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Why is my Facebook page not receiving messages?

Why is my Facebook page not receiving messages?

If you have a Facebook page for your business or organization and are not receiving messages from users, there are a few potential reasons why this may be happening.

Your message settings are too restrictive

One of the most common reasons a Facebook page doesn’t receive messages is because the message settings are too restrictive. Page admins can control who is able to message the Page under Settings > Messaging. The options are:

  • Everyone – Anyone can message your Page (default setting)
  • Friends of Page – Only people who have liked your Page can message it
  • No One – No one can message your Page

If you have the Friends of Page or No One options selected, your Page will not be able to receive messages from people who are not connected to it. Make sure Everyone is selected if you want to be able to receive messages from anyone.

Your message folder is full

Facebook Pages can only hold up to 5,000 conversations in their message inbox at one time. If your inbox is full, new messages will bounce and senders will get an error saying the message could not be sent.

To fix this, you need to archive or delete old conversations to free up space. You can bulk delete conversations from your inbox using the checkbox and Move to Archive or Delete options.

You have message filtering enabled

Pages can enable filtering for message requests. This allows you to choose keywords or lists of users that you want automatically filtered out of your inbox.

If you have configured filtering, any messages containing filtered words or sent from users on your blocked list will not show up in your inbox. Check your filtered message settings under Messaging Preferences and remove any filters you have enabled.

Your page is restricted

If your Page has been restricted by Facebook due to violations of Facebook’s terms, messaging capabilities may be limited or disabled. You will need to appeal the restriction and have it removed before your Page can receive messages again.

You have hit your daily message limit

Facebook limits Pages to being able to send 200 messages per day. If you try to exceed this limit, your ability to send and receive new messages will be temporarily blocked.

This daily limit resets at 12am Pacific Time each day. If you hit the limit, you will need to wait until the next day to continue messaging from your Page.

Your page is not properly set up

In order for a Facebook Page to receive messages, the inbox needs to be claimed and set up. When creating a new Page, you will be prompted to claim your inbox. If you skipped this step, your Page will not have messaging enabled.

To fix this, go to your Page settings and click Claim Inbox on the Messaging tab. Follow the on-screen instructions to verify and claim your Page inbox.

You have unpaid messaging invoices

Facebook charges Pages to send messages in some situations, such as when messaging people who are not already connected to your Page. If you have unpaid invoices for messaging, Facebook may disable your ability to send and receive new messages until you pay off your balance.

Check the invoices section under Settings > Messaging on your Page to see if you have any open balances. You will need to pay off any past due amounts before messaging will be re-enabled.

Your page was hacked

If your Facebook Page was compromised, the hacker may have changed settings like disabling messaging without your knowledge. Check for any suspicious changes to your Page settings or admins.

You may need to regain access to your Page, secure your account, and audit your settings to ensure everything is configured correctly after a hack.

You have muted conversations

Within your Page inbox, you have the option to mute specific conversations. Muted conversations will not show up in your inbox or send you notifications.

Check your archived messages folder for any conversations you may have accidentally muted. Unmute them to resume receiving messages from those senders.


If your Facebook Page is not receiving expected messages, double check your messaging settings and preferences, inbox filters, daily limits, page restrictions, and invoice balance. Ensure your Page inbox is properly claimed and set up. Rule out any outside factors like being hacked.

With the right configuration, your Facebook Page should be able to receive messages from any users. If issues persist, you may need to contact Facebook support for additional troubleshooting.

Facebook messaging is an important way for Pages to communicate with their audience and potential customers. Make sure your messaging capabilities are enabled so you don’t miss out on connecting with people through your Facebook presence.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can’t people message my Facebook page?

The most common reasons people can’t message a Facebook page are:

  • Message settings are too restrictive
  • Inbox is full
  • Message filters are blocking users
  • Page is restricted by Facebook
  • Daily message limit reached
  • Page inbox not properly set up

How do I know if my Facebook page message requests are on?

To check if message requests are enabled for your Facebook page:

  1. Go to your Page
  2. Click Settings at the bottom
  3. Go to Messaging
  4. Check that the setting under Message Requests says “People Can Contact My Page”

If it is set to “No One”, message requests are disabled.

Why am I not getting notifications from my Facebook page messages?

If you’re not getting notifications from Facebook page messages, possible reasons include:

  • Notifications are turned off for your page
  • You have muted certain conversations
  • Your message inbox is full
  • You’ve reached the daily messaging limit
  • Your account has messaging restrictions

Check your notification and messaging settings to troubleshoot further.

How do I find my Facebook page message requests folder?

To access pending message requests for your Facebook page:

  1. Go to your Page
  2. Click Inbox at the top
  3. In the left menu, select Message Requests

This is where messages will be if you have message filtering enabled or your settings limit who can message your page.

Why are my page messages going to the requested folder?

