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Why is my cover photo not showing up on Facebook?

Why is my cover photo not showing up on Facebook?

Quick Answers

There are a few common reasons why your cover photo may not be showing up properly on Facebook:

  • The photo dimensions are incorrect – Cover photos need to be 851 pixels wide by 315 pixels tall.
  • The file size is too large – Cover photos need to be under 100MB.
  • There is a glitch or bug – Sometimes Facebook glitches can prevent photos from displaying.
  • The photo violates Facebook’s policies – Inappropriate or banned content will not be allowed as a cover photo.
  • Your account was hacked – A hacked account could result in changed settings or removed photos.

The most common fixes are to check the photo dimensions and file size, and re-upload a photo that meets Facebook’s requirements. If that does not work, wait a bit in case it is a temporary glitch, or try logging out and back into your account.

Cover Photo Dimensions

One of the most common reasons a cover photo may not show up on Facebook is because the image dimensions are incorrect. Facebook has specific requirements for cover photo sizes:

  • Width: 851 pixels
  • Height: 315 pixels

If your photo is any other size, such as wider or taller than those dimensions, Facebook will not be able to fit and display it properly as a cover photo.

The best way to fix this is to resize your photo before uploading it. Most image editing programs and apps allow you to adjust image dimensions.

Here are some tips for resizing cover photos correctly:

  • Use an image editing app like Photoshop, Canva, PicMonkey or GIMP to resize your image.
  • Make sure the width is set to 851 pixels.
  • Make sure the height is set to 315 pixels.
  • Avoid stretching or distorting the photo – resize proportionally.
  • Save and re-upload the resized version to Facebook.

As long as those exact width and height dimensions are used, your cover photo should display properly.

Cropping Cover Photos

In addition to resizing, you may need to crop your photo to fit the 851 x 315 pixel space:

  • Avoid just zooming in on the center of the photo.
  • Crop to highlight the main focus or subject.
  • Remember that the left side will be shown most prominently.
  • Double check that leftover borders are removed.

Cropping appropriately for Facebook’s cover photo layout can help your image show up looking its best.

Cover Photo File Size Limit

The second most common issue that can prevent a cover photo from showing up is having a file size that exceeds Facebook’s limit.

Facebook’s cover photo file size limit is:

  • 100 MB (megabytes)

Higher resolution photos taken with modern smartphones and digital cameras can easily be over that 100 MB limit.

Here are some tips to reduce cover photo file size:

  • Use an image editing app to resize to smaller dimensions.
  • Save the photo as a compressed JPG rather than PNG.
  • Use the “Save for web” export option in Photoshop.
  • Try reducing image resolution to 72 PPI if very large.
  • Use Facebook’s free compression tool before uploading.

Compressing and downsizing your cover photo should help get it under the 100 MB threshold so it will upload and display properly on your profile.

Facebook Cover Photo Resolution

In addition to physical dimensions and file size, the image resolution also plays a role in cover photo appearance.

While there is no single rule for resolution, Facebook recommends:

  • High resolution for crisp quality.
  • At least 720 pixels wide.
  • 72 PPI (pixels per inch)
  • RGB color mode.
  • JPG compression quality 60-80%.

Aim for the highest resolution possible without exceeding the 100 MB file size limit. High resolution will allow your cover photo to display clearly across all devices.

Facebook Glitches or Bugs

In some cases, the cover photo may meet all size and dimension requirements, but still not show up correctly. This is likely due to a temporary glitch or bug within Facebook.

Here are some common Facebook glitches that could impact cover photos:

  • Uploading issues causing photos to not display.
  • Blurry or pixelated cover photos.
  • Incorrect cropping or resizing by Facebook.
  • Profile layout shifting elements out of place.
  • Delayed display of newly updated cover photo.

When it seems there is no problem with the photo itself, but it still does not show up, it’s best to wait and see if Facebook resolves the issue. Trying the following may help:

  • Refreshing the page or profile.
  • Logging out and back into your Facebook account.
  • Clearing browser cookies and cache.
  • Trying a different web browser.
  • Uploading again in a few hours.

