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Why is Facebook not letting me message someone?

Why is Facebook not letting me message someone?

There are a few potential reasons why Facebook may not be allowing you to message someone:

You are blocked

The most likely reason is that the person has blocked you. When someone blocks you on Facebook, it prevents you from being able to send them messages or view their profile. So if you try to message them, you’ll get an error saying something like “Couldn’t send message to [name].”

People can block individuals for any reason they want – maybe you said something that upset them, or they just don’t want to hear from you anymore. Regardless of the reason, there’s nothing you can do if you’ve been blocked except to try reaching out on another platform or waiting to see if they unblock you in the future.

They have messaging turned off

Another possibility is that the person has disabled messaging in their Facebook settings. Users can restrict who can send them messages in a few ways:

  • Turning off messaging completely so no one can send them a message
  • Limiting messages to just friends
  • Limiting messages to friends of friends

So if you try to message an acquaintance or someone you’re not Facebook friends with, the message will not go through if they have messaging limits enabled. You can try sending a friend request to see if that will enable messaging.

Your account is restricted

In some cases, limitations on your own account could prevent you from messaging others. Here are some examples of restrictions that could cause issues:

  • You’ve been banned from sending messages for a period of time due to spam or abuse reports.
  • Your account is new and hasn’t been verified, so messaging abilities are limited until the account builds a track record.
  • You’ve sent too many messages in a short period of time and have temporarily been marked as suspicious activity.

If you think restrictions on your account are preventing you from messaging, you may need to wait out a temporary ban or go through an account verification process to regain full messaging abilities.

They are not your Facebook friend

Messaging on Facebook works best when you are friends with the person. If you try to message someone who is not your Facebook friend, the message may go to their “Message Requests” folder rather than their main inbox.

Some people rarely check this other folder or may have messaging settings enabled where they have to approve message requests before you can send normal messages. So that could explain why your messages are not getting through.

Adding the person as a friend should make sure your messages go to their primary inbox and are seen. If you don’t know the person that well, they may ignore or decline your friend request, however.

How to troubleshoot Facebook messaging issues

If you’re running into general issues sending or receiving Facebook messages, here are some troubleshooting steps to try:

  • Make sure you have an internet connection and the latest version of the Facebook app or try via desktop if on mobile.
  • Force quit and restart the Facebook app or refresh your browser.
  • Clear your Facebook app cache or browser cookies/history.
  • Try messaging from another device or web browser if the issue persists.
  • Update your Facebook app or browser if they are outdated – old versions can be buggy.

Following basic troubleshooting steps will resolve most temporary glitches. If the problem continues, reach out to Facebook support for additional help.

When messaging is completely disabled

In extreme cases, Facebook may entirely disable messaging on accounts that have severely violated their policies around harassment, bullying, or spam.

If your account has been restricted from messaging anyone altogether, you would have been notified about the restriction via email, on-platform notification, or in your account Help Center.

Getting messaging restored requires going through Facebook’s account appeal process. This involves:

  • Reading their content policy to ensure you understand the rules around messaging.
  • Agreeing not to misuse messaging features again in the future.
  • Waiting out any specified restriction period before submitting an appeal.

If your appeal is accepted, your messaging abilities will be restored. But repeated violations could lead to permanent disabling of your account.

When you should seek additional support

While most messaging issues can be resolved through basic troubleshooting or waiting out a temporary block, you may need help from Facebook directly if:

  • You are permanently blocked by someone and want to appeal it.
  • Account limitations have been enabled incorrectly or seem unreasonable.
  • You have waited over 48 hours for a block, ban, or restriction to expire but it has not been lifted.
  • Bugs or glitches are preventing messaging and have persisted for over 24 hours.

For issues that require human intervention, you can:

Providing as much detail as possible about the messaging problem will help Facebook’s team troubleshoot and hopefully restore your messaging abilities if it has been inappropriately disabled.


Trouble sending or receiving messages on Facebook usually comes down to blocks, restrictions, settings, or technical issues. Following troubleshooting suggestions, waiting out temporary limits, or appealing incorrect disables should resolve most problems. Severe violations of Facebook’s policies may lead to permanent loss of messaging, however, so be sure to use their communication features appropriately going forward.