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Why is Facebook sending me a recovery code?

Why is Facebook sending me a recovery code?

If you recently received an email or text message from Facebook containing a 6-digit recovery code, it means Facebook has detected suspicious activity on your account and has taken steps to secure it. Receiving a recovery code can be alarming, but it’s Facebook’s way of protecting your account from potential hackers or unauthorized access.

What is a Facebook recovery code?

A Facebook recovery code is a 6-digit code that Facebook will send you via email or text message if suspicious login activity is detected on your account. It serves as an extra layer of security to verify your identity and prevent unauthorized access to your profile.

Facebook’s automated systems are constantly monitoring for unusual activity, such as logins from unknown devices or locations. If suspicious activity is detected, Facebook will require the account holder to enter the 6-digit recovery code before gaining access to the account. This helps confirm the person accessing the account is the legitimate account holder.

Why am I receiving a Facebook recovery code?

There are a few common reasons why Facebook may send you a recovery code:

Suspicious login activity

If Facebook notices your account being accessed from a device or location it doesn’t recognize, you may be sent a recovery code as a precautionary measure. This could happen if someone gains access to your login credentials and tries accessing your account from an unknown device.

Account settings change

Major changes to your account settings, such as updating your password, email address, or enabling two-factor authentication can also prompt a recovery code to be sent. This verifies that you authorized the changes.

Reported compromised account

If someone reports your account has been compromised, either through Facebook’s reporting tools or your own report, Facebook may send a recovery code to secure the account.

Suspected hacked or cloned account

If Facebook detects your account may have been hacked or cloned, a recovery code will be sent to lock down access and prevent the hacker from using your profile.

When will I need to enter the recovery code?

If you receive a 6-digit Facebook recovery code, you will be prompted to enter it the next time you attempt to login to Facebook from any device. This is to verify your identity as the legitimate account holder.

You may also be asked for the code when making major changes to your account, like updating your password or security settings. Facebook wants to ensure it’s really you making the changes.

Entering the correct Facebook recovery code allows you to regain access to your account and confirms you are the authorized account owner.

What should I do when I receive a Facebook recovery code?

Here are the recommended steps to take when you receive a Facebook recovery code:

1. Log in and enter the code

The next time you try logging into your Facebook account from any device, you will be prompted for the 6-digit recovery code. Enter it to verify your identity and access your account.

2. Change your password

Once you regain access to your account, go to Settings > Security and Login > Change Password. Update your password to something secure that you don’t use on any other sites.

3. Enable two-factor authentication

For extra security, go to Settings > Security and Login > Two-Factor Authentication and turn this feature on. This requires you to enter a code from your mobile device each time you login.

4. Check login activity

In Settings > Security and Login, view “Where You’re Logged In” to see all recent logins to your account. Log out of any unknown sessions.

5. Review account security notifications

Check recent security alerts under Settings > Security and Login > Security Alerts. Take any recommended actions, like confirming recognized logins.

6. Change password on other accounts

If your Facebook account was compromised, other accounts could be at risk as well if you reuse passwords. Change passwords on your other social media, email, banking and online shopping accounts.

How long is the Facebook recovery code valid?

A Facebook recovery code is normally valid for only a short time – about 10-15 minutes after it’s sent. This temporary validity prevents hackers from intercepting the code and using it maliciously later on.

In some cases, Facebook may extend the validity period of a recovery code up to 24 hours if an account is at high risk of being compromised. But for typical scenarios, expect the code to expire after about 15 minutes.

If you need a new Facebook recovery code because the previous one expired, you can request a new one from Settings > Security and Login > Get New Code.

Can I reuse a Facebook recovery code?

No, Facebook recovery codes are one-time use. Once you successfully enter the code to access your account, that specific 6-digit code becomes invalid.

If you need to enter a recovery code again in the future, Facebook will generate and send you a new code to use instead.

Reusing old expired codes will not work. You must always enter the latest valid code you have received from Facebook when prompted.

What if I lost my Facebook recovery code?

If you lost, deleted or otherwise cannot access your Facebook recovery code, you can request a new one by:

  • Clicking the “No Longer Have Your Code?” link on the recovery code entry page
  • Going to Settings > Security and Login > Get New Code
  • Filing a report through Facebook’s compromised account channel

Facebook will then send a new 6-digit recovery code to regain access to your account.

Can someone else use my Facebook recovery code?

No, only you as the account holder can use your Facebook recovery code to access your profile. Anyone else entering your code will be denied access.

That’s why it’s important to keep your Facebook recovery code private. Do not share it with anyone, not even friends or family. The code is intended for your eyes only.

Is receiving a recovery code a cause for concern?

In most cases, getting a Facebook recovery code is not an urgent cause for concern – rather it’s Facebook taking proactive steps to secure your account. But here are some things to consider:

Level of concern Situation
Low Code received after you changed account settings
Moderate Code received after login from new location
High Code received after reported hacking

If your account may have been compromised, make sure to promptly follow all recommended account security steps. Otherwise, a recovery code is typically nothing to worry about.

Is a Facebook recovery code safe?

Yes, a Facebook recovery code is a safe and secure way to protect your account. Here’s why:

  • Randomly generated – Hard for hackers to guess
  • Unique – Each code can only be used once
  • Expires quickly – Short validity period limits risk
  • Sent privately – Not visible publicly or to friends

As long as you don’t share your code and keep your account details secure, a Facebook recovery code provides effective protection.


Receiving a Facebook recovery code can be startling, but it’s actually a sign that Facebook is actively safeguarding your account. The temporary 6-digit code provides an extra layer of security when suspicious activity is detected.

Be sure to keep your recovery code private, change your password and enable two-factor authentication for optimal account security. With the proper precautions, a Facebook recovery code can help block unauthorized access and prevent account hijacking.