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Why is my Facebook continuously scrolling?

Why is my Facebook continuously scrolling?

If you find your Facebook news feed continuously scrolling down on its own, there are a few possible causes for this frustrating behavior:

Accidental Scrolling Gestures

One of the most common reasons your Facebook scrolls by itself is accidental gestures on a touchscreen device. When using Facebook on your smartphone or tablet, it’s easy to accidentally brush against the screen or make small scrolling motions without realizing it. Over time, these little inputs can cause your feed to slowly drift downward.

Make sure you’re holding your device in a way that avoids accidental contact with the screen. You may also want to adjust your scrolling sensitivity settings if available. Decreasing scrolling sensitivity can help prevent errant gestures from triggering unwanted scrolls.

Problems with Your Mouse or Trackpad

Issues with your mouse or trackpad can also cause phantom scrolling in Facebook. If your mouse scroll wheel is sticking or oversensitive, small movements may register as scrolls. A faulty trackpad may register scrolling gestures even when you’re not making them.

Carefully inspect your mouse or trackpad for any issues. Clean around the scroll wheel to remove dust or debris. Adjust your scrolling sensitivity settings in your Mouse or Trackpad preferences if needed. If the hardware itself seems faulty, it may need to be repaired or replaced.

Facebook App or Browser Issues

Problems with the Facebook app or your web browser could result in feeds that scroll without user input. App or browser bugs may cause scrolling commands to fire erratically. Outdated app or browser versions can also trigger odd scrolling behaviors.

Make sure you’re using the latest version of the Facebook app or your preferred web browser. Update your browser extensions as well. If issues persist in a specific browser, try accessing Facebook in a different browser as a test. Clearing your browser’s cache and data for Facebook may also help resolve software conflicts.

Accidental Keyboard Scrolling

If you’re browsing Facebook on a laptop or desktop computer, accidental keyboard shortcuts could scroll your feed. Pressing the Space Bar, Page Down or down arrow keys can all trigger scrolling.

Pay attention to any accidental key presses that may be triggering scrolls. Avoid resting your hands on the keyboard when browsing Facebook. You can also try disabling keyboard shortcuts for scrolling if supported by your browser.

Facebook Feed Auto-Scroll Settings

Facebook itself has some settings that can cause your feed to auto-scroll. Under News Feed Preferences, there’s an option to auto-scroll through your feed as new posts come in.

Go to your News Feed Preferences and make sure auto-scroll is disabled if you don’t want Facebook automatically taking you down your feed. You can also adjust the auto-scroll behavior to suit your preferences.

Web Browser Extensions

Some web browser extensions like mouse gesture plugins can accidentally trigger scrolling behaviors on sites like Facebook. An extension may capture scroll gestures or create keyboard shortcuts that conflict with Facebook’s built-in scrolling.

Try disabling your browser extensions one-by-one to identify any troublesome plugins. Remove or update any extensions that seem to cause unintended scrolling. As an alternative, use Facebook in an incognito/private browser window with extensions disabled as a test.

Problems with Refresh Rate or Screen Sensors

On smartphones and tablets, issues with your device’s screen refresh rate or sensors could potentially cause scrolling problems in apps. Erratic refresh rates may trick apps into thinking nonstop scrolling gestures are happening. Problems with screen digitizers, gyroscopes or accelerometers can also confuse scrolling behaviors.

These types of hardware and driver issues are relatively rare these days. Updating your device’s operating system, apps and drivers may help sort out any quirks. For persistent issues, you may need your device evaluated by a repair technician.

Social Media Addiction and Habit

In some cases, continuously scrolling Facebook may simply be down to habit or addiction. The autoplaying, infinite scroll of the news feed is designed to draw you in. Scrolling can become an unconscious, compulsive behavior over time.

If you suspect you have a Facebook addiction, try setting limits on your scrolling behavior. Set a timer or alarms to remind yourself to take breaks. Enable screen time restrictions if you constantly overindulge. You can also unfollow tiresome contacts or groups to streamline your feed.

