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Why is my comment on Facebook showing pending?

Why is my comment on Facebook showing pending?

There are a few different reasons why a comment you posted on Facebook may show as “Pending” rather than being published right away. Here are some of the most common causes and what to do about them:

Your comment contains a blocked word/phrase

Facebook has automated filters that screen comments for certain words or phrases that go against their Community Standards before allowing them to be shown publicly. Some examples of things that could trigger the “Pending” status are:

  • Hate speech, bullying, or threats
  • Sexually explicit language
  • Potential spam or misleading links
  • Scams/fake contests

If your comment contains any violations of Facebook’s rules, it will be put in pending mode while Facebook reviewers take a look. If they determine your comment does break the rules, it will be removed. If not, it will be approved and posted.

What to do

Carefully review your comment and edit or remove any questionable content that could be flagged. Avoid using profanity, threats, hate speech, spam links, etc. Once you’ve modified the comment, the pending status should clear on its own when Facebook determines it follows the rules.

The page you commented on has review enabled

Some Facebook Pages enable comment review, which means all new comments need to be approved by a Page admin before they will show publicly. This gives Page owners more control over the conversations on their Pages.

If you posted on a Page that has comment review enabled, your comment will stay in pending mode until a Page admin approves it. This is done manually, so it may take some time depending on how frequently the admins check for new comments.

What to do

Be patient for your comment to be reviewed. Avoid posting the same comment multiple times, as that will just create more pending comments for the admin to sift through. You can try commenting on a different Facebook Page that doesn’t have review enabled if you want your comment to appear immediately.

Your account may be restricted

If your Facebook account has been restricted due to violations of Facebook’s terms, some limitations may be placed on your ability to post comments. All new comments you write may automatically be sent to pending review.

Account restrictions can happen if you’ve repeatedly broken Facebook rules, sent spam, made threats, or engaged in other problematic behavior. The restrictions serve as a probationary period to monitor your activity going forward.

What to do

You will need to comply with Facebook’s rules moving forward and avoid any further violations that could get your account disabled. Over time, if you participate positively, the restrictions on your account may be lifted. But expect your comments to show as pending for the foreseeable future while your account is in restricted mode.

It’s the first comment you’ve posted to that Page

Some Pages are set so that the very first comment a user posts needs to be reviewed. After you have an approved comment, subsequent comments will post immediately without pending review.

This allows Pages to prevent spam and harassment from brand new accounts, while letting established users comment freely. So your very first comment just needs that extra check before being shown.

What to do

Wait for your first comment to be approved. After that, your later comments on that same Page should appear publicly right away without pending review.

Technical issues

In some cases, a pending comment may be caused by a technical glitch rather than an intentional review setting. Issues like server errors, connectivity problems, bugs, or Facebook maintenance could all temporarly result in pending comments.

These types of pending comments are often resolved on their own within a few hours once the technical problem is fixed. If your comment is still pending after 24 hours, it likely falls into one of the other categories on this list.

What to do

Be patient and wait to see if the pending status clears up after some time. If it’s still pending after a day, resubmit your comment since the initial one may have gotten lost due to a glitch.

Your comment included a photo or video

Facebook put additional checks on comments that include media like photos or videos. This is to prevent people from spamming unwanted images in the comments sections of Pages.

If you added a photo, animated GIF, or video clip to your comment, it will be screened by Facebook’s systems before appearing publicly. This is to ensure the media content adheres to Facebook’s rules.

What to do

Wait for your comment with media to finish processing. Avoid posting copyrighted or explicit images that could get it rejected. Also, you may want to try posting the comment again without the photo/video to see if it will go through immediately.

You commented on a public post from a friend

When friends make public posts that are visible to more than just their friends, commenting requires extra moderation.

For example, if your friend made a public Page post, or a friend of a friend posted something publicly that you commented on, the review process will apply due to the wider audience.

What to do

Your comment will need to go through the standard public comment moderation described above. To avoid this, you can comment directly on your friend’s private posts rather than their public posts if you want your comments to always appear instantly.

You’re commenting on a trending/viral post

Hot trending posts that get a rapid influx of comments will trigger pending reviews to manage all the activity. This prevents spam and abuse on widely-viewed posts.

The more viral a post becomes, the more scrutiny is applied to new comments to keep things under control. Comments may also be closed entirely if things get out of hand.

