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Why is my Facebook monetization saying not yet available?

Why is my Facebook monetization saying not yet available?

Facebook monetization allows creators and publishers to earn money from their content on Facebook. However, some users may see a message saying “Monetization Unavailable” or “Not Yet Available” when trying to enable monetization. There are a few potential reasons why you may be seeing this message.

You Don’t Meet the Eligibility Requirements

Facebook has specific eligibility requirements that must be met in order to monetize content:

  • Have at least 10,000 total followers across Facebook Pages and Instagram accounts connected to your monetization account
  • Have an authentic profile and adhere to Facebook’s Community Standards and monetization policies
  • Post content that aligns with Facebook’s monetization content policies and Audience Network policies
  • Comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the countries where you hope to earn money
  • Create content that provides value to the Facebook community

If you do not meet these requirements, you will not be able to monetize your content yet. Focus on growing your audience organically and providing high quality content to meet the eligibility thresholds.

Your Content is Not Yet Approved

In addition to the above requirements, Facebook also reviews content to ensure it is high quality and complies with all policies before approving monetization. Even if you meet the eligibility thresholds, your content itself needs to be approved.

The review process can take some time. Be patient and continue creating content while awaiting approval. Avoid posting clickbait, sensational, or misleading content, as that may lead to disapproval.

Your Account is in Bad Standing

If your account has a history of policy violations, spam, or other issues, it may not be in good standing with Facebook. Accounts in bad standing can be prohibited from monetizing, even if all other requirements are met.

To resolve this, you will need to address any outstanding compliance issues on your account. Avoid further policy violations, work to improve the quality of your content, and bring your account back into good standing.

There is an Issue Processing Your Application

Sometimes there may be a technical issue or bug temporarily preventing your monetization application from being approved. The Facebook team is working to resolve these kinds of problems.

If you have met all eligibility requirements and have been waiting for approval for some time, reach out to Facebook support. They can look into whether there is an underlying issue delaying your application.

Your Country is Not Yet Supported

Facebook monetization is only available in certain countries at this time. If you do not reside in an eligible country, you will not be able to monetize your content.

Facebook is continually expanding monetization globally. Check the latest list of supported countries to see if yours has been added. You can still build your audience and prepare your content for monetization so that you are ready to apply when your country is supported.

How to Fix “Not Yet Available” Status

Here are some steps to take if your monetization says “not yet available”:

  1. Ensure you meet all eligibility requirements for followers, content quality, etc.
  2. Request a review if you believe you meet the requirements and have been waiting a while for approval.
  3. Avoid posting content that violates community standards or monetization policies.
  4. Check that your country is supported for monetization and all tax information is up to date.
  5. Address any outstanding issues or violations on your account.
  6. Keep building your audience and improving content quality while awaiting approval.

Meeting all the guidelines and being patient through the review process is key. If issues persist, reach out to Facebook support for help getting your account reviewed and approved.

Example Screens of “Not Yet Available”

Here are some examples of the “not yet available” monetization message you may see:

On Facebook Page Settings

On Instagram Account Settings

Requirements to Monetize Facebook Videos

Monetizing video content on Facebook has some additional requirements:

  • At least 600,000 total 1-minute video views across all video uploads in the previous month.
  • At least 5 active video uploads on your page.
  • Original videos that comply with Facebook’s Publisher Guidelines.
  • Videos must be at least 3 minutes long.
  • Page must have a professional category selected.

Live videos have slightly different requirements of at least 4 active broadcasts in the last 60 days, at least 5 minutes per broadcast, and 10,000 views total across broadcasts.

In addition to the above, video monetization requires manual review and approval. So be sure to meet all community standards and content policies for the best chance of approval.

Ways to Monetize Facebook Content

Once approved, there are several options to monetize your Facebook content:

In-Stream Ads

In-stream ads play before, during or after your video content. This is a popular option for monetizing videos. Facebook pays you a percentage of the revenue earned from ads served on your videos.

Instant Articles

Earn revenue from ads inserted between paragraphs in your Instant Articles. On mobile devices, these full-screen ads are highly viewable for advertisers.

Branded Content

Create sponsored posts and videos promoting a brand’s products or services. Negotiate branded content deals directly with advertisers.

Facebook Stars

Fans can support you monthly through subscription tiers that unlock perks. Earn steady revenue directly from your most engaged followers.

Live Ads

Place short ad breaks between segments in your live videos. Especially popular for extended live broadcasts like gaming or talk shows.


Fans can purchase badges during live videos to stand out in comments. One-time purchases that show their support.