Give it some time and recheck periodically. Facebook bugs tend to resolve within a few hours or days at most. Contact Facebook support if the issue persists.

Inappropriate Cover Photos

Facebook does enforce guidelines and restrictions on the types of photos allowed for cover images. Uploading an inappropriate, offensive, or explicit photo will cause it to be rejected.

Some examples of prohibited cover photos as per Facebook’s policies:

  • Nudity or revealing clothing.
  • Violent, graphic or disturbing imagery.
  • Hateful, abusive or harassing content.
  • Dangerous or restricted content.
  • Sexually suggestive or provocative photos.
  • False or misleading information.

If your cover photo gets rejected for any of those reasons, you will need to select a more appropriate image that follows the rules. Avoid anything that violates Facebook’s Community Standards.

Cover Photo Text and Overlay Requirements

Any text or overlays added to your cover photo must also adhere to the policies. For example:

  • No prices, purchase links, or ecommerce content.
  • No calls to action or clickbait wording.
  • No offensive, obscene or sexual text.
  • No spammy or misleading information.

Make sure any text on your cover is appropriate and follows the guidelines. Simple titles, slogans, or inspirational quotes are usually fine. But avoid anything commercial, promotional, or inappropriate.

Hacked Facebook Account

In rare cases, users may find their cover photo suddenly missing due to their Facebook account being hacked or compromised.

A hacked account could result in changed settings or outright removal of the existing cover photo by the hacker.

Here are signs your Facebook may have been hacked:

  • Profile information like cover photo suddenly changed.
  • Strange posts or messages you did not create.
  • Notifications about login attempts from unknown locations or devices.
  • Emails from Facebook about changes you did not make.

If you suspect a hack, immediately change your password, enable Two-Factor Authentication, and check security settings. Also report the issue to Facebook.

Recovering a hacked account can allow you to restore your original cover photo and information. Avoid clicking suspicious links and always use strong passwords to keep your account secure.

Troubleshooting Tips

Here is a summary of troubleshooting tips for getting your cover photo to appear properly:

  • Resize to 851×315 pixels.
  • Compress under 100MB file size.
  • Use high resolution and RGB mode.
  • Crop and center your key focus.
  • Avoid inappropriate or rule-violating photos.
  • Check for Facebook glitches and retry uploading later.
  • Reset password if account potentially hacked.

Following Facebook’s cover photo dimensions and requirements is key. If it still fails to upload correctly, allow some time for processing or bugs to resolve. Make sure your account and photo are both free of any violations.

When to Contact Facebook Support

If you have double checked all the requirements, allowed time for processing, and the issue persists, you may need to contact Facebook support for additional help troubleshooting:

  • Use the “Report a Problem” link to describe the issue.
  • Check Facebook’s Help Community for related topics.
  • Use Facebook’s live chat support if available.

Explain that your cover photo is not showing up despite meeting the size guidelines and re-uploading multiple times. Provide as many details as possible of troubleshooting steps taken.

Facebook’s support team can then investigate further and determine if there is an error or bug preventing your cover photo from being displayed correctly that needs to be addressed on their end.

They may also be able to detect if there are any policy violations or account access issues contributing to the problem. With Facebook’s assistance, your cover photo issue should be resolvable.


A blank or missing Facebook cover photo typically comes down to one of these issues:

  • Incorrect photo dimensions or size.
  • Facebook glitches or bugs.
  • Inappropriate or rule-violating photo content.
  • Account hack or security issue.

Carefully check your cover photo to ensure it meets Facebook’s size and dimension guidelines. Crop and compress photos to fit if needed.

Rule out any temporary glitches by trying again later. Make sure your account and photo content do not violate any policies.

If still unresolved, contact Facebook support for additional troubleshooting assistance to get your cover photo displaying properly again.