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Why is Facebook telling me that my password is incorrect?

Why is Facebook telling me that my password is incorrect?

There are a few possible reasons why Facebook may be telling you that your password is incorrect when trying to log in:

You have forgotten your password

The most common reason for getting the “incorrect password” error is that you have simply forgotten your password. Here are some things to try:

  • Carefully retype your password – check for caps lock or accidentally enabling num lock
  • Try typing an old password you may have previously used for the account
  • If you have your password saved in your browser or a password manager, double check that the saved password is correct

If you’ve tried all your old passwords and variations but are still locked out, you’ll need to use Facebook’s password reset process to gain access again.

Your account may be hacked

If you are certain you are typing the correct password but it is still saying incorrect, another possibility is that someone else has gained access to your account and changed the password. Here are some signs your Facebook account may be hacked:

  • You don’t recognize the email associated with your Facebook account
  • You see posts, messages, or friend requests from your account that you didn’t make
  • Your friends tell you they have received strange messages from your account
  • Your profile information like photo, work history, education was altered without your knowledge

If you suspect your account has been compromised, go through Facebook’s hacked account process immediately to regain access and secure your account.

Your account was disabled by Facebook

In some cases, Facebook may disable your account due to suspicious activity or violating their terms of service. When trying to login, you’ll see a message that your account has been disabled rather than just an incorrect password.

Some reasons Facebook may disable an account include:

  • Sharing spam, fake news, financial scams
  • Creating multiple fake accounts
  • Harassment, bullying, or threatening other users
  • Posting hate speech, nudity, or graphic violence

If you believe your account was disabled by mistake, you can appeal the decision through Facebook’s help center and try to regain access.

You have been blocked by Facebook

In extreme cases where someone has severely or repeatedly violated Facebook’s terms, Facebook may decide to completely block them from the platform. This is more severe than just disabling an account.

Some reasons you may end up completely blocked include:

  • Committing identity theft or fraud through Facebook
  • Phishing or spreading malware
  • Making explicit threats of violence
  • Posting terrorist or extremist content

If you find that your account and IP address have been completely blocked by Facebook, you can try filing an appeal but will likely need to create a new account with a different email and device.

Your password was changed by someone else

In some cases, another person who has access to your account may have changed your password without your knowledge. For example:

  • A family member used your unlocked phone or computer to access Facebook
  • A friend played a prank and changed your password
  • An abusive partner logged into your account and altered the password to control access

If you suspect someone else changed your password, try resetting it through Facebook’s process. Be sure to logout of all devices so the changed password doesn’t lock you out.

You have two-factor authentication enabled

If you set up two-factor authentication (2FA) for your Facebook account, you’ll need to enter both your password and a special code generated from an authenticator app or text message.

Getting an “incorrect password” error when trying to login may mean:

  • You’re not entering the 2FA code after the password
  • The code has expired and you need to request a new one
  • You don’t have access to the required 2FA device

Check that you’re properly entering both password and 2FA code. If you no longer have the 2FA device, you can use Facebook’s process to disable 2FA.

There was a system glitch

In rare cases, a glitch in Facebook’s system may cause the “incorrect password” error to appear incorrectly:

  • Temporary outage preventing login
  • Bug during a system update rollout
  • Incorrect password message caching due to high traffic

These system issues are usually resolved within a few hours. Try again later or check Facebook’s system status page to see if there are any reported problems.

You have an unstable internet connection

An unstable internet connection can sometimes interrupt the login process and cause the “incorrect password” message to display even when you entered the right password.

Try troubleshooting your internet connection:

  • Check if other sites/apps have trouble loading – may indicate overall internet issue
  • Restart your router and modem
  • Try via mobile data if on WiFi
  • Move closer to your router or access point

Once you have a stable connection, you should be able to login successfully with your password.

You are entering the wrong email address

A simple reason you may see the “incorrect password” error is that you are entering the wrong email address associated with your Facebook account.

Check that you are using the full, correct email address – it’s easy to miss periods, hyphens, numbers, etc. You may have even created your account with an old email address you no longer use regularly.

If you can’t remember which email you used, try going through Facebook’s forgot password flow. Entering some basic info about yourself should surface the email tied to your account.

Your caps lock is on

An incorrect password error when trying to login to Facebook may simply mean your caps lock is enabled, causing you to inadvertently enter the wrong password.

