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Why is Facebook now saying upload a picture of your ID?

Why is Facebook now saying upload a picture of your ID?

Facebook has recently started asking some users to upload a photo of their government-issued ID when logging into their accounts. This has left many people wondering why Facebook is requesting ID verification and what the implications are.

The ID Verification Requirement

Here are some quick answers around Facebook’s ID verification requirement:

  • The request to upload ID is part of Facebook’s efforts to ensure account security and reduce fake accounts.
  • Users may be prompted to upload ID if their account exhibits “suspicious activity” or if previously provided info can’t be confirmed.
  • Uploading ID helps prove users are who they claim to be and are using their real identities.
  • The requirement is not mandatory but a user’s access may be restricted if ID is not provided.

Facebook states that the ID upload feature is an extra step to help confirm user identities and prevent fraudulent activity. They say only a small percentage of users will see the prompt. The company claims the process is secure and encrypted to protect user data.

Why is Facebook Requesting ID Upload?

There are several reasons why Facebook may now be asking users to upload ID verification:

Reducing Fake Accounts

Facebook has dealt with massive amounts of fake accounts and bot networks on its platform. Fake accounts are often used to spread misinformation, scams and malicious content. By requiring ID upload from suspicious accounts, Facebook aims to cut down on the number of inauthentic profiles.

Increasing Trust and Security

Requiring users to verify their identities helps increase trust and security across the platform. It reduces anonymous abusive behavior and protects users from potential impersonation risks. Overall, it makes the community experience safer.

Complying with Regulations

As Facebook operates globally, they must comply with various regulations around account security and data protection. ID verification helps them adhere to certain legal obligations.

Targeting Specific Activities

Facebook may selectively target accounts engaged in certain activities such as financial fraud, hate speech, fake news spread, etc. ID upload allows swift action against bad actors.

Improving Ad Relevance

Real identities allow Facebook to better understand users and target ads/content. It improves the integrity of user data used for ad relevance.

What Types of ID Does Facebook Accept?

Facebook accepts government-issued IDs such as:

  • Driver’s license
  • Passport
  • National ID card
  • Alien registration card (green card)
  • Immigrant visa
  • ID card issued by federal, state or local government

The ID must be currently valid, clearly show the user’s name and photo, and match the name listed on their Facebook account.

The ID Verification Process

Here is an overview of what happens when a user is prompted to upload ID:

  1. User receives a notification from Facebook to upload photo ID
  2. User takes a clear photo or scan of their chosen ID document
  3. The photo is uploaded following the on-screen instructions
  4. Facebook’s automated systems verify the name/photo match the account details
  5. The ID photo is permanently deleted after review completes
  6. User regains full access to their account upon successful verification

Facebook states that the ID is analyzed by automated systems and not visually inspected by employees. Users may be asked to provide another form of ID if the initial document is insufficient.

Data Privacy Concerns

Requiring users to upload identification has raised some data privacy concerns, including:

  • Users hesitant to send personal ID over the internet
  • Risk of the ID data being hacked or misused
  • Photos could be accessed by rogue employees or abuse by law enforcement
  • ID contains more user data than Facebook needs for verification

However, Facebook claims they take measures to keep ID uploads safe. Some key points Facebook makes about privacy include:

  • ID photo is encrypted and only available for a short time
  • Once verified, the photo is permanently deleted
  • ID is not visually reviewed by employees
  • Uploads comply with local data protection laws

Users must weigh the risks and decide if they are comfortable uploading their personal ID to use the platform.

Potential Account Impacts of Not Uploading ID

Users can choose not to upload ID when prompted, but this may lead to the following account impacts:

  • Being locked out of the account until ID is provided
  • Restrictions on posting, commenting or sharing
  • Inability to make financial transactions or run ads
  • Reduced visibility or reach of posts
  • Disabled access to Pages or Groups administered
  • Prevention from live streaming video

Essentially, an account may be severely limited until the user uploads their ID. But the user will not be completely deactivated or banned only for declining to upload ID.

Alternatives to Uploading ID to Facebook

Users uncomfortable with uploading ID do have some alternatives, such as:

  • Provide additional info like email or phone number
  • Upload ID but cover sensitive data like license number
  • Contact Facebook support to remove upload request
  • Request review of restricted account
  • Submit ID via video selfie verification
  • Appeal decision if account is disabled

However, Facebook is unlikely to lift the ID requirement without some kind of verification provided. The company wants real identities on the platform.

Cases When Users Should Upload ID to Facebook

While controversial, there are some instances where users should upload ID, such as:

  • If account has been hacked or compromised
  • Believe account was restricted by mistake
  • Manage a business Page relying on Facebook access
  • Need full functionality to maintain important connections
  • Have a large audience and income dependent on the account

Uploading ID may be necessary to re-secure and regain full use of an important account on Facebook.

Pros of Requiring ID Verification

There are advantages to Facebook’s ID verification process including:

  • Enhanced account security
  • Reduced spread of misinformation and scams
  • Increased trust between real users
  • Better protection from impersonation risks
  • Improved relevance of ads and content
  • Adherence to platform terms of use

Overall, ID verification helps create a safer, more trusted community. It gives users confidence they are connecting with authentic profiles.

Cons of Requiring ID Verification

There are also downsides or risks to requiring ID upload such as:

  • User privacy and data protection concerns
  • Excluding users without government-issued ID
  • Hindering access in regions with limited ID penetration
  • Possibility of discrimination in application
  • No appeal process for rejected documents
  • Lack of transparency around why users are selected

Facebook will need to ensure careful, fair rollout of ID requirements to avoid excluding legitimate users.

Statistics on Facebook’s Usage of ID Verification

Here are some statistics around adoption of Facebook’s ID verification process:

Statistic Value
Users uploaded ID in 2017 ~30 million
Percent of accounts that may see prompt ~4%
Reduction in fake accounts from ID verification 36% decrease
Top locations where users see prompt US, Brazil, UK, Italy, France

While only a small fraction of users are prompted for ID so far, the practice is effective according to Facebook’s reported data.

Legal Basis for ID Verification Requirement

Facebook points to the following as the legal basis for their ID verification practices:

  • User terms – users agreed to provide accurate identity information
  • Data protection laws – verification permitted for security purposes
  • Anti-money laundering regulations
  • Preventing terrorist financing and extremism
  • Stopping spread of child exploitation

Regulators generally allow ID verification programs if managed carefully and not excessive. Still, the programs have drawn increased scrutiny from privacy advocates.

How to Delete Uploaded ID from Facebook Account

If a user uploads ID to Facebook but later wants it removed, here are the steps to try:

  1. Go to Facebook settings and find the “Manage Account” section
  2. Select “Manage Account Ownership and Control”
  3. Choose “View ID Confirmation History”
  4. Locate the uploaded ID and select “Delete”
  5. Confirm deletion of the ID image

The photo should be permanently removed from Facebook’s systems within 14 days according to their policies.


Facebook’s ID verification requirements aim to boost security and trust for its global user base. But the initiative surfaces fair concerns around privacy, discrimination, exclusion, and more. Facebook will need to strike the right balance and roll out expanded ID checks reasonably. If users value access to the platform, uploading ID may be necessary in some situations. But users should weigh risks vs. benefits and understand their options before providing sensitive identification over the internet.