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Why is Facebook Watch not available on Apple TV?

Why is Facebook Watch not available on Apple TV?

Facebook Watch, the video service from Facebook, is not currently available on Apple TV. There are a few reasons why this is the case:

Lack of Support from Facebook

The main reason Facebook Watch is not on Apple TV is that Facebook has not created an app for the platform. Facebook Watch is available as an app on iOS and Android mobile devices, and through the Facebook website on computers. But Facebook has not developed a standalone app for TV platforms like Apple TV, Roku, Fire TV and others.

Facebook likely sees mobile as the main way people want to view video on Facebook Watch. And web access allows people to view Facebook Watch on a bigger screen like a laptop or computer monitor. So Facebook may not feel having a TV app is a priority at this time.

Facebook has not explained exactly why they haven’t made a Facebook Watch app for TVs. But the lack of an app is the primary reason the service is not accessible on platforms like Apple TV.

tvOS Limitations

Another factor is that the tvOS platform has some limitations that may make it more complex for Facebook to create an app for Apple TV.

Though tvOS supports video playback and streaming, there are some restrictions compared to building iOS apps for iPhone and iPad. Some key limitations include:

  • Lack of extensive development frameworks that exist on iOS and Android
  • Restrictions on background processing and multi-tasking
  • Lack of access to some device hardware like camera and GPS
  • Strict limits on app sizes due to smaller on-device storage on Apple TV

These constraints mean it requires more engineering effort to build apps for tvOS. So Facebook may be prioritizing other platforms first where app development is easier.

Additionally, Apple requires apps on the Apple TV App Store to use the Apple TV remote and interface standards. This means Facebook would need to adapt the Facebook Watch UI to fit Apple’s human interface guidelines for the TV platform.

Business Factors

There are also business reasons why Facebook may not have prioritized building a Facebook Watch app for Apple TV and similar platforms.

A key factor is that the audience size on tvOS is quite a bit smaller than on iOS or Android. As of early 2023, there were an estimated 40 million active Apple TV devices compared to over 1 billion iOS devices.

So from a pure audience reach perspective, Facebook may have decided to focus development resources on the mobile apps where the vast majority of users are.

Related to audience size, the advertising and monetization capabilities are much more limited on Apple TV. Facebook relies heavily on advertising revenue across its services. But on Apple TV, there is limited ad inventory available compared to mobile. And tracking cross-app data for targeted ads is restricted by Apple due to privacy protections.

Thus, Facebook may have determined the revenue potential from Apple TV viewers is lower and not worth prioritizing over other initiatives that can drive more ad sales in the near-term.

Facebook’s Shifting Video Strategies

Facebook’s approach to video overall has gone through some shifts that may also be a factor in Facebook Watch’s limited device support.

When Facebook Watch launched in 2017, Facebook seemed very focused on trying to become a premium video destination that could compete with YouTube and Netflix. They spent over $1 billion dollars funding original content to populate Facebook Watch.

But over time, it seems Facebook’s priorities have moved away from trying to be a premium video portal. They shut down funding for original shows last year. And the focus seems to have shifted more to supporting video across both Facebook and Instagram in a decentralized way.

So Facebook’s changing video strategies and reduced emphasis on Facebook Watch as a destination may be contributing to slower platform expansion for the Facebook Watch app itself.

When Will Facebook Watch Come to Apple TV?

Given the various factors above, the big question is if and when Facebook Watch will actually become available on platforms like Apple TV.

Facebook has not announced any official plans to launch a Facebook Watch app on tvOS or other TV platforms. But here are some possibilities and potential timing:

2022-2023: Unlikely

Based on the lack of current development activity or announcements, it seems very unlikely Facebook Watch will come to Apple TV in the next year or two.

Facebook seems focused on other priorities right now. And the business case for TV apps may still be lacking. So 2022 or 2023 availability seems improbable barring a major shift.

2024: Possible

If Facebook does decide to pursue the Apple TV and TV streaming market segment, 2024 is the earliest we may realistically see a dedicated app launch.

It would take Facebook’s engineers at least 6-12 months to develop, test and launch a quality Apple TV app for Facebook Watch. So 2024 is the first year a launch could be feasible if they started development in 2023.

Beyond 2024: Likely

The further out we look, the higher the chances Facebook Watch will come to Apple TV and other TV platforms.

As the number of smart TVs and streaming boxes continues to grow, the audience reach becomes more compelling. And Facebook will want to increase distribution of Facebook Watch content and ad inventory.

So if not by 2024, it seems very likely in 2025 or later we’ll see dedicated Facebook Watch apps launch for consoles and streaming TV devices. It’s really more a question of when rather than if.

Viewing Facebook Watch on Apple TV Now

While there is no dedicated Facebook Watch app for Apple TV yet, there are a couple ways to view Facebook Watch content on an Apple TV currently:

AirPlay from iOS

If you have an iPhone or iPad with the Facebook app installed, you can use AirPlay mirroring to project Facebook onto your Apple TV. Open Facebook Watch on your iOS device, then swipe down from the top to open Control Center and tap on Screen Mirroring. Select your Apple TV as the target device and your mobile display will be streamed to the TV. There is often a little lag, but it works to get Facebook Watch on a TV.

Website Access

The Facebook website with Facebook Watch is available on Apple TV through web browsers like Silk or Firefox. Open the browser on your Apple TV and navigate to You can then access Facebook Watch videos and shows through the website UI. This is a little inconvenient to navigate with the Siri remote, but usable in a pinch.


In summary, Facebook Watch is currently not directly available on Apple TV primarily because Facebook has not made an app for the tvOS platform yet. This seems driven by a combination of technical factors, business priorities and shifting video strategies at Facebook.

But over time, it seems very likely Facebook will want to expand Facebook Watch to major TV streaming platforms. When exactly that will happen is unclear. But hopefully by 2024 or within a few years, Apple TV owners will get full access to Facebook Watch just like mobile users.

Until then, AirPlay from iOS or using the Facebook website on the Apple TV provide ways to access Facebook Watch, albeit not as seamlessly as a native tvOS app. But the service is at least viewable in limited capacity for those eager to watch Facebook Watch content on their television today.

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