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Why is my Facebook being weird?

Why is my Facebook being weird?

If you’ve noticed some strange behavior on your Facebook lately, you’re not alone. There are a few common reasons why Facebook may be acting up or showing weird glitches.

Facebook is Down or Having Server Issues

One of the most common reasons for Facebook weirdness is that the site is experiencing downtime or server issues. Facebook has billions of users globally, so any issues on their end can cause widespread glitches and problems. This is especially true if you can’t access Facebook at all or can’t load certain pages. Server outages are usually temporary, so try again in a little while and things should go back to normal.

You Have a Technical or Software Issue

It’s also possible the issue is on your end, with your device, browser, or internet connection. Here are some things to try:

  • Force quit and relaunch your browser or Facebook app
  • Clear your browser cache and cookies
  • Check for Facebook app or browser updates and install if available
  • Restart your wifi router and modem
  • Try accessing Facebook from a different device on the same network

If the issues go away when trying the steps above, you can confirm there was a technical glitch on your side causing the weirdness. Continue troubleshooting your software, connections and settings until Facebook works normally again.

Your Account was Temporarily Blocked

Unusual activity on your account may trigger Facebook’s automated security systems. Things like rapidly liking posts, posting duplicate content, or logging in from odd locations can sometimes cause Facebook to temporarily restrict your account until you prove you’re the valid account owner. Typically you’ll get a notification if this happens. Simply follow the verification steps to restore full access.

You Have Malware, Spyware or a Virus

Infections from malware, spyware or viruses can sometimes manifest in strange Facebook behavior. This is because the infection is altering code and signals being sent from your device. If clearing caches and cookies doesn’t work, run a full scan with updated anti-virus software to check for and remove any infections.

Your Account was Hacked

Unfortunately, hacked and compromised Facebook accounts are very common. Some signs your account may be hacked include:

  • Strange posts or messages you didn’t send
  • Unfamiliar logins from other countries/locations
  • Password changed without your doing
  • Friends telling you they received odd messages from you
  • New friends you don’t recognize

If you suspect foul play, immediately change your password, enable two-factor authentication, and check security filters for any suspicious settings changes. It’s also wise to post about the hack to alert friends in case the hacker is spreading malware or spam.

You Have Faulty Browser Extensions

Browser extensions help customize and enhance your browsing experience, but faulty or corrupted extensions can sometimes disrupt Facebook’s functionality. Try disabling all extensions one by one to identify potential conflicts. Also check for extension updates and uninstall anything sketchy you don’t remember installing.

Facebook is Testing a New Feature

Facebook is constantly testing new features and making changes to its layout and functionality. Sometimes these tests are only visible to a small percentage of users. If you notice something like a different News Feed interface or new icons, it likely means you were randomly chosen to preview upcoming changes before they roll out globally.

Facebook’s Algorithms are Tweaking Your Feed

The posts, ads, and content you see on Facebook is controlled by complex algorithms filtering what the platform thinks you’ll engage with most. Changes to these algorithms happen regularly, so you may notice your feed flooded with a certain type of post or recommendations for pages you have no interest in. Give it some time for the algorithm to recalibrate based on how you engage.

You Have Unseen Filter Settings Enabled

Facebook allows you to filter what content appears in your News Feed using settings like Snooze, Unfollow, and See First. It’s possible you or someone else with access to your account enabled filters you aren’t aware of. Comb through your filter settings and turn off anything that is hiding posts or people you want to see.


Facebook glitches and weirdness happen from time to time. In most cases, the issues are temporary and can be fixed by troubleshooting your account, connections and settings. Make sure your software is updated, run anti-virus scans, and check filter configurations. If problems persist for more than a day or two, you may need to report the issues to Facebook support. With billions of users, things are bound to go wrong now and then. But Facebook usually resolves widespread problems quickly to keep people sharing and connecting.