Consider if you may be using Facebook to avoid real-world responsibilities. Finding healthier ways to manage stress and anxiety can reduce excessive social media use.

Facebook Algorithm Manipulation

Some believe Facebook may manipulate its news feed algorithm to encourage continuous scrolling. By artificially inserting engaging posts throughout your feed, Facebook may compel you to scroll further to seek rewarding content.

Facebook has admitted to experimenting with users’ feeds to study emotional contagion. While not proven, algorithm manipulation to increase engagement is plausible. Unfortunately there’s little users can do about this besides being aware of the possibility.

Other Technical Problems

Less common technical issues that could cause runaway scrolling include:

  • Failing touchscreen digitizer
  • Malware or viruses affecting scrolling functionality
  • Facebook bugs and glitches
  • Accessibility settings like hover click misconfigured
  • Problems with specific graphics cards and drivers

Isolating the issue on different devices and accounts can help identify or rule out rare technical faults. Updated software, clean OS installs and proper configuration settings may rectify these types of issues.

What to Do About Uncontrollable Scrolling

If your Facebook feed seems possessed by a scrolling demon, here are some tips to fight back against the barrage of posts:

Update Software, Browsers and Apps

Make sure Facebook, your browser, OS and hardware drivers are up-to-date. Updates can resolve bugs and quirks causing scrolling issues.

Try Different Devices and Browsers

See if the scrolling happens in multiple browsers and devices. That can help isolate the cause as browser-specific or hardware-specific.

Disable Extensions and Check Settings

Turn off browser extensions and adjust scroll settings to test if a third-party plugin or option is the culprit.

Check for Malware and Viruses

Run security scans to rule out malware as a potential cause of strange scrolling problems.

Update Input Drivers

Outdated mouse, trackpad or touchscreen drivers may cause erratic scrolling. Updating drivers can resolve sensitivity issues.

Clean and Inspect Hardware

Carefully clean around any input hardware like mouse wheels and under trackpads. Check for damage as well.

Adjust Accessibility Settings

Incorrectly configured accessibility settings like hover clicks could lead to runaway scrolling.

Avoid Accidental Input Gestures

Be mindful of how you interact with your device while scrolling Facebook. Hold phones/tablets away from busy hands.

Set App Limits and Disable Auto-Scroll

Use built-in app limits, auto-scroll toggles and focus modes to control endless Facebook scrolling.

Evaluate Social Media Habits

Reduce Facebook addiction tendencies by finding healthier outlets and setting mental boundaries.

With some troubleshooting and caution, you should be able to wrangle any runaway Facebook scrolling issues. But if all else fails, take a Scrollbreak for your sanity!

Why Does Facebook Auto-Scroll?

There are a few reasons why Facebook may automatically scroll through your news feed without user input:

Infinite Scroll Design

Facebook utilizes an infinite scroll system to continuously load new posts as you scroll down. This creates the illusion of an endless feed.

Preloading Content

Facebook automatically preloads additional posts you haven’t seen yet as you scroll. This makes new content instantly available.

Auto-Scroll Setting

There is a news feed option to auto-scroll new posts automatically as they come in.

Increase Engagement

Auto-scrolling may aim to hook users into scrolling farther seeking fresh content and dopamine hits.

Advertising Exposure

More auto-scrolling equals more opportunities to serve users lucrative ads and sponsored posts.

So in summary, Facebook’s infinite scroll and content preloading intend to provide a seamless viewing experience, while also driving engagement, ads and data collection.

How to Stop Facebook From Automatically Scrolling

If you want to disable Facebook’s auto-scroll behaviors, here are a few options:

Turn Off Auto-Scroll in News Feed Preferences

Go into your News Feed Preferences and disable the “Auto-scroll stories” option. This stops the endless scrolling of new posts.

Use Scroll Pauses

Install a browser extension like Scroll Pause that pauses scrolling when you mouse over the page. This stops accidental and automatic scrolling.

Adjust Infinite Scroll Settings

Some browsers let you disable infinite scroll functionality on sites like Facebook. This can halt unwanted scrolling.