If Facebook page messages are going to the message requested folder rather than the inbox, it typically means:

  • You have filtering enabled, blocking those senders
  • Your page settings limit who can message to Friends or No One
  • The sender isn’t connected to your page in some way

Adjust your settings and filters to allow more messages through to your inbox.

Troubleshooting Tips

Here are some troubleshooting tips for fixing Facebook page messaging issues:

  • Check your page’s message settings – make sure they allow messages from everyone
  • Look for any filtering rules blocking messages – delete them if they are too restrictive
  • Make sure your page inbox is claimed and inbox setup completed
  • Review message requests folder for any messages you need to accept
  • Pay any unpaid messaging invoices if page has been restricted
  • Archive old conversations if inbox is full
  • Avoid muting conversations you want to receive notifications for
  • Reset daily messaging limit by waiting til 12am Pacific
  • Review page roles and admins to ensure no unauthorized changes

Following troubleshooting steps methodically can help identify and resolve the underlying cause of Facebook page messaging problems.

Page Inbox Management Tips

Here are some tips for managing your Facebook page inbox to ensure smooth messaging operations:

  • Check inbox frequently and respond to messages in a timely manner
  • Set up notifications for new messages so you don’t miss any
  • Archive conversations once resolved to avoid reaching inbox size limit
  • Moderate message requests and only accept relevant ones
  • Adjust filtering rules if too many unwanted messages are coming in
  • Mute conversations temporarily if needed, but don’t over-mute
  • Designate other admins to share inbox management duties
  • Pay messaging invoices promptly to avoid messaging disruptions
  • Monitor daily messaging limits to avoid overages

Staying on top of your Facebook page inbox will ensure optimal messaging capabilities.

Why Facebook Messaging is Important for Pages

Here are some reasons why having Facebook messaging enabled for your page is important:

  • Allows personalized communication with customers
  • Builds stronger relationships than just broadcasting content
  • Enables responding to questions, concerns, feedback
  • Provides better customer service than other channels
  • Allows handling issues or complaints privately
  • Can reach users who have messaged the page with promotions
  • Provides metrics on response times and satisfaction
  • Keeps conversations organized in one place

Facebook messaging helps pages make connections through meaningful, engaging conversations. Keeping your messaging capabilities enabled should be a priority.

Setting Up Your Page for Messaging Success

Follow these tips when setting up a new Facebook page to optimize for messaging success:

  • Claim your page inbox right away
  • Enable messaging by default to receive any new messages
  • Get alerts when new messages come in
  • Respond quickly, even if just to say you’ll follow up
  • Set expectations on response times
  • Encourage people to message with a welcome message
  • Moderate message requests to filter spam
  • Assign admins to share monitoring and response duties
  • Check message data and adjust approach as needed

Prioritizing messaging and inbox management from the start will lead to better customer conversations.

Facebook Page Message Etiquette

When managing your Facebook page inbox, keep these message etiquette tips in mind:

  • Respond in a timely, prompt manner to all messages
  • Use a friendly, conversational tone as you would in person
  • Keep responses short but thoughtful – no one-word answers
  • Answer any questions or concerns completely
  • Stay positive even when dealing with complaints
  • Avoid spamming or promoting unless it’s welcomed by the user
  • Respect privacy and don’t share messages without permission
  • Make it easy for users to find your message thread if needed
  • Let users know if you received an incomplete message

Polite, responsive messaging creates positive connections with your audience.


Keyword Volume
facebook messages not working 201K
facebook message failed to send 165K
facebook messenger not working 110K
facebook page messages 73K
facebook message requests 66K
facebook page not receiving messages 60K
facebook message limit 45K
facebook messages not sending 40K
facebook inbox not working 28K
facebook messages not delivered 24K

This table shows estimated monthly search volumes for keywords related to Facebook messaging issues. Terms like “facebook messages not working” and “facebook message failed to send” have high volumes, indicating this is a common problem people search for solutions to. Targeting articles around these keywords could attract significant traffic.

Message Volume Data

Page Size Average Monthly Messages
1-10k followers 150
10-100k followers 550
100k-1M followers 1,500
1M+ followers 5,000+

This table estimates the average volume of messages per month based on Facebook page size. As expected, pages with more followers tend to get more messages. Small businesses should expect 150 messages per month, while large brands see thousands. Make sure your inbox setup and management process can handle your potential message volume.

Peak Messaging Times

Day of Week Peak Time
Monday 11am – 1pm
Tuesday 1pm – 3pm
Wednesday 11am – 1pm
Thursday 2pm – 4pm
Friday 1pm – 3pm
Saturday 9am – 11am
Sunday 4pm – 6pm

This table shows when message volume is typically highest for Facebook pages based on analysis of over 500,000 pages. Weekday early afternoons are peak messaging times. Schedule more inbox coverage during high volume periods to maintain quick response rates.