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Why is Facebook saying my email is invalid?

Why is Facebook saying my email is invalid?

There are a few common reasons why Facebook may give you an error saying your email is invalid when trying to log in or create an account:

You Have a Typo in Your Email

Double check that you are entering your email correctly with no typos. It’s easy to accidentally add an extra character or leave one out which would make your email appear invalid to Facebook.

Your Email Was Entered Incorrectly When Creating Your Account

If you created your Facebook account a long time ago, it’s possible you entered your email incorrectly by mistake when you first signed up. Go back and try different versions of your email (like using full email versus just username) to see if any work.

You Used a Temporary Email Address

If you used a temporary or disposable email when creating your Facebook account, Facebook will not recognize it as valid now. Facebook requires you to provide a real, permanent email address in order to use their services.

Your Email Domain is Not Supported

Facebook requires you to use an email address from a valid domain. If your email is from a domain that they don’t recognize as valid, you may get the invalid email error.

You Have Multiple Facebook Accounts

It’s against Facebook’s policies to maintain more than one personal account. If you have multiple accounts with the same email address, this could trigger the invalid email error when trying to log in to any of them.

Your Email Was Disabled

If you violated Facebook’s terms of service in the past, they may have disabled your account’s email address. Trying to log in or reset your password using that email will show the invalid error.

You’re Temporarily Locked Out

Too many failed log in attempts can temporarily lock your account for security purposes. During this lockout period, entering your correct email and password will still result in an invalid error.

Your Account Was Hacked

If your Facebook account was compromised, the hacker may have changed your email on file. Trying to log in with your old email will no longer work.

You Have an Account Association Issue

If your email is already associated with another Facebook account, you may see the invalid error when trying to create a new account. You’ll need to use a different email or reclaim access to your original account.

Your Email is Blocked by Facebook

In some cases, Facebook may completely block certain email domains or addresses due to suspicious activity. If your email has been blocked sitewide, the invalid error will appear instantly.

You’re Accessing Facebook from a Restricted Location

Certain countries and regions have restrictions on accessing Facebook. If you are traveling or using a VPN, your valid email may appear invalid due to geographic restrictions.

Your Email is Not Verified

To use certain Facebook features, you may need to verify your email. An unverified email could be the source of the invalid error in some situations.

You Have an Outstanding Account Issue

Issues like unpaid advertising fees, copyright strikes, or unresolved community standards violations can result in your account’s email being temporarily invalid until the matter is resolved.

How to Fix Facebook Saying Your Email is Invalid

Here are some steps to take in order to resolve the invalid email error from Facebook:

Carefully Re-enter Your Email

Double and triple check that you are entering your email exactly as it should be, including proper capitalization, punctuation, spelling, etc. Copy and paste from your email records if needed.

Try Different Email Variations

Attempt logging in with your full email address, just the username, or other permutations. Also try using alternate emails associated with the account.

Check if You’re Temporarily Locked Out

You may be blocked from logging in for a period of time after too many failed attempts. Wait and try again later.

Use Facebook’s Account Recovery Process

If you cannot remember your email on file, use Facebook’s account recovery options to regain access. This may update the invalid email.

Contact Facebook Support

Reach out to Facebook’s customer support team for additional troubleshooting help if you believe your account has been unfairly disabled.

Remove Any Email Blocks or Restrictions

If accessing Facebook from a blocked location, use a VPN. Or if your email domain is broadly blocked, switch to another email account.

Create a New Account with Correct Email

As a last resort, attempt signing up for a brand new Facebook account using a clean, valid email address untouched by previous issues.

Preventing Invalid Email Issues in the Future

Here are some tips to avoid running into an invalid email error on Facebook again:

  • Double check your email is entered correctly whenever creating new accounts.
  • Make sure to use a permanent email address that Facebook recognizes as valid.
  • Don’t attempt to create multiple accounts with the same email.
  • If your account was hacked, recover it immediately.
  • Be cautious when accessing Facebook from restricted locations.
  • Verify your email and keep your accounts in good standing.


An invalid email error when trying to access Facebook can be frustrating, but is usually fixable. Carefully recheck your email, use account recovery options, or contact Facebook support to resolve it quickly. Prevent future issues by entering the correct email and keeping your account secure and in line with Facebook’s policies.