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Why is FB not allowing me to create a page?

Why is FB not allowing me to create a page?

There are a few main reasons why Facebook may not be allowing you to create a page:

Your account is too new

Facebook requires you to have had your personal account for at least 30 days before you can create a Facebook Page. This is to prevent spam and fake accounts from easily creating Pages.

If your account is less than 30 days old, you’ll need to wait until it passes the 30 day threshold before trying to create a Page.

Your account has been disabled

If your personal Facebook account is currently disabled, either temporarily or permanently, you will not be able to create a Facebook Page.

Pages are managed via personal accounts, so if yours is disabled, you won’t have access to Page creation tools.

You’ll need to go through Facebook’s account reactivation process before being able to create a Page.

You’ve reached the Facebook Page limit

Facebook limits the number of Pages a single person can administer to 250. If you’ve already created the maximum number of Pages allowed, you’ll be prevented from creating any more.

To free up room to create new Pages, you’ll need to delete existing Pages you no longer need or add other administrators to some of your current Pages.

Your account was flagged for suspicious activity

If Facebook’s automated systems detect suspicious or rule-breaking activity coming from your account, your account may become restricted.

Some activities that could trigger restrictions include:

  • Creating a large number of Pages or groups in a short period of time
  • Setting up Pages representing other people or organizations without permission
  • Having Pages removed for policy violations

To regain access to Page creation tools, you’ll need to secure your account by going through Facebook’s account recovery process.

You have an underage account

Facebook requires users to be at least 13 years old to sign up. If you indicated you were under 13 when creating your account, you will not have access to many features, including creating and managing Pages.

To create a Page, you’ll need to edit your account to indicate you are 13 or older, or create a new account with accurate age information.

Your account is not fully verified

To help reduce impersonation and fake accounts, Facebook sometimes requires identity verification before letting users access certain features.

If your account lacks required verifications, you may be blocked from creating Pages until you submit things like:

  • A copy of your government ID
  • A cell phone number confirmation code
  • A video selfie for facial recognition

The specific verification steps will depend on your account status and activity.

You don’t meet country-specific requirements

Facebook’s Page creation policies can vary depending on the country your account is based in. For example:

  • In South Korea, you need a locally verified account
  • In the UAE, Pages must represent a registered local business
  • In Australia, Pages for nonprofits and community organizations are limited

Check Facebook’s Help Center for your country’s specific guidelines around creating and maintaining Pages.

Your internet connection is restricted

If you are accessing Facebook from a school, workplace, or country where social media sites are blocked, you may not be able to create a Page.

Try connecting from a different internet service provider or using a VPN to tunnel past firewall restrictions.

How can you troubleshoot Facebook Page creation issues?

Here are some troubleshooting tips if Facebook is blocking you from creating a Page:

Check your account standing

Go to your account settings and carefully review the “Account Status” section for any warnings, restrictions, or bans in effect on your account presently.

Update your personal info

Make sure your name, contact info, age, and location details are fully filled out and accurate in your personal account profile.

Strengthen account security

Enable two-factor authentication and review any active Facebook sessions for unexpected activity to ensure your account has not been compromised.

Review Facebook’s terms and policies

Read through Facebook’s Terms of Service, Community Standards, and Page policies to check you have not violated any rules that could lead to Page creation blocks.

Appeal account restrictions

If your account was mistakenly disabled or limited, you can submit an appeal to Facebook to review the decision and hopefully restore access.

Contact Facebook support

Reach out to Facebook’s customer service channels to ask about your specific situation and get personalized help resolving any issues.

What are Facebook’s requirements for creating Pages?

When making new Pages, ensure you meet Facebook’s standards around:

Page naming

Page names must:

  • Accurately represent the business, entity, or organization
  • Not include generic terms like “best” or “official”
  • Follow Facebook’s username policies

Impersonation and inauthenticity

Pages must not:

  • Impersonate or falsely represent brands, businesses, public figures, groups or organizations
  • Mislead people about product affiliations or origins
  • Engage in coordinated inauthentic behavior to manipulate public opinion

Harassment and bullying

Pages must not bully, intimidate or harass any users.

Illegal and dangerous activity

Pages must not promote or engage in terrorism, hate groups, murder, organized crime, human trafficking, or other violently dangerous or criminal behavior.

Sexually obscene material

Pages must not contain or link to pornography, sexual content involving minors, or non-consensual intimate imagery.


Pages must not artificially inflate distribution or performance via ad farms, bots, or other deceptive means.

Infringing content

Pages must not share unauthorized copyrighted material or trademarks.

Restricted goods and services

Pages must not promote or facilitate transactions for illegal, prescription, or recreational drugs, firearms, ammunition, or regulated goods and services.

Cruel treatment of animals

Pages must not promote or engage in violence toward or exploitation of animals.


Pages must not knowingly spread false news or health misinformation that could contribute to imminent violence or physical harm.

What steps can you take if Facebook keeps rejecting your Page?

If Facebook repeatedly denies your attempts to create a new Page, try these troubleshooting tips:

Audit page content

Review all your planned posts, images, videos and info for your Page to ensure none violate Facebook’s rules.

Change the page name

Pick a Page name that accurately and straightforwardly explains the purpose of your page.

Provide valid contact info

List your organization’s authentic contact info like business address, email and phone number.

Adjust page category

Make sure you select the appropriate page category like local business, company, community, etc.

Appeal rejections

Politely respond to Facebook’s rejection messages asking for clarification on why your Page keeps getting denied.

Build up your account

Be an active personal profile user for a few weeks to demonstrate you are running your account legitimately per Facebook rules.

Partner with an admin

Have a friend or colleague with an established account create the Page then add you as an admin.


Creating a Facebook Page can be a great way to promote your business, brand, organization or idea online. However, Facebook does limit Page creation to guard against impersonation, misinformation, and spam accounts.

By ensuring your personal account and planned Page meet Facebook’s guidelines, and patiently working with support staff to address any rejections, you should eventually gain access to build your official Facebook presence.

With a well-optimized and properly managed Facebook Page, you can take advantage of the platform’s huge built-in audience to achieve your social media marketing goals.

Reason Resolution
Account too new Wait 30 days
Account disabled Go through reactivation process
Reached page limit Delete or transfer existing pages
Account flagged for suspicious activity Secure account through account recovery
Underage account Update age or create new account
Unverified account Submit required identity verifications
Country-specific requirements Review and meet local guidelines
Internet connection restricted Use VPN or change networks