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Why is Facebook not showing notifications on my birthday to others?

Why is Facebook not showing notifications on my birthday to others?

There are a few common reasons why Facebook may not be showing birthday notifications to your friends on your special day:

You have notifications turned off

The most likely reason is that you have your notification settings adjusted so that your birthday is not being broadcasted. Here’s how to check your settings:

  1. Click on the arrow in the top right corner and go to “Settings”
  2. On the left sidebar, click on “Notifications”
  3. Under the “Notifications you’ve turned off” section, see if “Birthdays” is toggled off. If so, turn it on by clicking the toggle.

Once you’ve enabled birthday notifications, your friends should start seeing that it’s your birthday again when that day comes around.

Your friends have their notifications adjusted

Even if you have your birthday notifications enabled, your friends may have adjusted their own notification settings so they don’t see birthday notices. They would have had to specifically opt out of seeing birthday notifications from their friends. Here are the steps they would have taken:

  1. Go to “Settings”
  2. Click “Notifications” in the left sidebar
  3. Under the “Notifications you’ve turned off” section, toggle “Friends’ birthdays” to off

If you think this is likely the case, you can let your friends know to check their notification settings. Of course, they may have intentionally turned birthday notices off for their own reasons.

Facebook considers you inactive

If neither of the above cases apply, the issue could be that Facebook considers your account to be inactive. Facebook has thresholds around usage that determine whether an account is active or inactive. If you have not been logging in, posting, or interacting with Facebook much lately, your birthday may not show up to keep inactive accounts from cluttering up your friends’ feeds.

To resolve this, start being more active on Facebook in the weeks leading up to your birthday. Post statues updates, share photos, Like and comment on friends’ posts, etc. This will demonstrate to Facebook that your account is being actively used. Once your activity level increases, your birthday should resume appearing.

There is a technical glitch

In rare cases, there may simply be some type of technical issue or glitch that is preventing your birthday notifications from going out properly. Some troubleshooting steps to try:

  • Log out of Facebook entirely, clear your browser cache/cookies, and log back in
  • Try accessing Facebook from a different web browser or device to see if notifications work
  • Make sure you don’t have any ad blockers or Facebook-specific plugins that could be interfering
  • Consider reporting the issue directly to Facebook through their Help Center

If none of those steps resolve the problem, you’ll likely have to wait for Facebook to fix the glitch on their end.

You’ve reached Facebook’s friend limit

Facebook actually limits how many friends you can have – the current limit is 5000 friends. If you’ve managed to hit that limit, Facebook may stop showing all notifications like birthdays beyond a certain number of connections. Try pruning your friends list down by removing contacts you don’t interact with anymore. Once you drop below 5000, your birthday notifications may start working properly again.

Your account was temporarily blocked

If your account was temporarily blocked by Facebook around the time of your birthday, either due to suspicious activity or for violating a policy, your friends would not have seen a birthday notification during the block period.

Double check that your account is currently in good standing and not blocked. If the block has been lifted, your next birthday should display normally again.


In summary, the most common factors that can prevent birthday notifications from reaching your friends on Facebook include:

  • Having your own birthday notifications turned off
  • Your friends disabling their birthday notifications
  • Your account being considered inactive
  • A bug or technical issue
  • Hitting Facebook’s friend limit
  • Your account being temporarily blocked

Try going through the troubleshooting steps outlined for each scenario above to get your birthday notices showing again. If all else fails, you may need to proactively let your friends know about your birthday by posting about it, sending messages, or creating an event.

Potential Solutions Table

Problem Potential Solutions
Your notifications turned off
  • Go to Settings > Notifications
  • Make sure “Birthdays” is toggled on
Friends’ notifications adjusted
  • Let friends know to check their Settings
  • Have them toggle “Friends’ Birthdays” back on
Account considered inactive
  • Increase activity on Facebook until birthday
  • Like, comment, post, interact more
Technical glitch
  • Try logging out and back in
  • Use a different browser or device
  • Disable plugins/extensions temporarily
Reached friend limit
  • Remove contacts to get under 5,000 friends
Account temporarily blocked
  • Ensure block has been lifted
  • Birthdays should work again after block ends

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did my Facebook birthday notifications suddenly stop working?

There are a few reasons this can happen, including: you turned off birthday notifications under Settings, your account is considered inactive by Facebook, you reached the 5000 friend limit, or your account was temporarily blocked around your birthday. Check each scenario and troubleshoot accordingly.

Do Facebook friends have to opt-in to see others’ birthdays?

By default, friends will see your birthday, but they can opt out by going to Settings > Notifications > Friends’ birthdays. If many friends have disabled birthday notifications, it can seem like Facebook is not showing your birthday to anyone.

What happens if I reach Facebook’s 5000 friend limit?

Facebook limits how many friends you can have to controlNotification performance. If you hit the limit, things like birthday notices may stop working properly. Reduce your friend count below 5000 to restore normal notifications.

How do I increase my Facebook activity if my account seems inactive?

Post status updates, share photos, Like and comment on friends’ posts regularly in the weeks leading up to your birthday. Interacting frequently will demonstrate to Facebook that your account is active again.

Key Takeaways

  • Double check your notification settings and verify “Birthdays” are enabled
  • Ask friends to check their notifications settings for “Friends’ birthdays”
  • Become more active on Facebook if your account has been inactive
  • Watch your friend count – reduce if needed to stay under 5000
  • Check for any account blocks and wait for them to be lifted

With a mix of notification adjustments, activity changes, and troubleshooting, you can get your Facebook birthday notices working properly again in most cases.

Facebook’s algorithms determine what shows up in your friends’ feeds, so sometimes technical inconsistencies can occur. By following the tips outlined here though, you can maximize the chances your special day gets announced.

At the end of the day, nothing beats directly reaching out to loved ones and close connections to celebrate your birthday when that time comes. The notifications are nice, but the personal interactions are what matters most.

Hopefully these steps help you troubleshoot and resolve any issues around your birthday notifications not appearing on Facebook. Reclaim your special day and get your profile singing loud and proud when your next birthday rolls around!

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