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Why is my Facebook Marketplace listing taking so long to be reviewed?

Why is my Facebook Marketplace listing taking so long to be reviewed?

There are a few common reasons why a Facebook Marketplace listing may take longer than expected to get reviewed and published:

  • High volume of listings – Facebook receives a huge number of new listings every day, so reviews can take longer when there is a backlog.
  • Category restrictions – Listings for certain restricted categories like alcohol, tobacco, firearms, etc. require additional review which can add time.
  • Suspicious activity – If Facebook’s automated systems detect suspicious account activity, extra screening may occur.
  • Content violations – Listings get scrutinized more closely if they appear to violate Facebook’s commerce policies.
  • New seller account – New and unestablished accounts are more thoroughly vetted, lengthening the review process.

The review process aims to catch policy violations, spam, scams and other problem listings before they go live. This protects buyers but can mean a longer wait for legitimate sellers.

How Long Does Facebook Marketplace Review Take?

Facebook does not provide an exact timeframe for when listings will be reviewed. However, in most cases, listings are checked within 24-48 hours. Here are some general timeframes:

  • Standard listings: 24-48 hours
  • Restricted categories: Up to 1 week
  • Content violations: 72 hours+
  • New seller accounts: Up to 72 hours

Of course, these are just estimates and can vary case by case. Listings with obvious technical issues like missing photos may get rejected faster than listings needing in-depth review.

Factors That Can Delay Facebook Marketplace Review

While most listings get reviewed within a couple days, there are factors that can extend the review process:

High Listing Volume

During peak listing periods, like holidays or summer months, backlogs can occur as the volume spikes. This throttles the review system and timelines get extended. Similarly, technical issues on Facebook’s end can slow the queues.

Content Violations

Listings with questionable content, like inflated claims or prohibited products, require extra scrutiny. These policy violation reviews add to the timeline. Each case needs to be evaluated against Facebook’s commerce rules.

Account History Issues

For sellers with a history of violations or complaints, the review process acts more cautiously. These sellers may wait longer for reviews as their reputation merits additional screening.

New or Low-Activity Accounts

To limit fraud and quality issues, newer seller accounts generally face longer timelines. Facebook’s system needs more assurance before allowing unvetted accounts to publish broadly. Low-activity accounts also raise flags triggering deeper reviews.

Technical Problems

Bugs or glitches either on Facebook’s side or the seller’s can stall the process. Connection errors when uploading listings, for example, may require re-uploads extending timelines. Server outages and other technical hiccups can also delay reviews.

Tips to Expedite Facebook Marketplace Review

While you ultimately cannot control how long Facebook takes, there are tips sellers can follow to potentially speed up the review process:

  • Have compliant content – Avoid inflated claims, prohibited items, or questionable descriptions that raise red flags.
  • Build up seller history – Established accounts in good standing often get faster review.
  • Check for technical issues – Re-upload listings if facing upload errors or glitches.
  • Be patient – Avoid repeatedly re-submitting listings as it may worsen delays.
  • Follow up if delays persist – Use Facebook support if your listing is still pending after several days.

Proactively troubleshooting errors and having a seller reputation in good standing can help expedite Facebook’s review. But delays are still likely unavoidable during peak periods or for high-risk listing categories requiring more vetting.

What to Do If Your Facebook Marketplace Listing is Taking Too Long

If your Facebook Marketplace listing remains pending review beyond 72 hours or the expected timeline, there are options:

  • Check for errors – Make sure your listing follows all technical guidelines, with no blank fields or missing images.
  • Review content – Ensure your descriptions, photos, pricing and details don’t violate any commerce policies.
  • Contact support – Use the help center to submit an inquiry into your delayed listing status.
  • Build account history – The more established history your seller account has, the faster future reviews may go.
  • Be patient – During peak times, backlogs are inevitable. Avoid repeatedly resubmitting the listing as it may worsen delays.

You can also consider advertising the item elsewhere like Craigslist or eBay while you wait for the Marketplace listing to clear review. This gives you a backup selling channel if Facebook’s review remains delayed.

Can You Follow Up on a Pending Facebook Marketplace Review?

Yes, if your Marketplace listing has been stuck in “Pending Review” for an abnormally long time, you can follow up in a few ways:

  • Use the Facebook Help Center – Request a review status update through their contact form.
  • Post in the Facebook Community Support Group – Crowdsource advice from other sellers.
  • Tweet @Facebook – Attempt to get traction and a response from their Twitter support.
  • Wait it out – During peak periods, delays over 72 hours are not uncommon. Avoid resubmitting frequently.
  • Build seller history – Having more established marketplace activity can expedite future reviews.

