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Why is my Facebook group comment declined?

Why is my Facebook group comment declined?

Having a Facebook group comment declined can be frustrating. There are a few key reasons why this may happen.

You are not a member of the group

In order to comment in a Facebook group, you need to be an approved member of that group. If you try to comment in a group you are not a member of, your comment will automatically be declined.

To fix this, you need to join the group first. Go to the group page and click the “Join Group” or “Ask to Join” button. The group admin will need to approve your request before you can participate.

Your comment goes against the group rules

Most Facebook groups have a set of rules or community guidelines that members are expected to follow. These cover things like being respectful, staying on topic, no spamming, etc.

If your comment violates any of these rules, a group admin may decline it. Carefully read the rules for each group before commenting to make sure you follow them.

You used banned words

Some Facebook groups use word filters or banned word lists to automatically flag and remove inappropriate comments. For example, a family friendly group may ban profanity or insulting language.

If your comment contains banned words, it will likely get declined right away. Make sure to avoid using language that goes against the group’s rules or purpose.

Your account or activity seems suspicious

Facebook group admins can view your account information and activity to determine if you seem potentially suspicious or fake. Things like a brand new account, low friend count, unusual posting patterns, or being marked as spam elsewhere can raise red flags.

To avoid seeming suspicious, build up your account credibility by connecting with friends, building your profile, and engaging positively across Facebook before joining groups.

You posted too frequently

Some groups limit how often members can post to prevent individuals from dominating the conversation. If you post too many times in a short period, your comments may start getting declined.

Try spacing out your comments more or limiting yourself to commenting once or twice per post. Keep quantity low but make your comments high-quality.

Your comment seems off-topic

Facebook groups are centered around specific topics and interests. Comments that seem irrelevant or off-topic may get declined by admins trying to keep conversations focused.

Before commenting, read through recent posts and discussions to get a feel for what is on-topic in that particular group. Make sure your comment directly relates to the original post.

You used prohibited sales language

Many Facebook groups prohibit promotional content, sales language, and advertising in comments. This includes offering products or services, posting affiliate links, or directing people elsewhere to purchase something.

Stick to organic, conversational language in your comments. Don’t use groups solely for self-promotion purposes.

The admin declined by mistake

With so many comments happening all the time, Facebook group admins may occasionally decline something by mistake. It can be easy to click the wrong button when responding quickly.

If you feel your comment was declined unfairly, politely message the admin and ask why. Explain that you believe it was declined by accident and ask them to reconsider. Most admins are understanding of honest mistakes.

You have a history of declined comments

Once you have several declined comments within a specific group, admins may start preemptively declining all your future comments. This signals that you have repeatedly broken the rules.

Improve your participation by carefully reading each group’s rules, posting thoughtful comments that spark discussion, and avoiding overly frequent posting. Over time, admins may start approving you again.

You commented on an older post

On active Facebook groups, conversations move quickly. If you comment on an older post far down in the feed, mods may decline it to keep focused on recent discussions.

Make sure to engage with fresh posts near the top of the feed. Sort by “New Posts” instead of “Recent Activity” to see the latest conversations.

You tagged the admin or moderator

Some group admins do not like being tagged in comments, as it can feel intrusive or like you are trying to single them out.

Unless absolutely necessary, avoid tagging the admin directly in your comment. Send them a private message if you need their attention.

The admin has personal bias

Unfortunately, some Facebook group admins let personal biases impact how they moderate conversations. They may decline comments based on things like gender, race, religion, political beliefs, etc.

If you feel you are being targeted due to discrimination, report the group and admin to Facebook. Make sure you have evidence before claiming admin bias.

You are commenting too quickly

Spamming a group with a flurry of comments in quick succession can look suspicious and low-quality. Admins aim to facilitate organic conversation.

Even if you have a lot to say, pace yourself. Take the time to read and properly engage with others before commenting again.

Your comment tone seems aggressive

Being disrespectful, argumentative, insulting, or confrontational in tone often leads to comment deletion. Even if you make good points, aggressive tone can derail constructive discussion.

Express ideas politely and assume good intent. Don’t attack others or use all caps. Take a breather if you feel heated.

You failed to follow posting guidelines

Some groups have specific instructions for posting, like required details to include or a format to follow. Failing to follow these guidelines could lead to declined comments.

Read the posting rules carefully. If asked to include certain info like location or photo, make sure to do so in your comment.


In summary, Facebook group comments usually get declined due to breaking rules, posting inappropriate content, having a shady-looking account, or acting suspicious in some way. Make sure to read each group’s policies, build up your credibility slowly, contribute valuable insights, stay on topic, and maintain a respectful tone. With time and positive participation, your comments will likely start getting approved.