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Why is my Facebook page not showing monetization?

Why is my Facebook page not showing monetization?

There are a few common reasons why you may not be seeing monetization options on your Facebook page:

You don’t meet the eligibility requirements

In order to monetize your Facebook page with advertising or receive payments through Facebook, you need to meet certain eligibility requirements. Here are some of the main requirements:

– Your page needs to have at least 10,000 followers. This is the minimum threshold to be eligible for monetization.

– Your page needs to be free of policy violations. If your page has a history of violations or has been banned for any period of time in the last 3 months, you won’t be eligible.

– You need to be an admin of the page. Only official admins can monetize a Facebook page.

– Your page needs to be categorized in certain topics. Some topics like illegal or adult content are not eligible for monetization.

– Your page needs to comply with Facebook’s monetization policies. This includes having proper contact info, disclosure of branded content, etc.

If your page doesn’t meet one or more of these requirements, you won’t see any options to monetize. Focus on growing your audience and ensuring you comply with Facebook’s policies first.

Your account is not in good standing

Even if your page is eligible, if your personal Facebook profile or ad account has been banned or restricted in the past, this can block you from monetizing your page. Make sure your personal account is fully reinstated and in good standing before trying to monetize.

Your page is too new

Facebook wants pages to establish themselves and build an audience before monetizing. If you just created your page recently, you may need to wait a while before monetization options appear. Be patient and focus on creating great content to organically grow your page first.

You’re located in a country where monetization isn’t available

Facebook monetization and payouts are only available in certain countries. If you’re located in a country that isn’t eligible, you won’t see monetization options. Consider building your audience internationally so you can qualify.

You haven’t connected your page to an ad account

To show monetization options, you need to properly connect your Facebook page to an ad account in Facebook Ads Manager. Make sure you have an ad account setup and that it’s connected to the page you want to monetize.

Your page admins changed recently

If you just added or removed page admins, especially transferring ownership to someone new, it can temporarily block monetization options. Give it some time for Facebook to verify the new admin arrangements before monetization will be enabled again.

Steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issue

If your Facebook page isn’t showing monetization options, here are some steps to troubleshoot and fix the problem:

Check that you meet all eligibility requirements

Carefully go through the list of requirements above and make sure your page meets them all. Getting over 10,000 followers is the hardest part for most pages. Focus on creating engaging content and promoting your page to reach this milestone.

Review Facebook’s monetization policies

Read Facebook’s official monetization policies and make sure your page is fully compliant. Adjust anything that could be against the rules like overly promotional messaging, missing contact info, etc.

Connect your page to an ad account

In Ads Manager, find the “Monetization Eligibility” section and link your Facebook page to an eligible ad account. This connects the two so that your page can show monetization options.

Appeal any restrictions on your account/page

If your account or page was previously banned or restricted, you may need to officially appeal this with Facebook and get it lifted before you can monetize.

Wait 30 days after adding new admins

Give Facebook some time to review and confirm any new admins you added to your page. Monetization usually returns after 30 days.

Build your audience in eligible countries

Try targeting followers in countries where Facebook monetization is available instead of your ineligible home country. Aim for at least 10,000 followers in those markets.

Work with a Marketing Expert

If you’ve tried all troubleshooting steps and monetization still isn’t appearing, your best option may be working with an expert Facebook marketing consultant or agency to identify and resolve the issue blocking your monetization.

Reasons Facebook may disable monetization

In some cases, Facebook may disable or remove monetization from your page after it was previously approved. Here are some common reasons this happens:

Page quality declines

If your page starts posting clickbait, misleading or low-quality content, Facebook may revoke monetization until the content improves. Focus on well-researched, high-value posts.

Too much promotional content

If your page becomes overly sales-focused with too many promos and ads, monetization may get blocked. Keep useful, non-promotional content as 80%+ of posts.

Prohibited or controversial content

Posts with violence, adult, illegal or offensive material can lead to blocked monetization. Carefully review content policies and avoid anything prohibited.

Sudden changes in admins

As mentioned above, rapidly changing page admins can trigger Facebook to halt monetization temporarily as they evaluate the new arrangements.

Policy violations

Any violation of Facebook’s terms, community standards or monetization policies can cause your monetization to be restricted or taken away. Avoid any violations.

Dropping under 10,000 followers

If your page drops back below the 10,000 follower minimum, monetization will be disabled until you grow your audience again.

Unsupported country location

If you move your personal residence or business to a country where Facebook monetization isn’t supported, your existing monetization will be halted.

Best practices for maintaining monetization

Once your page regains monetization access, here are some best practices to keep it running smoothly:

Closely follow Facebook’s policies

Stay up to date on Facebook’s terms, community standards and monetization policies. Don’t push boundaries or assume you won’t get caught. Play by the rules.

Focus on high-quality, original content

Prioritize useful, insightful and engaging content focused on your audience’s interests vs your own promotions. Share your expertise and passion.

Monitor admin access and changes

Be cautious adding or removing page admins. Limit access unless absolutely necessary and give Facebook time to review any adjustments before making monetization changes.

Moderate comments and interactions

Actively review notifications and comments to your page to identify any violations or offensive content that needs to be removed. Keep your community positive.

Avoid prohibited content

Steer clear of any content in prohibited categories like illegal activity, regulated goods, adult content, offensive material, misinformation, etc. Don’t go near gray areas.

Appoint a compliance leader

Have at least one knowledgeable team member own the responsibility of monitoring for policy violations, questionable content and monetization issues.


With over 2 billion monthly users, Facebook offers immense potential for brands and creators to monetize their audience. But you have to play by their rules in order to tap into those opportunities. By methodically troubleshooting any missing monetization options, minimizing violations and maximizing quality and value, you can overcome obstacles and maintain sustainable income from your loyal Facebook following.

What steps will you take right now to get your Facebook page’s monetization successfully enabled?

Requirement Status
10,000+ followers In progress
Page in good standing Confirmed
Connected to ad account Pending
Quality content Planned