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Why is my Facebook feed frozen?

Why is my Facebook feed frozen?

If you’ve noticed that your Facebook feed seems frozen and isn’t updating with new posts, there are a few potential reasons why this might be happening.

You’ve hit the News Feed limit

Facebook limits the number of posts that can appear in your News Feed at one time. This is to prevent feeds from becoming overloaded. Once you’ve hit the limit, older posts will stop appearing as new ones are added. This makes it seem like your feed has frozen, when really it’s just reached capacity.

The News Feed limit is different for everyone based on how many friends and Pages you follow. Those with larger networks will hit the limit faster. If you notice your feed seems frozen, try unfollowing some friends or Pages you interact with less. This will open up space to resume seeing new posts.

There’s a technical problem

Glitches in the Facebook system can also cause feeds to freeze. Bugs or server issues could prevent new posts from loading properly. If this is the case, the problem should resolve itself within a few hours once the technical problem is fixed.

One way to check if technical issues are to blame is by logging out of Facebook and back in again. Or try accessing Facebook from a different device or web browser. If your feed is still frozen, it likely means there’s a wider problem on Facebook’s end.

You’ve filtered too much content

Facebook allows you to filter what appears in your News Feed using options like See First, Unfollow, and News Feed Preferences. But filtering too much can cause your feed to seem frozen if you end up hiding posts from most of your connections.

Go to your News Feed Preferences and make sure you haven’t hidden too many friends or Pages. You may need to reset any filters that are causing important updates to disappear from your feed.

You’ve reached the end of new posts

If you scroll back through your entire News Feed, you may simply have caught up on all new posts from the past day or so. Your feed itself isn’t actually frozen, there just aren’t any newly added posts to see.

Check back later once your friends and Pages have shared new updates. Your feed should restart with fresh content once it’s available. You can also pull down to refresh and see if that loads any unseen posts.

Your account is restricted

In some cases, Facebook will impose restrictions on accounts violating community standards. Restrictions can include temporarily limiting access to News Feed updates. If your account has been restricted, you’ll see a notification explaining the restrictions when trying to access Facebook.

Review Facebook’s terms and standards to understand what may have caused the restriction. It may be temporary, or you may need to appeal the decision if you believe the restrictions were applied incorrectly.

You’re caught in a filter bubble

Facebook’s algorithm factors in your past interactions to select the posts that appear at the top of News Feed. Over time, this can create a “filter bubble” limiting the diversity of updates you see.

If you notice seeing the same types of posts repeatedly, try engaging with a wider variety of content. Comment on and react to posts from different friends or Pages to influence the algorithm and break out of the bubble.

Pages you follow have low activity

If your Facebook friends don’t post often, your News Feed relies more heavily on Pages for updates. If the Pages you follow have low posting activity themselves, your feed can seem stagnant.

Review the Pages you follow and consider unfollowing any that rarely post updates. Replace them with more active Pages that share content more frequently to liven up your feed.

You’re not connected to many active users

The more friends and active Pages you’re connected to, the more potential updates there are to populate your News Feed. If your own Facebook network is small or has low posting frequency, fewer new posts will appear in your feed over time.

Consider widening your Facebook network by finding new friends or interesting Pages to follow. The more connections that regularly contribute updates, the less likely you are to run out of new content.

You have connectivity issues

Technically, it’s your device’s connection to Facebook that loads your News Feed, not Facebook itself. So if you’re experiencing connectivity problems on your device, it can mimic the appearance of a frozen feed.

Check that your device has a stable internet connection. Close out of the Facebook app and relaunch it to refresh the connection. Switching from WiFi to mobile data or vice versa may resolve temporary connection problems.

Facebook is down

One of the most obvious explanations – if Facebook itself is experiencing an outage or is down for maintenance, your News Feed won’t be able to update until service is restored. Check Downdetector to see if other users are reporting problems accessing Facebook.

Outages only last a short time, usually under an hour. Try again a bit later once Facebook resolves any site issues that are preventing feeds from loading properly across its platform.

You have News Feed turned off

The most unlikely reason your Facebook feed would be frozen is if you’ve disabled your News Feed. This can be done via Facebook’s News Feed preferences menu.

Go to the shortcuts menu in your Facebook app and make sure News Feed is actually turned on. If you only see messages and notifications, you’ve switched off your feed and just need to toggle it back on.

Troubleshooting tips

If you’ve verified your Facebook News Feed is truly frozen, here are some troubleshooting steps to try:

  • Force close and relaunch the Facebook app
  • Log out and back into your Facebook account
  • Clear your browser history/cache if accessing via desktop
  • Try accessing Facebook on a different device or web browser
  • Update to the latest version of the Facebook app
  • Check Downdetector to see if Facebook is down
  • Disable any ad blockers temporarily
  • Reset your News Feed preferences/filters
  • Report the issue directly to Facebook

Preventing feed freeze in the future

To help avoid a frozen News Feed going forward, keep these tips in mind:

  • Don’t go overboard with filters and preferences
  • Engage with diverse content to influence the algorithm
  • Follow many active friends and Pages
  • Check for technical issues right away
  • Limit restrictions on who can see your posts
  • Post regularly yourself to contribute content


A Facebook feed that seems frozen is often just a temporary glitch or limitation that can be resolved. Be patient, try troubleshooting steps, and the problem usually goes away on its own. Limiting filters, following more active connections, and posting regularly yourself can help prevent your News Feed from freezing up. But an occasional pause is normal as Facebook curates the best content to show you each day based on engagement patterns and technical factors.