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Why is my Facebook Messenger payment not sent?

Why is my Facebook Messenger payment not sent?

Common reasons Facebook Messenger payments fail

There are several common reasons why a Facebook Messenger payment might fail to send:

Insufficient funds

The most obvious reason a payment won’t go through is if you don’t have enough money in your connected payment account to cover the transaction. Facebook Messenger payments are linked to a debit card, credit card, or PayPal account, so if there aren’t sufficient funds available, the payment will be declined.

Expired or invalid payment information

If your connected debit card or credit card has expired or been reported lost/stolen, payments made through Facebook Messenger will fail. You’ll need to update your payment information by going to your Facebook Pay settings.

Recipient account issues

Problems on the recipient’s end can also cause payment failures. If their connected account is invalid, closed, or has restrictions that block withdrawals, your payment to them will not go through. The recipient may need to update their payout account information.

Payment review

Facebook may place a hold on payments exceeding a certain threshold or flag them for review. This is an anti-fraud measure. Larger payments may be pending for 24-48 hours before being released. You will receive a notification if your payment is under review.

Temporary block

If you have made several failed payment attempts within a short timeframe, Facebook may temporarily block payments from your account. This is to protect against fraudulent activity. The block is usually lifted within a few hours or days.

Verification needed

If your Facebook or payment accounts are new or unverified, you may need to complete an identity verification process before sending payments. Facebook does this to confirm your identity and prevent fraudulent payments.

Incorrect or blocked recipient

Double check that you’ve entered the correct recipient name or account details. Typos or sending funds to a restricted recipient will result in a failed payment. Facebook may also block payments to certain recipients deemed high-risk.

Account security issues

If your Facebook account has been accessed by an unauthorized third party, payments may be blocked for security reasons. You may need to reset your password or go through a security checkpoint to regain access.

Technical errors

Like any online platform, Facebook Messenger payments are subject to occasional technical glitches. Network outages or bugs in the system can lead to payments failing to process correctly. These issues are usually temporary.

Troubleshooting tips for failed Facebook Messenger payments

If a payment you attempted to send fails, there are steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve the issue:

Check account balances

Confirm you have sufficient funds in your connected bank account, debit card, credit card, or PayPal account to cover the payment amount. Transfer funds if needed.

Update payment information

Go to your Facebook Pay settings and make sure your payment details are current. Update any expired/invalid cards.

Contact recipient

Ask the recipient to verify and/or update their payout account information on their end.

Wait for review period

If Facebook has flagged your payment for review, you’ll have to wait 24-48 hours for it to process. The review is for safety.

Remove payment blocks

If your account has been temporarily blocked from sending payments, you will have to wait out the block duration (usually a few hours or days).

Verify your identity

If prompted, complete Facebook’s identity verification process before sending payments. This involves confirming personal details.

Check recipient status

Ensure the recipient you’re attempting to pay is a valid Facebook friend and hasn’t been restricted from receiving payments.

Secure your account

If your account may have been compromised, change your password immediately and set up two-factor authentication for added security.

Retry later

If the issue appears to be a temporary system error, wait a while and try sending the payment again later. Most faults are fixed quickly.

Check error messages

Read any specific error notifications you receive carefully. They will often indicate exactly why the payment failed and how to go about fixing it.

Contact Facebook support

If you can’t diagnose the issue yourself, reach out to Facebook’s customer support team for assistance. They can look into your failed payment and resolve problems.

Preventing failed Facebook Messenger payments

While processing errors can occasionally happen, there are preventative steps you can take to avoid Facebook Messenger payment failures:

Keep a balance buffer

Maintain a buffer of at least $20-50 in your connected bank account or payment card to cover pending payments. This minimizes declines due to insufficient funds.

Add a backup payment

Link a secondary debit/credit card or PayPal account to your Facebook Pay. That way if your primary payment fails, Facebook can attempt to process the payment via the backup funding source.

Confirm recipient details

Always double and triple check that you’re sending money to the correct recipient. Typos when entering names or accounts often lead to failed transfers.

Stay on top of expirations

Make a note in your calendar to update your payment card details a month before expiration to avoid declines. Facebook will not always notify you when payment info lapses.

Monitor for flags

Keep an eye out for any alerts from Facebook about your payments being reviewed or your account being temporarily blocked. Address flagged payments promptly.

Secure your account

Enable two-factor authentication and use strong, unique passwords to prevent unauthorized access to your Facebook profile. This enhances payment security.

Resolve errors quickly

As soon as a payment fails, diagnose the problem and take appropriate corrective action right away. Don’t let issues linger.

Avoid risk factors

Don’t send payments to strangers or accounts outside your country, as these are seen as higher risk by Facebook and more likely to fail or be blocked.


Facebook Messenger offers a convenient person-to-person payment option. But like any financial transfer service, occasional failures and hiccups can happen. By understanding the primary causes of unsuccessful payments and taking proactive troubleshooting steps, you can minimize errors and get your money sent quickly. With a few best practices, you can avoid the frustration of asking “why is my Facebook Messenger payment not sent?”