Limit Facebook Notifications

Reduce push notifications from Facebook that draw you back into the endless feed. Mute certain friends or groups.

Use Self Control Tools

Browser extensions like News Feed Eradicator remove the news feed entirely, while SelfControl blocks Facebook for set periods.

Log Out of Facebook

Simply logging out of Facebook prevents auto-scrolling of your personalized feed since you’ll just see the public content.

So in summary, auto-scrolling on Facebook is intended to keep you engaged, but too much can be disruptive. Use built-in settings, extensions and self-control to limit Facebook’s grip on your scrolling tendencies.

Should I Be Concerned About Excessive Facebook Scrolling?

If you or someone you know is excessively scrolling Facebook, here are some potential concerns:

Time Wasting

Excessive passive scrolling can eat up hours of free time that may be better spent on more fulfilling activities.

Productivity Loss

Constant social media scrolling at work can significantly reduce productivity and performance.


Compulsive Facebook use to satisfy cravings for social stimulation or dopamine hits may signal an unhealthy addiction.

Mental Health

Heavy social media use has been linked to increased anxiety, depression, loneliness, and FOMO in some studies.


Endless passive scrolling increases exposure to fake news, conspiracy theories and inflammatory rhetoric.

Privacy Risks

The more time spent scrolling, the more of your data Facebook collects for ad targeting and optimization.

Lost Connections

Overuse of superficial online interactions can detract from meaningful real-world relationships.

Moderation is key with habits like Facebook scrolling. Self-awareness and tools to control usage can prevent excessive scrolling from becoming a problem.

Tips to Limit Facebook Scrolling

Here are some tips to take control of compulsive Facebook scrolling:

Set a Timer

Dedicate a certain time limit for your Facebook sessions, with a timer or alarm to make you stop.

Restrict Notifications

Limit distracting notifications that lure you into getting stuck scrolling Facebook.

Remove the App

Deleting the Facebook app forces you to access it deliberately through the browser instead of mindlessly tapping in.

Hide Feed Buttons

Use browser extensions to hide infinite scroll buttons and the news feed itself to limit its pull.

Designate Facebook Hours

Set certain hours of the day when you allow yourself access to Facebook, and avoid it the rest of the time.

Find Healthier Habits

Substitute scrolling time for more fulfilling activities like reading, exercising, socializing in real life.

Log Out Frequently

Staying logged out as your default prevents endless passive scrolling sessions.

With consciousness and intention, you can definitely break free of compulsive Facebook scrolling habits. Focus on living your best life offline first.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does my Facebook scroll by itself?

Common causes of Facebook scrolling by itself include:

  • Accidental gestures on touchscreens
  • Faulty/oversensitive mice or trackpads
  • Facebook bugs or glitches
  • Errant keyboard scrolling shortcuts
  • Facebook’s auto-scroll feed setting
  • Problems with browsers, extensions or drivers
  • Compulsive scrolling habits

How do I stop Facebook from auto scrolling?

To stop Facebook auto-scrolling try:

  • Disabling the Auto-Scroll setting
  • Using a scroll pausing extension
  • Limiting Facebook notifications
  • Logging out of Facebook when not in use

Why am I addicted to scrolling Facebook?

Reasons for Facebook scrolling addiction include:

  • Seeking social stimulation and dopamine hits
  • Boredom and procrastination
  • FOMO (fear of missing out)
  • Loneliness and depression
  • Habit and unconscious use
  • Facebook’s addictive infinite scroll design

How much time should you spend on Facebook per day?

Experts typically recommend limiting Facebook use to 30-60 minutes per day for the average user. Heavy users should consider restricting use to just 1-2 windowed sessions per day. But any reduction of mindless scrolling can be beneficial.

Is scrolling Facebook all day bad for you?

Yes, excessive Facebook scrolling can negatively impact mental health, productivity, relationships, privacy and well-being. Aim for conscious Facebook use, and substitute extra scrolling time with healthier offline activities.