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Why is my Facebook business account invitation not working?

Why is my Facebook business account invitation not working?

There are a few common reasons why a Facebook business account invitation may not be working properly:

You don’t have admin access

Only admins can send invitations to join a Facebook business account. If you’re not an admin, you won’t be able to send invitations. Make sure you have admin access for the business account you’re trying to send invitations from.

The recipient’s account is personal

Invitations can only be sent to other business accounts on Facebook. If the recipient has a personal Facebook account, they won’t receive the invitation. They’ll need to convert to a business account first before you can send an invite.

Invitation limit reached

There is a limit to the number of pending invitations you can have at one time. The limit is 50 invitations for standard accounts and 200 for premium accounts. If you’ve reached the limit, you’ll need to have some invitations accepted before you can send more.

Invitation expired

Invitations expire after 7 days. If the recipient didn’t accept the invitation within 7 days, it is no longer valid. You’ll need to resend a new invitation.

Recipient banned from business accounts

If the recipient has been banned from using Facebook business accounts, they won’t be able to accept your invitation. Bans could occur due to violating Facebook’s terms of service.

Recipient not on Facebook

The invitation recipient needs to have an existing Facebook account to accept the invitation. If they don’t have a Facebook account, instruct them to sign up for one before resending the invitation.

Incorrect business account selected

Be sure you have selected the correct business account to send the invitation from. If you accidentally chose the wrong account, the recipient may disregard the notification.

Pending approval from admin

If your business requires admin approval for new members, the recipient needs to wait for approval after accepting the invitation. Let your admin know they need to approve the request.

Facebook connection issues

Temporary technical problems with Facebook could prevent the invitation from being sent or received properly. Try again later if this occurs.

Recipient’s notification settings

The recipient may have turned off notifications for Facebook invitations in their account settings. Have them check their settings to make sure invitations are allowed.

Invitation sent to page instead of account

You need to invite business accounts, not Pages. Make sure you are inviting the person’s business account, not just a Page they manage.

Account disabled or memorialized

You cannot invite disabled or memorialized accounts to a business account. The recipient will need to reactivate or rememorialize their account first.

How to resend a Facebook business account invitation

If an invitation didn’t go through or expired before the recipient could accept, you’ll need to resend a new invitation. Here’s how:

  1. Go to your business account’s Settings
  2. Click Page Roles on the left
  3. Click Send Invitations at the top
  4. Enter the email or name of the recipient
  5. Click Send Invitation

This will send a new notification to the recipient which they can use to accept or decline the invitation.

Why invitations are important

Sending invitations allows you to add other users as admins or editors to your business account. Having multiple admins helps spread out the workload and provides accountability. Editors can help you manage your content without full admin access. That’s why invitations are crucial for building your team on Facebook.

Tips for troubleshooting invitation issues

  • Double check the recipient’s email or name
  • Have the recipient check their filtered messages
  • Try sending the invitation on desktop and mobile
  • Make sure the recipient has an active Facebook account
  • Resend the invitation if it expired
  • Have the recipient request the desktop site if on mobile

Following up with the recipient directly can also help identify and resolve any problems receiving the invitation. With some troubleshooting, you should be able to get the invitation sent successfully.

Can I resend to someone who previously declined?

Yes, you can resend an invitation to someone who previously declined it. Follow the steps above to resend the invitation. They’ll receive a new notification and have the option to accept or decline again.

Why is the invitation still not working?

If you’ve double checked everything and the invitation still doesn’t seem to be working, here are a few other things to try:

  • Switch to a business account if sending from a personal account
  • Use a different email if the current one may be incorrect
  • Have the recipient search their inbox for “Facebook Business”
  • Check if the recipient has multiple Facebook accounts
  • Try inviting directly through Facebook instead of email

Be sure to follow up with the recipient if issues continue to confirm the problem. For further help, you can contact Facebook support or get assistance from a social media manager.

Key Takeaways

  • Only admins can send Facebook business account invitations
  • Invitations expire after 7 days if not accepted
  • Resend an invitation if needed from the business account settings
  • Troubleshoot issues by checking recipient notifications and accounts
  • Contact support if unable to resolve invitation problems


Facebook business invitations failing to send or being received can be frustrating. However, the problem usually lies with expired links, recipient settings, or access issues. Following the troubleshooting tips above should help you identify and fix the cause. Resending invites and checking in with recipients also helps resolve most problems. With some diligent follow-up, you can get your team added to the business account successfully.