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Why is my Facebook page showing no posts yet?

Why is my Facebook page showing no posts yet?

There are a few common reasons why your Facebook page may not be showing any posts yet:

You recently created the page

If you just set up your Facebook page, it can take some time (up to 24 hours) for it to fully publish and display content. This is especially true if you have not added any content to the page yet. Be patient and check back later to see if your posts are now visible.

Your page has not been published

Make sure you have gone through the publishing process for your Facebook page. You need to click on the “Publish Page” button for it to go live and display content publicly. If you created the page but have not published it yet, no one will be able to see any posts.

Your account needs to be confirmed

Facebook requires page admins to confirm their accounts before creating and managing pages. If you have not confirmed your personal account yet, this could prevent your page from displaying content.

To confirm your account:

  1. Go to your personal Facebook profile
  2. Click on the drop down arrow in the top right corner
  3. Select “Settings”
  4. Click on “Account Ownership and Control”
  5. Follow the steps to confirm your account with a mobile number or email

Your page visibility settings are limiting views

Check the visibility settings for your Facebook page – this controls who can view and interact with your page content.

To adjust page visibility settings:

  1. Go to your Facebook page
  2. Click on “Settings” in the top menu
  3. Select “Page Visibility”
  4. Choose from the options like Public, Friends, or Only Me to control who can see your page

Setting your page to “Only Me” will prevent anyone else from viewing any content until you change it back to Public.

Your page has been unpublished

If your Facebook page was previously published and showing content publicly, but now shows nothing, it’s possible you or another admin unpublished the page.

To re-publish the page:

  1. Go to your page and click “Settings”
  2. Select “Page Visibility”
  3. Click on “Re-publish Page”

This will make your page public again so others can see posts.

Your page is banned or restricted

In some cases, Facebook may ban or restrict pages that violate its policies. If your page was banned, you will be notified and unable to access it until the ban is lifted.

You have not posted any content yet

Double check that you have actually published at least one post on your Facebook page. If you have not added any posts, photos, videos, or other content, then there will be nothing to display.

Try adding your first post – this can be a simple welcome message, introduction to your page, or any other content you want visitors to see.

Your content has been hidden from the page

Even if you have published posts on your page, they may have been hidden from the timeline:

  • You can hide individual posts from your page’s timeline without deleting them
  • Other page admins may have hidden posts without you realizing
  • Moderation filters or restrictions could cause some content to be automatically hidden

To manage hidden posts:

  1. Go to your Facebook page
  2. Click on Publishing Tools
  3. Select Hidden Posts to view and unhide any posts

Your page is glitching

In rare cases, a Facebook glitch or bug can cause pages to display improperly. If you’ve confirmed all other factors like page visibility and published content, try the following fixes:

  • Force refresh your browser page
  • Clear your browser cache and cookies
  • Try viewing your page in a different browser
  • Check Facebook’s status page for any known issues
  • Report the problem directly to Facebook

Site glitches are often temporary, so try checking your page again after some time.

You’ve hit your page’s posting limits

Facebook places limits on how frequently pages can post content as an anti-spam measure. If you are posting too often, some of your posts may be temporarily hidden.

Page posting limits vary based on factors like:

  • Age of page
  • Number of page admins
  • Engagement level of past posts

Try spacing out your posting or reaching out to Facebook to request an increased posting limit.

Your page was hacked

If someone else gained unauthorized access to your page, they may have deleted or hidden all visible posts and content.

To secure your page after a hack:

  1. Regain access to the account linked to your page
  2. Remove any unauthorized or compromised admins
  3. Change your password and enable 2-factor authentication
  4. Re-publish any desired content
  5. Monitor for suspicious activity going forward

You can also report the hacking issue to Facebook to investigate further.

Your page is restricted by your country or region

In some cases, Facebook restricts access to pages and profiles based on the country or region they are trying to be viewed from. This is most common with pages representing businesses or organizations.

If your page is intended for a specific country or region, it may not be viewable by people accessing Facebook from elsewhere. You can adjust your page’s country restrictions in the settings.

You have unpaid advertising debt

If your Facebook page has accrued any unpaid advertising charges or fees, Facebook may limit visibility of your page and posts until these are paid off.

To resolve unpaid debts:

  1. Go to Facebook Ad Manager
  2. Click the notifications icon to view any unpaid invoices
  3. Pay off any outstanding debts

Once paid, your page should regain full functionality within 24 hours.

Your page was incorrectly reported or disabled

If your Facebook page was incorrectly reported for violating policies, it may have been automatically disabled temporarily pending review.

To address this:

  1. Check any notifications you received from Facebook about your page
  2. Submit an appeal if you believe the page was disabled incorrectly
  3. Provide any requested information to demonstrate your page follows Facebook’s guidelines

Pending Facebook’s review, your page may remain invisible or unpublished until a decision is made.


There are many potential reasons why your Facebook page may not be showing posts, ranging from simple new page delays to account restrictions, glitches, or hacking.

Carefully check the page visibility settings, your publishing tools, any notifications from Facebook, and confirm you actually have visible published content. Give new pages time to fully activate before troubleshooting further.

For ongoing problems, report the issue to Facebook directly to investigate and restore your page’s functionality. With the right troubleshooting and patience, your Facebook page should be back to displaying posts normally.

Reason Solution
Recently created page Wait 24 hours for page to activate
Page not published Publish page in settings
Unconfirmed account Confirm account before managing pages
Restrictive visibility settings Adjust settings to Public
Page unpublished Re-publish page in settings
Page banned or restricted Appeal ban and follow Facebook guidelines
No content posted Publish first post/content
Content hidden from timeline Check and unhide hidden posts
Page glitch Report issue to Facebook
Hit posting limits Spread out posting schedule
Page hacked Regain access, strengthen security
Country restrictions Adjust country settings
Unpaid advertising debt Pay off outstanding ad invoices
Incorrectly reported/disabled Submit appeal to Facebook

Having issues getting your Facebook page to display content can be frustrating, but is usually resolvable with time and troubleshooting. Be patient, methodically check possible causes, and leverage Facebook support if needed to get your page operating normally again.