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Why is my business Facebook page linked to my personal page?

Why is my business Facebook page linked to my personal page?

If you’ve created a Facebook Page for your business, you may have noticed that it seems to be linked or connected in some way to your personal Facebook profile. There are a few reasons why this happens and things you can do to separate your business Page from your personal profile if you want to.

Your Personal Profile is Listed as a Page Admin

One of the main reasons your business Page may appear linked to your personal profile is because you (or another personal profile) is listed as a Page admin. When you create a Facebook Page, you have to use a personal Facebook profile to set it up. This profile automatically gets admin privileges for that Page.

So even if you’ve created the Page under your business name and have set up a distinct business profile picture etc., in the back end your personal profile is still listed as a Page admin. This means you can edit and post from the business Page as yourself.

Having your personal profile as a Page admin doesn’t necessarily mean the two are publicly linked or visible to others. But it does create a connection behind the scenes.

Removing Yourself as a Page Admin

If you want to completely remove the link between your personal profile and business Page, you would need to remove your personal profile as a Page admin. You can do this by:

  • Going to your business Page
  • Clicking “Settings” at the bottom of the left sidebar
  • Selecting “Page Roles”
  • Clicking on your personal profile under “Admin Roles”
  • Selecting “Remove from Page”

Keep in mind that you need at least one Facebook profile or business manager account set as an admin for your Page. So you would have to replace yourself with another admin before removing your personal profile.

You’ve Switched between Profiles in Page Settings

Another reason your business Page may show a connection to your personal profile is if you’ve intentionally linked the two in your Page settings.

In the “Page Settings” section, there is an option to switch the Page between being tied to your personal profile and a more separate business profile/Page identity.

For example, you may have originally set the Page up under your personal profile. But later decided you wanted a more professional business Page not directly linked to you.

You can change back and forth between a personal and business profile for the Page in these settings. So if your Page is currently set to your personal profile, it will appear tied together.

Switching to a Business Profile

To disconnect your personal profile from your business Page:

  • Go to your Page
  • Click “Settings” in the bottom left
  • Select “Switch to Business Profile”
  • Choose a business category
  • Confirm the change

This will change the public business Page identity to be a more generic business profile not linked specifically to your personal account.

You’ve Connected your Accounts in Ads Manager

A third reason your business Page may show a connection to your personal profile is if you have linked the two together in Ads Manager.

In Facebook Ads Manager, you can manage both your personal Facebook ad account and any ad accounts you’ve set up for Pages you administer.

Under the “Connections” tab in Ads Manager, you have the option to link your personal ad account and your business Page ad account together.

If you’ve done this, your personal profile and business Page will show up as connected in this back-end ad management system, even if they aren’t publicly tied together on the front-end business Page itself.

Unlinking Connected Ad Accounts

To disconnect your personal and business ad accounts in Ads Manager:

  • Go to the “Connections” tab
  • Locate the sections for your personal account and business account
  • Hover over the connected icon
  • Select “Unlink”

This will keep the ad accounts separate from each other in Ads Manager.

You’ve Tagged your Personal Profile in Page Posts

A fourth possibility if your business Page seems tied to your personal profile is if you’ve tagged yourself or been tagged by others in posts on the business Page.

For example, if you share a post from your individual profile onto the business Page and tag yourself in it, this creates a public link between the two profiles.

Or if someone else tags you in a photo or comment on your business Page, the same thing can happen.

Avoiding Tags Between Profiles

To prevent connections through tagging, you should:

  • Be thoughtful about tagging yourself or others in posts between your personal and business profiles
  • Ask others to refrain from tagging your personal profile in content on your business Page
  • Remove tags in existing posts if you notice them

This will help minimize public associations via tagging.

You Have a Facebook Business Suite Setup

Finally, if you’re using Facebook Business Suite to manage your business Page, this can also create perceived links with your personal profile.

Business Suite allows you to manage multiple Facebook pages, profiles and ad accounts in one centralized dashboard.

While Business Suite keeps these business assets connected on the back end, it doesn’t necessarily tie them together publicly on your actual Facebook pages and profiles.

Managing Connections in Business Suite

If you want to disconnect your personal profile from your Business Suite setup:

  • Open Facebook Business Suite
  • Go to “Settings”
  • Click “Remove” next to your personal Facebook profile

This will allow you to continue managing your business assets while separating your personal profile.


In summary, there are a few key reasons and fixes for why your business Facebook Page may appear tied to your personal profile:

Reason Solution
Listed as a Page Admin Remove personal profile as admin
Switched to personal profile in Settings Switch back to business profile
Connected ad accounts Unlink ad accounts
Tagged personal profile in posts Avoid tagging between profiles
Using Facebook Business Suite Remove personal profile from Suite

With a few tweaks to your Page settings, ad accounts, tags, and Business Suite setup, you can separate your business Page from your personal Facebook presence.