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Why is my Facebook feed showing old stuff?

Why is my Facebook feed showing old stuff?

There are a few reasons why you may be seeing old posts in your Facebook feed:

Facebook’s Algorithm

The main reason is due to changes in Facebook’s news feed algorithm. The algorithm controls what content shows up in your feed and when. Here are some key points about how it works:

Prioritizes Meaningful Interactions

In 2018, Facebook updated their algorithm to prioritize “meaningful social interactions” over passive content consumption. This means posts from your closest friends and family will be shown higher up in your feed compared to posts from pages or groups you follow.

Values Comments Over Likes

The algorithm also values engagement through comments more than just likes. So a post with a lot of comments is deemed more meaningful than a post with only likes. This causes some old posts with active comment threads to resurface higher up in your feed.

Considers Your History of Interactions

Facebook looks at the history of your interactions with friends when ranking feed content. If you consistently interact with certain friends’ posts, you’re likely to keep seeing more of their content, even if it’s older stuff.

You Have Caught Up on Recent Posts

Another reason is you may have caught up on all the recent activity from your network. If you check Facebook frequently and have scrolled through all new posts, Facebook will start showing you older stuff lower down in your feed.

Tips to See More Recent Posts

Here are some tips to refresh your feed and see more recent posts:

  • Click on “Latest” at the top left of your feed to reorder posts chronologically.
  • Check back often to catch new posts as they come in.
  • Interact with friends by commenting, reacting, and sharing posts to boost their visibility.

Friends Have Not Posted in a While

You may also notice old content if your closest friends and family haven’t been active on Facebook lately. With fewer new posts from them, Facebook shows you their older stuff.

Ways to Get Friends Posting More

Here are some ideas to encourage friends to post more so you see fresh content:

  • Comment on friends’ timelines asking how they’re doing.
  • Tag friends in memes and content you think they’d like.
  • Share photos and life updates of your own to prompt others.

You Follow Many Groups or Pages

If a large percentage of the accounts you follow are groups and pages rather than individual friends, you may see more old posts. This is because groups and pages post less frequently than individuals.

Manage Your Follows

Try pruning your follows to focus on just your favorite groups and pages. Also make sure to follow enough friends to maintain a steady feed of personal updates.

Facebook is Experiencing a Technical Issue

In rare cases, the problem could be due to a technical glitch on Facebook’s end. Server issues or a bug in the news feed algorithm could be surfacing outdated content.

Report the Issue to Facebook

If you notice old posts dominating your feed for an extended time, try reporting the problem on Facebook’s Help Community page. That will alert their technical team to investigate and fix any bugs.

You Made Changes to Your Feed Preferences

Facebook allows you to customize your feed by showing more or fewer posts from specific people, pages, or groups. If you recently adjusted these preferences, it could explain the sudden influx of old posts.

Review and Reset Feed Preferences

Go to your feed preferences under “Settings” and look for any changes you may have made. Resetting preferences back to the default can help get your most relevant and recent posts flowing again.


Seeing too many older posts in your Facebook feed is most likely due to shifts in the news feed algorithm or changes in your usage and engagement patterns. But other factors like inactive friends, too many page/group follows, glitches, or feed customizations can also contribute.

Try leveraging Facebook’s latest feed filter, encouraging friend interactions, managing follows, reporting issues, and resetting feed preferences. With a little effort, you can regain a fresh, chronological flow of posts.

Reason Explanation Solution
Facebook Algorithm Changes Prioritizes meaningful engagement over recent posts Actively interact with new content from close connections
Caught Up on Recent Posts Have already scrolled through new posts Click “Latest” or check back often for new posts
Inactive Friends Close friends haven’t posted in a while Engage friends to encourage them to post more
Too Many Page/Group Follows Majority of follows are pages that post infrequently Prune page/group follows
Facebook Glitch Technical issue causing outdated posts to surface Report problem to Facebook Help Community
Feed Setting Changes Adjusted feed preferences to show more/less of certain posts Review and reset feed preferences