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Why is my Facebook page not eligible for verification?

Why is my Facebook page not eligible for verification?

Facebook offers the ability to get your Facebook Page verified with a blue verification badge, which helps establish authenticity and build trust with your audience. However, Facebook has specific eligibility requirements pages must meet in order to qualify for verification. If your page is not eligible, you may be wondering why and what you can do to meet the criteria.

Facebook Verification Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for Facebook Page verification, pages must:

  • Represent a real person, registered business or entity
  • Be authentic
  • Be complete
  • Have a unique name
  • Not be inactive or a duplicate of another Page

Let’s break down what each of these requirements entails:

Represent a Real Person, Business or Entity

The Page must represent a real person, registered business or entity. Fictional characters, pseudonyms, groups or events are not eligible.

Some examples of Pages that are eligible:

  • Public figure Pages for actors, athletes, politicians, journalists, etc.
  • Official brand Pages representing registered businesses
  • Pages for registered non-profit organizations and government agencies

Pages that do not represent real registered entities, such as fan pages, unofficial brand pages, parody accounts, etc. are not eligible.

Be Authentic

The Page must represent the real person, business or entity it claims to be in an authentic way. Any Pages that appear fake, impersonate someone else or misrepresent themselves will not be verified.

Be Complete

The Page needs to be completely filled out with accurate info such as:

  • Profile and cover photos
  • Full name and bio info
  • Website URL
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Category representing what the Page is about

Sparse or incomplete Pages will not qualify. The info provided also needs to match what the Page claims to represent.

Have a Unique Name

The name of your Page needs to be unique and help distinguish you from others. Generic names like “Best Restaurant in Town” or common phrases that many Pages could use will not be verified.

Instead, the name should be specific to your business or entity, like “Sally’s Pizzeria.”

Not Be Inactive or a Duplicate

If your Page has been inactive or abandoned for a long time, it will not be eligible for verification. Facebook also prohibits duplicate Pages representing the same entity, so only one can be verified.

Common Reasons Pages May Not Be Eligible

Now that we’ve covered the eligibility requirements, here are some common reasons Pages fail to qualify:

The Page Represents a Group, Event or Concept

As mentioned, only Pages representing real registered individuals, businesses or organizations are eligible. So Pages for groups, events, causes, concepts or ideas will not qualify.

For example, a “Save the Whales” activist group Page or a “Class of 2025” graduating class event Page cannot be verified.

The Page Was Made for a Pet or Fictional Entity

Pages made for pets, fictional characters or pseudonyms that do not represent real registered businesses or entities are also ineligible.

So “Barkley’s Dog Treats” representing someone’s pet or a “Wonder Woman News” fan page do not qualify.

The Page Has a Generic Name

Pages with nonspecific, generic names like “Best Pizza Ever” or “My Town News” often fail eligibility, since the name does not differentiate the Page from others clearly.

The Page is Fan-Made or Unofficial

Unofficial fan Pages, parody accounts and tribute Pages are not eligible, even if they are representing a real public figure, brand or organization. Only official Pages owned by the actual entity qualify.

For example, an “Unofficial Lebron James Fan Club” run by fans would not qualify, but Lebron James’ official, verified athlete Page that he owns would be eligible.

The Page Was Abandoned or Sold

If the original Page owner is no longer active on the Page, it may not qualify for verification, especially if the new owner changed the name or purpose of the Page significantly.

For example, if “John’s Hamburgers” was inactive for years then sold to a new owner who renamed it “Suzy’s Pizza Shop,” it would likely fail eligibility and need to reapply accurately representing the new owner.

The Page Has Inaccurate, Incomplete or Duplicate Info

As mentioned earlier, Pages must be completely filled out with accurate, detailed info matching what is being represented. Insufficient info or info that does not match the stated purpose will disqualify a Page.

Additionally, duplicate Pages representing the same entity will fail, as Facebook only verifies the primary official Page. So spinoff Pages like “Lebron James Fans” in addition to the official athlete Page would not qualify.

The Page Was Created Primarily to Drive Traffic or Sales

If it appears the main intent of the Page is to drive traffic to a website or make sales, rather than genuinely represent a real entity, brand or organization, then it likely will not be verified. The purpose needs to be authentic.

For example, a clothing brand Page created just to sell products with no real company behind it would appear inauthentic and fail eligibility.

The Page Violates Facebook Policies

Obviously, any Page that violates Facebook’s terms of service, community standards or other policies is automatically ineligible. This includes posting prohibited content, spreading misinformation, harassing others and inauthentic behavior. So abiding by Facebook’s rules is a prerequisite.

Tips to Qualify for Verification

If your Page is not eligible for verification, here are some tips to help qualify:

Choose a Specific, Unique Page Name

Make sure your Page has an unambiguous name that could only represent your unique entity or organization. Avoid generic terms that many others could use.

Fill Out All Page Info Accurately

Provide as much accurate, detailed info on your Page as possible matching what you are representing. Include categories, bio info, contact info, photos, website links, etc.

Be Patient

It takes time for Facebook to review Pages for eligibility, so be patient. Continue building your audience and maintaining your Page while waiting.

Promote Consistently and Provide Value

Post new, high-quality content consistently that provides value to your audience. This shows the Page is active and authentic.

Follow Facebook’s Terms of Service

Carefully follow Facebook’s rules and community standards with all your actions and content to avoid any policy violations.

Focus on Establishing Your Brand

Build your reputation and establish your brand as high quality. Aim for authenticity rather than sales or driving traffic.

Appoint Official Admins

Give official admin access only to authorized managers representing your business or organization. Do not let random fans run your Page.

Make Sure You Have the Official Page

There can only be one verified Page per entity, organization or public figure, so consolidate multiple Pages.

Other Options if Not Verified

If you are still unable to get your Page verified after trying the above tips, here are a couple options:

Apply for Brand Verification

For businesses, you can apply for Facebook Business Manager verification, which confirms your brand identity and also unlocks additional tools.

Use an Official Affiliated Facebook Account

Promote your Page through affiliated official accounts on Facebook that are already verified, like your personal profile or company CEO account.

Focus on Your Audience

Rather than the verification badge, focus your efforts on building your audience and being valuable, authentic and engaged with fans. Good content and community interaction matter more than a badge!


While the blue verification badge can helpestablish credibility, having an authentic, high quality Page that provides value to your audience is most important. Strive for that rather than just the badge alone.

If your Page does meet all eligibility requirements, however, go ahead and apply for verification. With persistence and by following Facebook’s rules and best practices, you can potentially earn the coveted verified checkmark.