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Why is hit it rich not working?

Why is hit it rich not working?

Hit it Rich is a popular free casino slots game created by Zynga. It allows players to enjoy a variety of slot machines based on popular themes and franchises. However, like any app or game, sometimes Hit it Rich can encounter technical issues that prevent it from working properly. There are a few common reasons why Hit it Rich may not be working and some simple troubleshooting steps players can take to try and resolve the issues.

Server or network issues

One of the most common reasons for Hit it Rich not working properly is due to problems with the game servers or network connections. Hit it Rich relies on being able to connect to Zynga’s servers to function. If there are issues with the servers due to maintenance, outages, or heavy traffic, it can cause lag, freezing, or prevent the game from loading.

Players may be able to recognize this issue if they have trouble loading into the game, experience frequent freezing or lag during play, or get error messages about unable to connect to servers. Unfortunately there is not much that can be done on the user end if the issues stem from problems on Zynga’s side. The best option is to check the Zynga status page for any reported issues and try again later.

Update issues

Problems may also arise if there are errors with installing the latest update for the game. Hit it Rich frequently releases new versions and bug fix updates. If something goes wrong during the update process, such as loss of internet connectivity or device storage issues, it can lead to crashing or failure to load the game.

Players should make sure they have enough storage space for updates and a stable internet connection when updating Hit it Rich. If facing issues after an update, restarting the device and trying to reload the game can potentially help resolve simple errors. Reinstalling the app may be necessary if it still won’t load after an update.

Account connection problems

Since Hit it Rich links to players’ Zynga accounts, any issues with being able to properly sign in and connect to the account can prevent the game from working. This could be due to incorrect login details, changed passwords, connectivity issues, or problems on Zynga’s authentication servers.

Double checking login information is correct and resetting passwords can help resolve sign in issues. If still unable to login after multiple attempts, waiting and retrying later often resolves temporary server problems. Make sure the device has a stable connection before trying to login.

App crashes or freezes

General app crashes, freezes, or other software glitches can also cause Hit it Rich to stop working during play. Issues like these are usually sporadic technical problems rather than ongoing server or connectivity issues.

Restarting Hit it Rich by closing it fully and reopening can rectify simple app crashes. For consistent crashing or freezing, power cycling the device by turning it off completely and back on again may help. Check for app or device software updates as well, as newer versions can fix bugs causing crashes.

Device compatibility problems

Less often, problems with Hit it Rich may stem from the player’s device no longer being compatible with the app. Apps are constantly updated to run on the latest iOS and Android software. Very old or outdated devices may lose support.

Players receiving messages about device incompatibility when trying to load Hit it Rich will unfortunately need to upgrade to a newer supported device model to keep playing. The app should indicate which device software version is required. Updating the device’s OS may temporarily resolve it if on a slightly outdated version.

Common Hit it Rich loading issues and how to fix them

Here are some more detailed troubleshooting tips for a few of the most common loading errors players may encounter in Hit it Rich:

“Loading timed out”

This typically occurs when there are connectivity issues preventing the game from retrieving necessary data from the servers. First step is to make sure the internet connection is stable on the device by loading other apps or web pages. If connection seems fine, try force quitting and relaunching the app. Disable wifi and use mobile data instead or vice versa to see if one has a better connection. As a last resort, uninstall and reinstall the app to clear any corrupted files.

“Cannot connect to server”

This is another indicator of connectivity problems, either due to device internet issues or server downtime. Retry launching the game and check Zynga’s status page to see if server maintenance is occurring. Switch between wifi and mobile data to test which connection is more stable. Make sure the time zone set on device is current. Clearing cached app files may help resolve persistent server connection errors.

“Failed to get game data”

Usually means the device was unable to properly download necessary game files and assets. This may happen due to poor connectivity when updating or installing the game. Try re-updating the app and restarting the device to re-sync data. Have patience and wait for downloads to complete over a stable wi-fi connection. If issues continue, uninstall and do a fresh reinstall of the app.

“Game logic error”

This is a generic catch-all term for when something goes wrong server-side with game processes and mechanics. Since these issues originate with the Hit it Rich servers, there is no fix on the player side apart from waiting and trying again later. Check Zynga’s status page and forums to see if any technical problems have been reported recently.

“Error retrieving player data”

Happens when the app fails to load the player’s save data and account info from the cloud servers. First attempt power cycling the device and reloading the app to try force re-syncing data. Ensure you have a stable connection. If the problem started after an update, the app may need reinstalled. Last resort is to reach out to Zynga customer support.

General troubleshooting tips

If Hit it Rich is exhibiting any problems, here are some general troubleshooting steps to try:

– Force quit and restart the app – This clears any cached files or processes that may be causing issues.

– Power cycle the device by turning it off completely then back on – Resets all components and allows for a clean reboot.

– Make sure the device software is up-to-date – Older OS versions may lose compatibility. Install available updates.

– Disable wifi and use mobile data or vice versa – Switching network connections can resolve some connectivity issues.

– Clear cached app files – Too much cached data can cause performance issues. Deleting it forces the files to re-download.

– Reinstall the app – Removes any corrupted application files that may be causing problems running the game.

– Check Zynga’s status page – Confirms whether any known server outages are occurring.

– Contact Zynga customer support – If all else fails, the game developers may be able to help identify and troubleshoot the specific problem.

Internet connectivity tips

Since many Hit it Rich problems stem from connectivity and network issues, ensuring a stable internet connection is key. Here are some tips for maintaining reliable connectivity:

– Restart your router and devices – Power cycles refresh connections.

– Check wi-fi bars in-game – Indicates signal strength level. Move closer to the router if low.

– Disable bandwidth-hogging apps – Streaming, downloads, etc. can choke bandwidth.

– Avoid peak usage hours – Early morning or late nights often have less network congestion.

– Try mobile data instead of wi-fi – Cellular signal may be more reliable in some cases.

– Test speed at – Identify any slowdowns with your internet service provider.

– Update router firmware – Old firmware can cause glitches and connectivity drops.

Keeping mobile data enabled alongside wi-fi provides a backup connection if one drops. Setting Hit it Rich as a priority device on the router may also help allocate more bandwidth.


Hit it Rich technical issues can be frustrating, but are typically solvable using a mix of simple troubleshooting steps. Problems generally stem from server outages, app crashes, software bugs, or device connectivity issues. Checking server status, restarting and reinstalling the app, switching network connections, and working with customer support can all help resolve common loading errors and get Hit it Rich back up and running again. With some patience and trial and error applying various fixes, players should be able to get past most loading issues and enjoy all the game has to offer.