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Why is Facebook taking so long to post a video?

Why is Facebook taking so long to post a video?

Uploading and posting videos on Facebook can sometimes be a slow and frustrating process. There are a few key reasons why it may take longer than expected for a video to show up on your Facebook page or profile after you’ve uploaded it:

Video Processing Time

One of the main reasons is that Facebook needs time to process and encode the video file once it’s been uploaded. This involves converting the video into different formats and resolutions so it can play smoothly across different devices and connection speeds.

For most videos under 20 minutes long, it takes around 5-10 minutes for encoding to complete after uploading. However, longer or high-resolution videos can take significantly longer – sometimes up to an hour or more depending on the video size and length.

The encoding process analyzes the video file frame-by-frame which takes considerable computing power. Facebook’s servers need time to crunch through all that visual data before your video can start showing up in feeds.

Upload Speed

Your internet upload speed is another important factor that impacts how long it takes to get your video file to Facebook’s servers. Slower upload speeds mean a longer upload time for large video files before Facebook can even begin processing it.

Uploading an HD or 4K video over a slow connection could lead to an upload time of 30 minutes or more before the video is even available for encoding. Using a faster internet connection or compressing large videos can help speed up this initial upload.

Server Traffic

Facebook’s servers have a huge volume of videos being uploaded at any given time. During peak traffic periods where many users are uploading videos, there is more congestion and competition for encoding resources.

Your video may spend more time waiting in a queue during peak usage hours when Facebook’s encoding servers are busiest. Uploading at off-peak times may allow your video to start processing faster.

Video Queue Prioritization

Facebook’s servers prioritize certain videos for faster processing and upload times. Videos generating lots of early engagement signals or views immediately after uploading tend to get prioritized over other newly uploaded videos.

Videos receiving less initial traction may wait longer in encoding queues before processing starts. Your video may process slower if it doesn’t get immediate user signals compared to viral videos.

Tips for Faster Video Uploads

Here are some tips to help speed up the process when uploading videos to Facebook:

  • Compress video files before uploading to reduce size
  • Use optimal video encoding settings for Facebook such as MP4, H.264, and AAC audio
  • Upload high-quality videos at 1080p resolution maximum
  • Avoid massive 4K or 8K videos for faster processing
  • Upload from a fast, stable internet connection
  • Upload short clips instead of long videos when possible
  • Upload at off-peak times to avoid high server traffic
  • Stagger uploads if posting many videos at once
  • Ask viewers to react and comment on videos immediately to boost priority

Following these best practices can significantly cut down on the waiting time when posting new videos to Facebook.

Video Upload Time Benchmarks

Video Length Video Size Average Upload Time
1 minute 50MB 2-3 minutes
5 minutes 150MB 8-10 minutes
10 minutes 300MB 15-20 minutes
20 minutes 600MB 30-45 minutes
60 minutes 1.8GB 90-120 minutes

This table provides rough estimates for average upload times based on common video lengths and file sizes. Actual upload times can vary significantly based on connection speed, video resolution, and server conditions.

Troubleshooting Slow Facebook Video Uploads

If your Facebook videos are taking much longer than expected to show up, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Check video file size – Large 4K or 8K videos will be slow
  • Test internet upload speed at
  • Retry uploading during off-peak hours
  • Compress video to reduce size before uploading
  • Lower video resolution to 720p or 1080p
  • Avoid WiFi and use wired ethernet connection
  • Update Facebook app and phone software
  • Clear app cache and restart phone
  • Spread out uploads instead of posting many videos at once

If issues persist despite troubleshooting, it’s best to contact Facebook support for further help diagnosing and resolving prolonged video upload issues.

Facebook Video Encoding Process Explained

To understand why Facebook video uploads can be slow, it helps to look at what happens behind the scenes during the encoding process:

Step 1: Video Upload

The first step is uploading your raw video file from your device to Facebook’s servers over the internet. Upload time varies based on video size, internet connection speed, and server traffic levels.

Step 2: Encoding Trigger

Once the full video file is uploaded, Facebook’s systems trigger the video encoding process automatically.

Step 3: Queue Prioritization

The queued video may be prioritized for faster encoding if it receives early engagement or views. Videos with less initial traction queue longer.

Step 4: Encoding

Facebook’s encoding servers process the video file frame-by-frame to convert it into multiple formats and resolutions.

Step 5: Format Conversion

The video is encoded into versions like HD, SD, and formats like MP4, WebM, HLS for cross-device playback.

Step 6: Compression

Compression algorithms are applied to reduce the video file size through optimization techniques.

Step 7: Quality Checks

Facebook runs checks to ensure optimal video quality and clarity are maintained across formats.

Step 8: Propagation

The final encoded video files propagate through Facebook’s content delivery network and caches.

Step 9: Viewable to Users

Once propagation completes, the video is now fully encoded and available for viewing by users on Facebook.

This multi-step encoding journey is why Facebook videos can sometimes take much longer to publish compared to simple photos or text posts.

Facebook Video Encoding Wait Times by Format

Facebook encodes uploaded video into a range of formats. Here are typical processing wait times:

Video Format Average Encoding Time
MP4 5-10 minutes
MOV 10-15 minutes
AVI 15-20 minutes
WMV 20-30 minutes
MKV 30-60 minutes

In most cases, MP4 and MOV formats have the quickest encoding times. More complex or less optimized formats like AVI, WMV, and MKV require longer processing.

Reducing Facebook Video Upload Times

Here are some additional tips for speeding up how long it takes for your videos to publish on Facebook:

  • Record and export videos in MP4 format before uploading
  • Adjust video resolution to 720p or 1080p HD
  • Use optimal encoding settings like H.264 video and AAC audio
  • Edit videos to remove unnecessary footage
  • Use dedicated video optimization software to compress files
  • Upgrade internet plan to increase upload bandwidth
  • Schedule video uploads during predicted off-peak times
  • Stagger upload timing if posting multiple videos
  • Limit video length to short clips instead of long-form video

Following Facebook’s recommended video specs and settings can help expedite the encoding process so your videos show up faster.

Facebook Video Upload Error Troubleshooting

Sometimes video uploads to Facebook may fail entirely. Here are some common upload error troubleshooting tips:

  • Check video file type and size limits
  • Re-encode video to Facebook’s recommended settings
  • Try converting file to different format like MP4
  • Compress video to reduce size if too large
  • Clear Facebook app cache and data
  • Force close and restart the Facebook app
  • Update Facebook app to latest version
  • Update device OS software
  • Try uploading on stable high-speed WiFi
  • Toggle Airplane mode off and on to reset connection

Persistent upload failures may require contacting Facebook support for help if the errors cannot be resolved through troubleshooting steps.


Uploading videos to Facebook involves patience as the platform encodes and processes video files before publishing. This can take anywhere from a few minutes to over an hour depending on many factors. Using optimal encoding settings, uploading at off-peak times, compressing video files, and troubleshooting errors can help expedite Facebook video upload times. Being aware of the technical steps involved in the encoding journey helps set proper expectations when sharing video content on Facebook.