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Why is Facebook not verifying my ID?

Why is Facebook not verifying my ID?

Facebook’s ID verification process can be frustrating at times, leaving users scratching their heads as to why their ID is not being accepted. Let’s break down some of the main reasons Facebook may be unable to verify your ID and steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue.

Common Reasons Facebook Can’t Verify Your ID

  • Photo quality is poor – Blurry, dark, or distorted photos are difficult for Facebook’s automated systems to analyze. Make sure you are taking a crisp, well-lit photo of your entire ID card.
  • Name mismatch – The name on your Facebook account must match the name on your ID card. Nicknames or abbreviations may cause issues.
  • ID is expired – Facebook requires IDs to be valid and unexpired.
  • Wrong ID type submitted – Make sure you are submitting a government-issued ID such as a driver’s license, passport, or national ID card.
  • Too many failed attempts – Submitting multiple failed attempts to verify your ID in a short timeframe may trigger Facebook to temporarily lock the verification process.
  • ID restricted by Facebook – In rare cases, Facebook may restrict certain types of IDs if they are commonly used for fraudulent purposes.
  • Technical issues – Bugs or glitches with Facebook’s systems may also rarely be the cause of verification failures.

Troubleshooting Steps

If you are confident your ID meets Facebook’s requirements, here are some troubleshooting steps to try:

  1. Double check the name listed on your Facebook account matches your ID exactly.
  2. Take a new, clear photo of your ID in good lighting. Avoid shadows, glares, or blur.
  3. Crop the photo tightly around the edges of your ID card to avoid any background clutter.
  4. Try adjusting the angle or distance of the photo to get it as sharp and legible as possible.
  5. Make sure your ID information is clearly visible. Avoid fingers obstructing the name, photo, or numbers.
  6. If eligible, upload a different type of valid ID for verification such as a passport or driver’s license.
  7. Verify that your ID is valid and currently unexpired.
  8. Allow some time to pass before trying again if you have submitted multiple failed attempts recently.
  9. Contact Facebook support if issues persist for help troubleshooting your specific case.

Why Facebook Requires ID Verification

Facebook prompts users to submit IDs in order to:

  • Confirm users’ identities and prevent fake accounts
  • Comply with laws and regulations for online identity verification
  • Allow access to certain account features like ad targeting
  • Reduce abusive, dangerous, or criminal behavior
  • Improve security and protect users’ privacy

Verifying identities is crucial for Facebook to maintain trust and safety across its platforms. While the process can be inconvenient in some cases, the benefits are improved protection and compliance for both individuals and Facebook as a company.

Reducing Fake Accounts and Misinformation

Fake accounts on Facebook are often used for spreading misinformation, harassment, scams, political influence campaigns, and other abusive behaviors.

By requiring ID confirmation, Facebook reduces the risk of:

  • Bots – Automated fake accounts used to spread spam or propaganda
  • Catfishing – Fake accounts pretending to be someone else to scam users
  • Misinformation campaigns – Coordinated efforts by networks of fake accounts to spread false news
  • Ban evasion – Users creating fake accounts to get around bans or blocks

While not foolproof, ID verification erects another barrier to make these types of activities more difficult on Facebook’s platforms.

Complying with Laws and Regulations

As an international platform, Facebook must comply with varying laws and regulations on collecting and verifying user identities.

For example, in Germany, Facebook must comply with NetzDG, which requires verified identities to facilitate the monitoring and removal of illegal content.

ID verification helps Facebook conform to rules like:

  • Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations for financial services
  • Anti-money laundering (AML) regulations
  • Preventing underage use of platforms per local laws
  • Tax regulations requiring valid identification

Maintaining legal compliance across global jurisdictions is a primary reason Facebook prioritizes identity verification for accounts.

Unlocking Account Features

Certain Facebook account features remain locked until a user’s identity can be confirmed.

For example, purchasing ads or setting up a Shop requires ID verification. This prevents abuse of these features by bad actors.

Other Facebook features restricted without ID verification include:

  • Facebook Pay and money transfers
  • Facebook Dating
  • Fundraisers and collecting donations
  • Live video broadcasting
  • Oculus VR device setup

By limiting these features, Facebook maintains higher integrity and security standards for services that impact financial transactions, advertising, and social connections.

Reducing Harmful and Abusive Behavior

Facebook also leverages ID verification to reduce harmful behavior like cyberbullying, threats, hate speech, and predatory messaging.

Accounts linked to real identities are far less likely to engage in abusive behavior that violates Facebook’s terms. This protects both users and Facebook itself from dangerous or illegal activities.

Scammers, harassers, and malicious actors are much more likely to engage through fake accounts. Proper ID verification allows Facebook to prevent and respond to reports of abuse more effectively.

Associating accounts with verified IDs is crucial for monitoring and curbing harmful behavior at scale across Facebook’s platforms.

Improving Security and Privacy

Finally, ID verification helps Facebook secure accounts against unauthorized logins and access.

