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Why is my Facebook engagement decreasing?

Why is my Facebook engagement decreasing?

If you’ve noticed a decline in your Facebook engagement recently, you’re not alone. With algorithm changes and more competition on the platform, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to get your content seen. However, with some strategic adjustments, you can turn things around and boost your Facebook engagement.

How Facebook’s Algorithm Works

The main reason engagement is decreasing on Facebook is due to ongoing algorithm changes. Facebook’s algorithm decides which posts appear in your followers’ News Feeds. Their goal is to show users the content they find most interesting and engaging.

In the past, Facebook’s algorithm was fairly simple – it showed posts in chronological order. But in recent years, they’ve implemented complex AI technology to predict engagement. Now posts that spark interaction, comments, shares, etc. get boosted to the top of the News Feed. If your content isn’t generating enough engagement, you’ll see a drop in reach.

Facebook also aims to increase meaningful social interactions. So posts that facilitate conversation get priority over passive content. Furthermore, they favor posts that come from friends and family over branded content from Pages. The bottom line – you have to work much harder for your branded content to be seen.

How the Competition Has Increased

Not only has the algorithm gotten tougher, but competition on Facebook has significantly increased. When Facebook first launched, brands were some of the only organizations using it. But now, everyone and their mother has a Facebook Page. There are over 65 million business Pages on Facebook at this point. Not to mention all the other non-profit, community, and personal accounts posting regularly.

More competition means it’s harder to stand out in the News Feed. Even within your own niche, you likely have dozens of competitors with Pages. And since the algorithm favors engagement, if they’re generating more of it than you, they’ll appear higher in the News Feed.

Your Followers Aren’t Seeing Your Posts

The combination of the stringent algorithm and increased competition means your followers simply aren’t seeing your posts anymore. If your followers aren’t seeing your posts, they obviously can’t engage with them. And no engagement leads to plummeting organic reach on Facebook.

According to Social Insider, brand posts only show up in the News Feed of about 5% of their followers now. That’s down from 16% a few years ago. And organic reach could drop as low as 1-2% in the future. Facebook is continually trying to increase “meaningful” posts from friends and minimize branded content.

Your Content Hasn’t Adapted to Changes

As Facebook has evolved, has your content adapted with it? Many brands are still posting like it’s 2014, without realizing how much the platform has changed. If you’re still posting the same types of content as a few years ago, it’s no wonder your engagement is decreasing.

For example, some brands continue posting primarily links back to their blogs or promotions for their products. While links still have a place, they need to be balanced with more social, conversational posts. Self-promotional content tends not to perform well in today’s algorithm either.

Your Followers are Less Active on Facebook

It’s not always something you’re doing wrong. In some cases, your followers themselves are just less active on Facebook than they used to be. Facebook remains the top social media platform in terms of users. But user growth has slowed significantly in many markets.

Younger audiences continue flocking to Snapchat, TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube instead. And even older demographics are spending less time actively scrolling their News Feeds. As your followers engage with Facebook less frequently, they’ll be less likely to engage with your content.

How to Boost Facebook Engagement

Now that we’ve explored why your Facebook engagement may be decreasing, let’s discuss strategies to give it a boost. While the algorithm will keep evolving, you can adapt your approach to regain visibility and engagement on Facebook.

Get More Targeted Followers

Take some time to evaluate your current followers. Do they genuinely have an interest in your niche and content? Or did you accumulate followers fast through questionable tactics likemassive follow/unfollows or Facebook ad spam?

Low-quality followers are unlikely to engage with your content. Focus instead on getting more targeted, loyal followers. Run Facebook ads to reach your ideal audience. Partner with influencers in your niche to access engaged followers. Reward existing followers for sharing your Page.

Increase Social Listening

Social listening essentially means monitoring conversations happening about your brand, competitors, and industry. You can use free tools like Mention and keywords searches to track relevant discussions on Facebook.

Inject your brand into these conversations when it makes sense. Comment on competitors’ posts and respond when people mention you. Being socially active rather than just posting content will help boost brand visibility.

