebook bugs periodically crop up that affects peoples’ ability to tag pages and profiles. If none of the other solutions fix your issue, it may be a temporary glitch. Trying again later or reporting it directly to Facebook may help resolve a bug preventing tags.

You’ve hit a posting limit

Facebook has limits on how often the same person can post or tag a page in a certain timeframe. This is to prevent spammy behavior. If you try tagging too much in a short period, you may hit a limit and be temporarily blocked from tagging. Spread out your tags more over time.


In summary, issues tagging your Facebook page typically come down to one of the following:

  • Lacking admin access to the page
  • Restrictions set on the page
  • Restrictions on your personal account
  • Country limitations on the page
  • Being banned from the page
  • A temporary Facebook bug
  • Hitting a posting/tagging limit

Check each of these possibilities and resolve any limitations. If it is still not working, reporting the specific issue to Facebook can help get it resolved.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can’t I tag my Facebook page even though I’m an admin?

If you are an admin of a Facebook page but still cannot tag it, the most likely reasons are that you have hit a posting limit, the page has restrictions enabled on tagging, or your personal account has tag restrictions enabled. Check the settings on both the page and your profile and adjust them if needed.

What should I do if someone else tagged my Facebook page?

If someone else tagged your Facebook page, you can simply untag yourself. Go to the post, hover over your tagged name, and choose “Remove Tag.” This will untag the page. If the person continues to tag you against your wishes, consider banning them from the page.

Why does Facebook limit how much I can tag my page?

Facebook limits how frequently you can tag pages in order to prevent spam and abuse. Too much tagging from one account looks suspicious and low-quality. Limits reset after a period of time, so you just need to space out your tagging activity over days/weeks rather than tagging repeatedly in a short burst.

Can I request to be made an admin of a Facebook page if I want to tag it?

Yes, you can request admin access if you need to be able to tag a Facebook page. Send a message to existing admins expressing your interest in helping manage the page. Be ready to explain why you need admin capabilities like tagging and what value you will add as an admin.

What should I do if I think tagging my page is disabled due to a Facebook glitch?

If you cannot find any settings that would prevent tagging, it may be a temporary Facebook bug. Try again later or report the problem directly to Facebook through their help page. Describing the issue in detail can help them troubleshoot and fix glitches affecting page tagging.

How Facebook Tagging Works

Facebook tagging allows users to link other profiles, pages, and groups in their posts and photos. Tagging creates a link to the tagged account and may also send them a notification. Here is an overview of how Facebook tagging works:

Tagging another profile

When you tag another person’s personal profile in your post, you use the @ symbol followed by their name. For example, “@JaneSmith” in your post body tags their profile. Their name will appear highlighted in the post text.

Tagging a Facebook page

Pages can be tagged the same way by using the @ symbol. For instance, “@MyBusinessPage” in a post will tag the MyBusinessPage Facebook page and create a link to it.

Tagging in images

In addition to tagging in the text, you can tag people in images you upload. Their name will appear over their face with a link to their profile.


Tagged users will get a notification that they were tagged. They can then remove the tag if they want. Admins of a tagged page can adjust the notification settings.


To prevent spam, Facebook limits how many times the same user can tag another profile/page in a period of time. Limits reset after a cooldown period.


If users have privacy settings enabled, posts they are tagged in may not be visible to all viewers of your post.


Page admins can require all tags of their page be approved first before appearing publicly. This allows them to filter out unwanted tags.

Benefits of Tagging Your Facebook Page

Assuming you have admin access, here are some of the benefits of tagging your Facebook page:

Increased visibility

Tagging your page in relevant Facebook posts and discussions can increase visibility and reach new audiences organically through the news feed algorithm.


Tagging allows followers to easily interact with your page right from any post. It facilitates likes, shares, and comments.

Link Juice

Page tags create backlinks which can increase your domain authority in search engines like Google.

@ Mentions

Tagging with @ brings attention and lets you communicate directly with your page audience.


Notifying followers of new posts or events via tags makes it easier to keep them engaged.


Organic tags of your page increase brand familiarity and awareness when done consistently.

Tagging Best Practices

To maximize the impact of tagging your Facebook page, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Tag early and often, but not excessively to avoid limits.
  • Respond professionally when others tag your page.
  • Tag at relevant times when your audience is active.
  • Use tags to highlight key information about your brand.
  • Tag your page when mentioning it in 3rd party posts.
  • Tag in Facebook Groups related to your industry.
  • Pair tags with strong visuals like images and video.
  • Monitor click-through rates on your tags.

Facebook Page Tagging Limits

To prevent spam and abuse, Facebook imposes the following limits on how frequently you can tag your Facebook page or other pages:

Limit Type Frequency Allowed
Daily page tags from your account 200
Daily page tags of your page by others 200
Hourly page tags from your account 50
Minutely page tags from your account 25

These limits exist to encourage genuine engagement and discussion. Pacing your page tags appropriately ensures they are well-received.

Removing Tag Notifications

If your Facebook page is being tagged excessively, you can take steps to reduce notifications:

Untag Your Page

When you are tagged, untag your page from any posts you don’t want to be associated with. Hover over your page name and select “Remove Tag.”

Adjust Notification Settings

Page admins can limit notifications to only certain taggers if desired. Go to “Settings” then “Notifications” and adjust options for “People who tag your Page in their posts.”

Ban Repeat Offenders

If certain users continually tag your page inappropriately, ban them from the page so they can no longer interact.

Require Post Approval

Requiring admin approval of posts tagging your page lets you filter out unwanted tags before they go live.

Report Abusive Tagging

If someone is tagging your page in violation of Facebook policies, repeatedly report the behavior through Facebook’s help pages.

How to Tag a Facebook Page

Tagging a Facebook page in your posts is easy. Here are the steps:

1. Type @

In your update text, type the @ symbol followed immediately by the page name you want to tag.

2. Select Page

A dropdown will appear with page suggestions. Select the one you want to tag from the suggestions.

3. Add Text

Add any accompanying text or emojis to go along with your tag.

4. Post

Once done, post the update and the page name will appear highlighted and linked.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you are having issues tagging your Facebook page, try these troubleshooting tips:

Clear Cookies/Cache

Clear your browser cookies and cache in case corrupted files are causing a conflict. After clearing, reload Facebook and try tagging again.

Use a Different Browser

Try tagging from a different web browser like Firefox, Safari, or Edge to see if the issue is isolated to one browser.

Check Hidden Posts

Just because a tag doesn’t appear, doesn’t mean it didn’t work. Your post with the tag may have been automatically hidden. Check under the page’s “Hidden Posts” tab.

Update Facebook App

An outdated version of the Facebook app can cause glitches with tagging. Update to the latest version and test it again.

Check Profile Restrictions

Go to your personal profile and ensure your own tagging ability is not restricted under “Settings.”

Why Tagging Matters

Tagging may seem trivial, but it serves important functions:


Tagging connects profiles and pages to expand networks and grow communities.


Notifications and links drive engagement, sharing, and clicks.

Brand Awareness

Organic tags increase brand impressions and memory recall.


Tags create backlinks and associations that search engines use for relevance signals.


Tagging can cause content to spread quickly when done strategically.


The performance of tags can be measured to optimize future campaign efforts.


Tagging your Facebook page is a simple but highly effective tactic. When done properly, it boosts visibility, engages your audience, and strengthens your brand authority. Pay close attention to Facebook’s tag limits and tap into the strategic power of tagging.