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Why is my Facebook location wrong?

Why is my Facebook location wrong?

Having an inaccurate location on Facebook can be frustrating. Your Facebook location settings impact many features, including check-ins, events, recommendations, ads, and more. So why might your Facebook location be showing the wrong city, state, or country?

Quick Answer

The most common reasons for an incorrect Facebook location are:

  • GPS issues on your mobile device
  • Using a VPN or proxy server
  • Having multiple Facebook accounts
  • Facebook’s location services need updating
  • Your IP address is registered to a different location

You can troubleshoot your Facebook location settings to resolve inaccuracies. Key steps include checking your device’s GPS, updating your profile details, and turning location services on and off.

Why Is My Facebook Location Wrong?

Let’s explore the main reasons you may see the wrong location on Facebook and how to fix them:

GPS Issues on Your Mobile Device

Facebook relies heavily on GPS for identifying your location. If the GPS on your mobile device is inaccurate, it can cause your Facebook location to be wrong.

GPS signals can be disrupted due to:

  • Being indoors
  • Tall buildings blocking signals
  • Weather interference
  • Weak GPS chip in your device

Try these tips to improve GPS accuracy on mobile:

  • Go outdoors with a clear view of the sky
  • Update your device’s software and apps
  • Turn GPS off and on again
  • Toggle location services off and on
  • Reset network settings on your device

Using a VPN or Proxy Server

When you use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) or proxy server, it can mask your real location and IP address. As a result, Facebook may report your location as wherever the VPN or proxy server is registered.

To prevent this, disable your VPN or proxy before accessing Facebook. Or, configure your VPN/proxy to use an IP address close to your actual location. Some VPNs have settings to select your desired location.

Having Multiple Facebook Accounts

If you have more than one Facebook account, it can create confusion around your location. For example:

  • You may have separate home and work accounts tied to different places
  • An old account may still be associated with a previous city you lived in
  • Accounts may show varying locations if you access them from different devices

The fix is to consolidate your accounts. Delete any extra, inactive, or obsolete profiles. Make sure you’re only accessing Facebook from one account that reflects where you currently live.

Facebook’s Location Services Need Updating

Facebook uses a variety of signals to determine your location beyond just GPS, like your computer’s IP address and network information. Sometimes these background services have outdated information.

You can prompt Facebook to refresh its location data on you by:

  • Updating your Current City in your Profile
  • Setting your location for Nearby Friends
  • Checking in to a nearby place
  • Tagging your location in a Post

Facebook may take some time to re-triangulate your more accurate location from these signals.

Your IP Address is Registered to a Different Location

Facebook relies on your device’s IP address as one signal for your location. Sometimes IP addresses can be registered to other cities, states, or even countries, leading Facebook astray.

If your IP address location is way off, try these fixes:

  • Restart your modem or router – you may get a new IP address
  • Manually change your IP address if possible
  • Use a proxy service to mask your IP with one from your current area

With an IP address pointing closer to your real location, Facebook is more likely to correct itself over time.

How to Update Your Facebook Location

Once you’ve addressed any issues with your device’s GPS, VPN, IP address, etc., you can take direct action within Facebook to update your location info. Here are the key steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook Profile
  2. Click Update Info at the bottom of your cover photo
  3. Edit your Current City
  4. Change your Hometown if needed
  5. Click Save Changes

This signals to Facebook’s systems that your profile location has been corrected. Other actions like checking in places near your current city also help re-establish where you really are.

Change Your Location in Facebook Settings

Beyond your main profile, you can also configure your location within Facebook’s settings:

  1. Click the down arrow at the top right
  2. Select Settings & Privacy
  3. Click Settings
  4. Go to the Location section
  5. Edit your location details
  6. Click Save Changes

Here you can set your location for Nearby Friends, ads, weather reports, and other features. Entering your correct location helps Facebook customize its services for where you really are.

Troubleshooting Other Inaccurate Locations

Beyond your main profile and settings, there are a few other places you may see the wrong location on Facebook and how to update them:

Posts or Check-Ins

If you notice old posts or check-ins showing an outdated location, you can edit the location info:

  1. Click the three dots in the top right of the post
  2. Select Edit Post or Edit Check-in
  3. Update the location field
  4. Click Save


For events you’ve created or are attending, click on the event then select Edit Event. Update the location fields with your current city and venue.

Nearby Recommendations

If you’re seeing recommendations for the wrong city in Nearby Friends or Marketplace, try checking in to your current location. This gives Facebook a strong signal about where you really are.


To ensure ads match your current location:

  1. Click the three dots at the top right
  2. Choose Advertising Preferences
  3. Select Ads based on my activity
  4. Click Update

This prompts Facebook to recalibrate the ads you see based on your recent activity in your current area.

Preventing Facebook Location Issues

Once you get your Facebook location resolved, there are some best practices to prevent future inaccuracies:

  • Delete any unused Facebook accounts to avoid confusion
  • Turn off VPN and proxies when accessing Facebook
  • Allow Facebook access to your device’s location services
  • Periodically update your Current City and hometown in your profile
  • Check in at your real location from time to time

Keeping your Facebook location info current ensures you have the best experience based on where you actually live. You get relevant nearby recommendations, ads, events and more tailored for your real location.


A wrong Facebook location can be annoying but is usually fixable. The most common culprits are GPS and IP address inaccuracies, VPN usage, and having multiple accounts. Updating your profile details, changing location services settings, and troubleshooting your device’s location services can help get your Facebook location back in sync.

With your true location established, Facebook can deliver a more customized social experience based on where you really are located and the things around you. Your Facebook community is local, so it helps to keep your location dialed in.