Combining multiple monetization options maximizes your potential to earn money from content on Facebook.

Tips to be Successful with Facebook Monetization

Here are some tips to help you maximize returns from Facebook monetization:

  • Closely follow all Community Standards and Publishing Guidelines.
  • Post consistently and remain engaged with your audience in comments and live broadcasts.
  • Optimize video content for highest in-stream ad revenue – at least 3 minutes long, title/thumbnail enticing.
  • Test different ad placements and types to see what resonates best with your audience.
  • Promote your Facebook Stars subscription to fans and offer compelling perks.
  • Collaborate with relevant brands for sponsored content that aligns with your niche.
  • Analyze earnings data in Facebook Creator Studio and pivot your strategy as needed.

Most importantly, keep focusing on your audience and crafting great content. The revenue will follow.

Maximizing Facebook Video Ad Earnings

Follow these tips to maximize how much you earn from in-stream video ads:


Aim for videos longer than 3 minutes. The longer the video, the more (and longer) mid-roll ads can be inserted. Videos under 2 minutes cannot have mid-roll ads.

Video Length Max Ad Breaks
Under 1 minute None
1 – 2 minutes 1 pre-roll ad only
2 – 20 minutes 1 pre-roll ad, 1 mid-roll ad
20 – 35 minutes 1 pre-roll ad, 2 mid-roll ads
35 – 90 minutes 1 pre-roll ad, 3 mid-roll ads


High quality videos keep viewers watching longer, which increases ad impressions and revenue.

Audience Retention

Maximize watch time and completion rates. Videos that keep viewers engaged will allow more ads to be shown.

Peak Hours

Post videos when your audience is most active and likely to watch the full video.

Facebook Ad Revenue Rates

The amount earned from Facebook ads depends on region, audience, content type and other factors. Some typical Facebook ad earnings metrics:

  • In-stream video ads: $1 – $5 per 1000 views
  • Instant Articles: $1 – $2.50 per 1000 views
  • Native Facebook video ads: $10 – $30 per 1000 views
  • Sponsored posts: $100 – $500 per post

Top creators with huge loyal audiences, high quality content and lots of video views can earn $3 – $5 CPM or more from Facebook monetization.

Maximizing Facebook Stars Subscriptions

Facebook Stars provides another revenue stream directly from your loyal fanbase. Follow these tips to maximize subscription income:

  • Offer at least 3 Fan Club subscription tiers with compelling perks – e.g. bonus content, 1-on-1 messaging, merch discounts.
  • Promote your Fan Club actively via posts, stories, live mentions. Share subscriber benefits.
  • Develop exclusive subscribers-only content to incentivize signups.
  • Consider monthly pricing between $1 – $20 depending on audience and perks.
  • Thank new subscribers and feature their comments or content.
  • Rotate perks and introduce new benefits to reward long-term subscribers.

The more value you provide, the more fans will be willing to pay monthly for exclusive access and perks.

Why Branded Content is Effective

Partnering with brands for sponsored campaigns can earn significant revenue in addition to ad earnings. Branded content works well because it:

  • Matches relevant brands with aligned creators. Targeted to specific niches and audiences.
  • Appears in-feed alongside organic content. Seamless experience.
  • Entertaining and useful to audience rather than disruptive. Enhances user experience.
  • Leverages creators’ established trust with fans. More authentic than traditional ads.
  • Can extend to Instagram, Facebook Stories, Live and more. Broad reach.
  • Cost-effective for brands seeking engaged communities. Win-win partnerships.

The key is working with brands that genuinely match your niche and appeal to provide value to your audience.

Requirements for Facebook Gaming Creators

Live streaming games on Facebook requires meeting these criteria to be eligible for monetization:

  • 25,000 post engagement in past 60 days
  • 4 live hours in past 14 days
  • 100 lifetime live hours
  • Gaming content only
  • No policy violations

Once approved, gaming creators can earn money through ad breaks in streams, subscriptions, and stars from viewers.

Maximizing viewer engagement, watch time, and consistent streaming is key to generating revenue as a Facebook gaming creator.


Facebook monetization provides multiple ways to earn money from content – but certain requirements must be met first. Ensure you have enough followers, produce high quality content, comply with all policies, and get through the review process to unlock monetization.

Patience and persistence is crucial. Focus on serving your audience rather than short term revenue. The income will follow if you keep delivering value via entertaining and informative content.

Utilize a mix of monetization strategies like video ads, subscriptions, stars, and branded content. Analyze performance data to optimize your approach over time. With dedication, Facebook’s money-making tools can become a significant source of income.