Repeatedly re-submitting your listing can actually worsen delays, so after contacting support just wait patiently. And be sure your listing follows all Facebook commerce policies, as violations lengthen the review process.

Should I Just Delete My Stalled Listing and Re-submit?

If your Facebook Marketplace listing has been stuck in review for a while, should you just delete and re-submit it? There are a few factors to consider:

  • Avoid frequent re-submissions – Repeated deletions and resubmits may actually flag your account and worsen delays.
  • Check for fixable errors first – See if simple photo or text tweaks can get it approved before deleting.
  • Review Facebook’s policies – Make sure your listing does not violate prohibited content rules before re-submitting.
  • Try contacting support – See if Facebook can provide any guidance specific to your stalled listing.
  • Wait it out if needed – During peak times, delays over 72 hours can be unavoidable as queues get backlogged.

In most cases, patience is advisable over immediately deleting and re-submitting. But correcting any technical issues that may be stalling the review is recommended when possible. Just avoid excessive re-uploads, as that tactic can backfire.

Should I Create a New Listing for the Same Item?

If your Facebook Marketplace listing has been stuck in review limbo for a prolonged period, should you just create a brand new listing for the same item? There are pros and cons to consider:


  • May expedite review if old listing had technical errors.
  • Lets you re-word the listing details from scratch.
  • Provides a fresh submission if policies changed.


  • Duplicate listings may both get stalled in review.
  • Excessive repeats can flag account for spam-like activity.
  • Better to identify and fix problematic content if possible.

In many cases, it is better to have some patience with your existing listing, and make any needed tweaks or appeals. But occasionally a fresh new listing with corrected details can help. Just avoid posting duplicate or near-duplicate listings excessively.

What Happens if Your Listing is Rejected by Review?

If after prolonged pending status your Facebook Marketplace listing is ultimately rejected, there are some next steps to take:

  • Identify the violation reason – Facebook should notify you of the specific policy breach.
  • Edit and resubmit correctly – Fix the problematic content and carefully re-submit per policy.
  • Wait before resubmitting – Don’t repost immediately or your account may be restricted.
  • Review all policies – Thoroughly check your compliance with Facebook commerce rules.
  • Boost above-board history – Build up your marketplace reputation before relisting.

With rejected listings, patience and compliance are key. Rushing to re-submit without fixing the root violations will only lead to further delays or account restrictions. Spend time reviewing Facebook’s marketplace community standards thoroughly before posting the listing again.

Am I Restricted from Selling after Rejection?

If one of your Facebook Marketplace listings gets rejected, does that restrict your ability to make future listings? In most cases:

  • A single rejection will not lead to selling restrictions. Just avoid re-posting that same prohibited listing.
  • Frequent rejections for repeated policy breaches may trigger commerce restrictions, either temporary or permanent.
  • Future unrelated listings can still be posted, but may undergo additional scrutiny.
  • Your account standing and history factors into review timelines.
  • Take rejections seriously and audit your compliance. But don’t panic after a single denied listing.

The best way to avoid selling limitations is to carefully study Facebook’s policies and ensure all your listings are fully compliant. For one-off mistakes, just correct and move forward. Serial violations will get your posting privileges revoked.

Should I Use a Different Facebook Account?

If your Facebook Marketplace listings keep getting stuck in lengthy review or rejected, is it advisable to simply create a new seller account? There are pros and cons:


  • Offers a fresh start reputation-wise.
  • Previous account issues don’t carry over.
  • Can help if your account was restricted.


  • Duplicate accounts violate Facebook TOS.
  • Risks account bans if caught.
  • Same selling practices may lead to same issues.

The best approach is to audit your current account and listings for any policy breaches. Correct these fully before attempting new listings. Creating duplicate accounts rarely offers a sustainable solution, and may get both accounts penalized if discovered.


In summary, Facebook Marketplace listing reviews aim to protect buyers and maintain standards, but can be frustrating for sellers awaiting approval. While you cannot definitively expedite the process, proactively following commerce policies, having seller account history, fixing technical issues, and avoiding excessive re-uploads can help. If your listing faces prolonged delays or rejection, methodically review where you deviated from Facebook’s rules and carefully resubmit after making corrections. Patience and perseverance is key.