What to do

Trending post comments often take longer to approve since so many are pouring in. Keep your comment relevant and on-topic to avoid rejection. Alternatively, pick a less viral post to comment on if you want it to appear immediately.

You’re using an anonymous/fake profile

To encourage authentic conversations, Facebook is more restrictive about what accounts can comment publicly. Pages can limit commenting to profiles that use a real name and photo.

If you’re commenting from a pseudonymous or anonymous account, your comments are more likely to be pending while your account is assessed. Having an established profile with history can help move approval along.

What to do

Consider modifying your account to use your real identity if you want your comments to be published right away. Alternatively, you’ll need to be patient as your comments from a fake or anonymous profile undergo review before appearing publicly.

You’re commenting on a friend’s post about a sensitive topic

To protect privacy, Facebook will moderate comments more closely on a friend’s post if it discusses a sensitive subject, like politics, health issues, or relationship details.

Comments on these types of personal posts from friends require extra review before being shown to the wider friend network that can view the post.

What to do

Avoid controversial remarks and respect your friend’s privacy. Check that your comment follows Facebook’s rules around civility, privacy, and common decency. Objectionable remarks are more likely to be rejected on sensitive posts.


In most cases, pending Facebook comments are the result of automated processes that screen for rule violations, spam, or sensitive content prior to public posting. The best course is to ensure your comments comply with Facebook’s standards, avoid restricted accounts or Pages, and be patient in waiting for your first-time or viral post comments to be reviewed.

If your comment remains stuck in pending state for over 24 hours or you feel it was incorrectly blocked, you can try reporting the issue to Facebook through their Help Center for additional assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are only some of my comments showing as pending?

Facebook’s automated moderation and restrictions are applied selectively based on risk factors of a given Page, post, or account. Comments that seem similar may have different restrictions based on these variables. For example, a first-time comment on Page A may be pending while the same comment on Page B posts right away. Each context is evaluated individually.

Can I delete a pending comment?

Yes, you can delete a pending comment by clicking the “X” on your comment. However, deleting a pending comment is not recommended if you want the comment to eventually be approved and posted. It’s better to leave it in pending status for review.

How long does a pending comment take to approve?

Most pending comments are screened within 12-24 hours. Comments with media attachments may take longer. Public post comments are typically slower than private post comments to be approved. If your comment remains pending longer than a day, try making a revised version of the comment.

What happens if my pending comment is not approved?

If Facebook reviewers determine your comment violates Facebook’s Community Standards, it will be removed rather than posted. You will not receive a notification if your pending comment is deleted unless your entire account faces restrictions.

Can I report a pending comment or share it with Page admins?

There is no way to directly report a pending comment within Facebook’s interface. You can try posting on the Page and asking admins to look into your pending comment, but they cannot view pending comments either. For direct help, contact Facebook’s Help Center.

Will turning off comment review help avoid pending comments?

Turning off comment review on a Page you administer will prevent manual checks of each new comment, but automated screening of comments for policy violations will still occur. Pending states from restricted accounts or banned content cannot be avoided with this setting change.

Reason for Pending Comment Average Pending Time What to Do
Banned words/phrases 12-24 hours Edit/remove violations
Page has review enabled Varies by admin Wait for admin approval
Restricted account Indefinite/permanent Follow Facebook rules
First comment on Page 12-24 hours Wait for approval

What are some best practices for avoiding pending comments?

Here are some tips to help your comments post immediately and avoid pending review:

  • Avoid banned words, hate speech, threats, bullying, nudity, etc.
  • Don’t use excessive links, caps, or repetition.
  • Comment only on friends’ private posts, not public posts.
  • Use an established account with your real identity.
  • Be patient on first comments or viral posts.
  • Stick to topics related to the post, avoid controversial remarks.

Can I report a Facebook Page that has excessive comment reviewing?

You can report a Facebook Page through the “Find Support or Report Page” option in the Page’s menu. Select “I don’t like this Page” and provide details on your concerns over their comment review settings. However, Pages are allowed to enable comment reviews at their discretion.

The Bottom Line

Pending Facebook comments are a necessary part of moderating such a large platform. Don’t take it personally if your comment gets temporarily stuck in review. Be patient, avoid objectionable content, and comply with Facebook’s guidelines. Over time, you may see fewer pending states as you establish yourself as a positive contributor.