By confirming users’ real identities, Facebook can:

  • Detect suspicious login attempts from unrecognized devices
  • Notify users of unauthorized access to their accounts
  • Disable fake accounts attempting to gain access to user data

This strengthens account security and safeguards user privacy. Users have greater peace of mind that their accounts and data are not being accessed without their knowledge.

Facebook’s multi-factor authentication builds on ID verification by requiring additional credentials like one-time passcodes to login. Together, these security layers help protect accounts well beyond a simple password.

How Facebook Verifies IDs

So how does Facebook confirm users’ identities through ID verification? Let’s look at the technical process.

Automated Analysis

When you upload an ID photo, Facebook’s systems automatically analyze:

  • ID format – Checking for expected design patterns
  • Text data – Matching printed text to expected data fields
  • Security features – Looking for holograms, patterns, watermarks
  • Image consistency – Evaluating uniformity of colors, fonts, etc.

Advanced machine learning models match the submitted ID against thousands of sample IDs to detect falsifications or inconsistencies.

Manual Review

If the automated systems fail to confirm an ID, the request gets escalated to a human reviewer.

Reviewers manually inspect:

  • Text legibility – Making sure all printed ID text is clear and sharp
  • Photo matching – Comparing ID photo to the account’s profile photo
  • Data cross-checking – Verifying consistency of names, birthdays, expiration dates
  • Identification standards – Checking security features meet official government standards

With human insight, reviewers can often resolve tricky cases the automated systems get stuck on. However, poor quality or highly suspicious IDs may still fail manual review.

External Validation

For some countries, Facebook can validate government ID numbers against official databases as an additional verification layer.

However, strong privacy laws in many regions prevent this type of external ID validation. Facebook relies on internal systems to analyze identification documents in most cases.


Certain types of IDs are immediately rejected if they appear consistently tied to fraud. For example, fake ids from particular websites may be automatically blacklisted.

These dynamic blocklists prevent known fraudulent IDs from passing verification. They provide another layer of protection against sophisticated counterfeits and spoofing attempts.

Appealing Failed ID Verification

If your ID gets rejected multiple times, you can appeal to Facebook through a few different channels.

Request Review in App

In the Facebook app, go back through the ID verification flow. On the rejection screen, you should see an option to “Request Review”.

This allows you to contest the rejection and ask human reviewers to take another look at your case. Be sure to only upload valid IDs that meet Facebook’s criteria when requesting review.

Contact Facebook Support

If in-app options fail, you can reach out to Facebook’s support team.

  • Go to Facebook’s Help Center
  • Search for “my id isn’t being accepted”
  • Select “Contact Us” to message Facebook’s support team

In your message, explain your attempted ID verification and why you believe your ID meets the requirements and should be approved. Customer support can investigate failed verifications on the back end.

File an Appeal

If you strongly disagree with Facebook’s decision, you can file a formal appeal:

  1. Fill out the ID verification appeal form:
  2. Provide your name, birthday, and any other requested details
  3. Uploadimages of one or more valid IDs to support your appeal
  4. Explain clearly why you are formally contesting Facebook’s rejection

Formal appeals require providing unambiguous proof of your identity through high quality identification images. Successful appellants clearly satisfy Facebook’s ID criteria.

Waiting Periods for Re-Verification

If your ID gets rejected, Facebook imposes waiting periods before you can retry verification to prevent abuse.

72 Hour Waiting Period

After a failed attempt, you cannot immediately retry. There is a mandatory waiting period of 72 hours before verification can be re-attempted.

This cooldown time allows manual reviewers to re-examine recent rejections in case mistakes occurred. It also prevents users from overwhelming the system.

30 Day Waiting Period

After multiple consecutive failures, Facebook restricts further attempts for 30 days. Excessive rejections likely indicate repeated submission of invalid or fraudulent IDs.

The 30 day waiting period aims to:

  • Limit fraudulent verification attempts
  • Encourage submission of proper IDs
  • Give users time to acquire valid identification

This time-out ensures the verification system is not flooded with constantly changing false IDs. Restricting further attempts encourages proper valid IDs.

Adding Notes to Explain ID Issues

If there are abnormalities in your ID that may cause verification issues, you can add explanatory notes.

When uploading your ID photo, look for an optional text field labeled something like “Notes for Reviewers”.

Here you can explain things like:

  • Name changes
  • ID renewals with photo mismatches
  • Damaged or altered IDs
  • Presence of jewelry obstructing ID text or photo
  • Lack of expected security features

Any context to clarify potential inconsistencies with your ID helps reviewers understand unique cases. Do not attempt to lie or make false claims though, as submitters can be banned for fraud.


While frustrating at times, Facebook’s ID verification process aims to improve security and trust for all users. Stick to submitting valid IDs and provide additional context if needed. With persistence, you should eventually get verification approval and regain full access to your account’s features. Maintaining open communication channels with Facebook support can help investigate any lingering issues.