Facebook passwords are case-sensitive, so having caps lock on could easily cause an incorrect password error. Simply toggle caps lock off before typing your password to login successfully.

You are blocked from logging in

If you enter the wrong Facebook password too many times, Facebook will temporarily block you from trying again as a security precaution against hacking attempts.

You may see a message stating you’ve been blocked from logging in, or to try again later. The block period usually lasts an hour or two.

Be patient and wait for the block period to pass before trying to login again. Entering the correct password will work once unblocked.

Your browser is caching an old password

Some browsers have a habit of “remembering” and autofilling passwords for websites like Facebook. This can backfire if your saved password is old or incorrect.

When you login, immediately check that your browser has not autofilled an incorrect old password. If so, delete the cached password and manually type your current password.

You can also go into your browser settings and clear out any saved passwords to start fresh.

How to resolve the incorrect Facebook password error

Based on the potential reasons above, here are some steps to resolve an incorrect password error on Facebook:

  1. Carefully re-enter your password – double check for typos
  2. Try your old/previously used Facebook passwords
  3. Check your caps lock and num lock keys
  4. Make sure your browser did not autofill a wrong saved password
  5. Verify the email address you are logging in with
  6. Check Facebook’s system status page for any current issues
  7. Reset your password via Facebook’s reset process
  8. Clear your browser’s cached passwords and try again

If none of those steps resolve the issue, your account may have been compromised or disabled, in which case you’ll need to go through Facebook’s account recovery process.

Preventing incorrect password issues

To avoid incorrect password errors in the future, here are some tips:

  • Enable two-factor authentication for stronger account security
  • Create a strong, unique password that you don’t use on other sites
  • Save your password securely in a password manager rather than your browser
  • Watch for signs your account may have been hacked like unfamiliar posts or messages
  • Don’t login from public, shared, or unfamiliar devices
  • Keep your login info and recovery options up to date

Keeping your Facebook account secure will prevent many password-related headaches.

Recovering from a hacked or disabled account

If your Facebook account has been hacked or disabled, here are the steps to recover it:

  1. Report the account compromise or disablement through Facebook’s help pages
  2. Submit identity documents to prove account ownership
  3. Review Facebook’s request and decision – approval may take 1-3 days
  4. Regain access to your account by resetting the password
  5. Remove any unauthorized changes, posts, friends, etc
  6. Enable extra security like two-factor to prevent further hacking

With persistence and patience, you should be able to recover a hacked or mistakenly disabled Facebook account in most cases.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I keep getting the Facebook password incorrect error?

If you continually get the incorrect password error, likely causes are trying the wrong email, forgetting your password, your account being hacked, or bugs during login. Carefully recheck the email and password you are entering or reset your password.

Does Facebook disable accounts for incorrect passwords?

No, Facebook will not disable an account just for entering incorrect passwords. However, intentionally entering many wrong passwords may trigger a temporary login block for security reasons.

Can someone hack my Facebook by guessing my password?

It is highly unlikely someone could guess your Facebook password, assuming it is reasonably long and complex. But it is possible to hack accounts through phishing, malware, social engineering, or password leaks.

Why does Facebook keep saying password is incorrect on iPhone?

On iPhone, the error is often due to autocorrect changing your typed password or trying to login through the Facebook app instead of safari. Disable autocorrect and try copying/pasting the password instead of typing.

How can I find my old Facebook password?

You can try resetting your Facebook password which may show an obscured version of your current password as a hint. Password manager apps may also have saved an older password. Otherwise, there is no direct way to find an old Facebook password.


An incorrect password error when trying to login to Facebook is frustrating but usually has a simple explanation like a forgotten password, hacked account, or glitch. Carefully following Facebook’s login troubleshooting steps or resetting your password should resolve the issue in most cases. Enabling extra security features can help prevent password problems going forward.

With over 2 billion active users, Facebook has become adept at handling password issues and getting people back into their accounts. Have patience and go through proper Facebook support channels if you encounter an incorrect password error.

Common Causes Solutions
Forgotten password Reset password via Facebook
Hacked account Report hack, submit ID, recover account
Disabled account Appeal disablement decision
Wrong email address Use correct email associated with account
Caps lock enabled Disable caps lock when entering password
Browser cached old password Clear saved passwords and re-enter current one