Go Live Frequently

Facebook prioritizes live video content in the algorithm. Broadcasting live is one of the best ways to increase your reach. Live videos show up higher in News Feeds during the broadcast and for hours afterwards as a replay.

You can go live from your mobile device or use a more professional setup with switchers and cameras. Share behind-the-scenes footage, Q&As, virtual events, tutorials, and more.

Use Strategic Posting Times

When you post impacts how many of your followers will see it and engage. Posting during peak times when more of your audience is active on Facebook will drive more views. Do some testing to find the optimal times for your audience and niche.

Tools like Buffer allow you to schedule posts in advance during your target windows throughout the week. Just be careful not to over-schedule or your feed may feel robotic.

Diversify Content Types

As mentioned earlier, you can’t just post links anymore and expect engagement. Here are some highly shareable post types that tend to do well:

  • Behind the scenes footage
  • User-generated content featuring your customers/fans
  • Lists and roundups related to your niche
  • Infographics
  • Short videos
  • Contests and giveaways
  • Surveys and polls

Images and video generate the highest engagement on Facebook, rather than just text. Create a content calendar to plan out a variety of post formats.

Use Facebook Groups

Facebook Groups represent an opportunity to engage followers and prospects in a smaller community. Groups foster discussion around certain niches and interests. You can create an official brand Group and share your content while participating in the conversation.

Interacting in relevant Groups related to your industry also helps boost brand visibility in front of targeted audiences. Facebook will start suggesting your Page and content to more Group members if you add value.

Optimize Post Copy

Crafting compelling post copy is both an art and a science. While visuals are key, the accompanying copy makes a big impact too. Use conversational language, share stories, and pique curiosity with questions. Avoid overly salesy or promotional copy.

The first 90 characters are also crucial. This is the preview text shown in the News Feed. Use emojis, bracketed numbers (Top 10), or commands (Click below) to catch the eye.

Use Strategic CTAs

Calls-to-action tell people what you want them to do. Tactfully incorporate CTAs into posts when you want to drive an action. For example: Book Now, Start Your Free Trial, or Shop New Arrivals.

Without clear CTAs, people may just scroll past your posts. Tell them exactly what action you want them to take to convert them from passive viewers into engaged followers.

Try Facebook Reels

Facebook Reels offer a new creative outlet similar to TikTok or Instagram Reels. These are short, entertaining videos set to audio and visual effects. Reels have huge potential to be shared far and wide across Facebook.

Aim for videos between 15-60 seconds optimally. User-generated Reels showing customers engaging with your brand also perform extremely well. Use relevant hashtags so your Reels can be discovered.

Go Viral with Challenges

Viral content represents an incredible opportunity for reach and engagement. Challenges, memes, and trends can spread like wildfire on Facebook. If a viral challenge authentically relates to your brand, jump on it!

Of course, the majority of viral content occurs organically by chance. But you may be able to manufacture a challenge of your own. Encourage customers to post reviews, unboxings, recipes, etc. and challenge others to do the same.

Advertise Strategically

When used correctly, Facebook ads can amplify your organic efforts. You can run targeted ads to increase your followers, drive traffic to your website, promote events, etc. Interest-based targeting options on Facebook are unparalleled.

That said, indiscriminately spending on ads alone won’t help long-term. Focus on high-quality creative and thoughtful targeting that aligns with your goals.

Analyze and Refine

Consistently analyzing your Facebook performance is crucial for optimization. Facebook’s native analytics provide data like your top-performing posts, most engaged followers, traffic sources, etc.

Lean on this data to refine your approach. Double down on tactics working well and cut those showing little return. Testing and learning will prevent you from wasting time on ineffective strategies.


It takes real work to cut through the noise on Facebook today. But with a strategic, creative approach tailored to the platform’s evolving algorithm, it’s possible to reenergize your Facebook engagement. Apply the tips in this article to ensure your content resonates with existing followers while also reaching new audiences. Stay persistent and flexible as you try new tactics.